
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 17, Selling Talisman

Meanwhile, Li Jain was looking for a place to sell his talisman. After walking to the narrow part of the street, he saw a small shop that had Talisman P written on the sign board. How could this be the only Talisman shop in this big town? Could it be that the people weren't interested in talismans?

Curious, Li Jain walked in the shop and saw an old man sitting there. When the old man saw Li Jain, he didn't move an inch nor did he welcome Li Jain in.

"Hello sir, I have some talismans for seals. Would you mind taking a look?"

"Oh?" The old man raises his eyebrows and waves Li Jain to come in. "This is the first time someone brough talisman to sell instead of buying."

Li Jain places the talismans on the table in front of the old man. After looking through them, the old man gave a low laugh. "Although these talismans are well made, they are more useless then the ones this old man has here."

Li Jain was puzzled. What kind of a direct old man is this? Even if he thought so, there wasn't a need for him to say it out loud. "Sir, you're mistaken. These talismans weren't made for cultivators. They are made for mortals and those with low cultivation. Take this heat colding talisman for example. If you activate it in the house, it will cool the place for twenty-four hours. This is only the low-grade typy, the mid-grade can cover about three houses that are close to each other and the entire yard."

"Okay kid, you finally got my attention. A talisman needs to be inset with a spiritual energy to activate it. So how could mortals use it when they don't have spiritual energy?"

"Sir, all beings have spiritual energy, from animals to humans. It's just that the immortal way for mortals has been cut off. If there's a pill that can restore spirit roots, mortals would transform into cultivators in no time."

"The more I talk to you, the more interesting you become."

"You're flattering me, sir. As for ways to activate the talisman, there's no need to insert ``spiritual energy, right here is the brain of the talisman, if you carefully open it alongside this line, it will be activated."

The old man clapped his hand once and stood up. "That's a good idea. Why hasn't anyone thought of this? Boy, how much are you selling them?"

"Since you're selling these to mortals, it'll be in silver coins. Just give me two thousand silver coins for them."

"Are you sure? I could give you more than that."

"It's okay, I'll bring some in three days' time. If it sells well, we can cooperate. I'll bring goods that are not useless as well."

The old man was amused by him and laughed: "Boy, what's your name? This man is called old Ling.

"Sir, this son is called Li Jain."

"See you again Li Jain?"

"Bye… Old Ling."

The old man stood at the door and watched Li Jain's departing figure disappear in the crowd.

Although Li Jain didn't make much from the talisman, he wasn't discouraged.

Jing Sheng who watched the whole process was moved. When Li Jain used the talismen to activate the obstacle course at home, he thought it was bought from outside, now he realized that they were made by his daddy.


Li Jain and Jing Sheng wandered around for an hour and finally stopped at the weapon crafting shop.

The shop assistant came and welcomed them. "This brother, how may I help you?"

"Do you have energy orb for all the attributes?"

When the shop assistant heard this, his eyes lit up. Finally, a big customer has arrived. "We only have low-grade and mid-grade of lower quality."

"How much are they?"

"The low-grade cost two gold coins and the mid-grade cost five gold coins."

"Give me two mid-grade of each attribute."

It really is a big customer. "Wait a moment sir." The assistant quickly went to grab the materials. This time, the boss will increase his salary.

Moment later, the shop assistant brought back the things. "There are several attributes of orbs. The total cost is thirty five gold coins."

There are Earth, Fire, Wood, Ice, Wind, Light and Thunder orbs.

When the money name was called, Jing Sheng lifted his head and looked at his father who paid the money in surprise.

Li Jain collected the things and noticed that Jing Sheng had been staring at the sword on the counter for several minutes now. "Do you want it?" Li Jain asked in a soft voice when he saw that he wasn't moving.

Jing Sheng looked up, and his eyes met him for only a moment before they darted away. When he nodded, Li Jain lifted up the blade and examined it. It was an unusual length, longer than a standard blade usually would be, almost like it's been forged in a unique way to compensate for its shorter width. In contrast, it was very well crafted, not too much of a scratch on the metal. "This sword is of lower quality." He put the sword down on the marble countertop next to its companion, and said to Jing Sheng, "There are better swords I can get you."

Hearing this, the shop owner came over and pulled the two swords back from where he had placed them next to each other. "These swords are superior," he insisted as he examined them. "It is my honor to provide these swords for sale to the best swordsman. Although this sword is of lower quality, it is just right for this kid and the price is low and it will spend a year before its brightness fades."

Luo Jin raised an eyebrow at the salesmen's words, and snorted, "Nonsense, this sword can only last a month before the light fades."

The salesperson shot him a glare, but then turned his attention back to Jing Sheng. Their sword quality is indeed low but is there any better quality sword in this small town?

Li Jain ignored the shop owner's glare directed towards him. "I'll give you a better one." Li Jain summons a sword with ice attributes from his space and hands it over to Jing Sheng.