
Cultivation Chat Group: The Heavenly Court Returns

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Cultivation Chat Group. When he first opened his eyes after reincarnating, he was greeted by two beautiful faces. One of them being the Heavenly Emperor who became his Mother and the other one was Heavenly Way White, his father. Born as the child with the most terrifying background ever that should have never existed. You ask why his background is so terrifying? His Mother, a creation of the third Heavenly Way and modified by the eight to execute his elaborate master plan to restore himself. The organisation she rules, the Ancient Heavenly Court, is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of cultivation and his father, he's the worst of all. Suppressing the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in an attempt to become Heavenly Way, only to sell it to someone else and repeating it once again after. As the only Heavenly Way to have half-transcended the Way he is also the strongest of them all. Our protagonist, however, is not interested in any of this and just wants to get to Canon as quickly as possible to have some fun. Along the way, he inadvertently becomes the most powerful individual capable of single-handedly ending the current era. Read as the most powerful cultivator that All Heavens and Myriad Realms have ever seen, messes up the original timeline. --- Note: This is my first time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave This story will not have any harem, so don't ask for it! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 88: Revolt against the Heavens: Situation of the various allied forces (2)

As the Coalition of Cultivators began their march towards the Nine Serenities, the Heavenly Court and the new army of the Old Heavenly Emperor converged in a decisive meeting. The air crackled with anticipation as these formidable forces united, their determination palpable in every step they took.

In the heart of the Heavenly Court, the absence of the Heavenly Emperor cast a shadow of uncertainty. However, under the capable leadership of Ah Chang, the Heavenly Minister, the court remained resolute in their mission. Ah Chang bore the weight of responsibility on his shoulders as he guided the court through this critical juncture.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Heavenly Court, spies of the Western Holy Paladins had been diligently observing the movements of the Coalition of Cultivators. Hidden within their ranks, these infiltrators stealthily transmitted vital information back to their headquarters, where the armies of the Western Holy Paladins lay in wait, poised to strike at any given moment.

Within the Headquarter of the Western Holy Paladins, tension ran high. Their leaders meticulously analyzed the incoming intelligence, strategizing their next move. The prospect of ambushing the cultivators presented a golden opportunity to strike a decisive blow against their enemies. With their armies fully prepared and ready for battle, they awaited the signal to unleash their might.

Back in the Heavenly Court, the meeting between the Old Heavenly Emperor's army and the loyal forces of the court sparked a fusion of energies. The clash of formidable cultivators, each honed in their own unique techniques and skills, created an atmosphere charged with anticipation. The unity between the court and the Old Heavenly Emperor's army symbolized a convergence of power, a testament to their shared objective of defending the realms against the encroaching darkness.

Ah Chang stood tall before the gathered forces, his eyes filled with determination as he addressed the cultivators who stood ready to defend the realms. The weight of their responsibilities hung heavy in the air, but Ah Chang's unwavering resolve served as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

"My fellow cultivators," Ah Chang began, his voice commanding attention. "Today, we stand on the precipice of a great battle, a battle that will test our strength, our courage, and our unwavering commitment to protecting All Heavens and Myriad Realms."

A hushed silence fell over the assembly, each cultivator hanging on Ah Chang's every word. He continued, his tone filled with a mix of solemnity and determination.

"We are well aware of the challenges that lie ahead," Ah Chang continued, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. "While our Allies attack the Nine Serenities, we will guard our homes."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, the cultivators nodding in agreement. Ah Chang's words struck a chord within them, igniting a fire within their hearts.

"The Western Holy Paladins may attack at any moment," Ah Chang declared, his voice growing stronger with each word. "Let us show them the unwavering strength of our unity, the indomitable spirit of the Heavenly Court and the Old Heavenly Emperor's combined forces!"

A wave of determination washed over the cultivators, their spirits lifted by Ah Chang's powerful words. They could feel their doubts and fears being replaced with resolute resolve.

The cultivators, both seasoned veterans and fresh-faced disciples, listened intently to Ah Chang's rallying cry. The weight of their responsibilities bore heavily upon them, yet their determination burned brighter than ever. They understood the magnitude of the task at hand, knowing that their actions would shape the fate of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Amidst this gathering storm, the Heavenly Court and the Old Heavenly Emperor's army merged into a formidable force, their united strength radiating with an indomitable spirit. Bound by a shared purpose, they embarked on a journey that would test their skills, resilience, and bonds of brotherhood.

Just as they expected, their every move was being scrutinized by the spies of the Western Holy Paladins. Behind the scenes, the enemy plotted, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

The stage was set for a battle that would determine the destiny of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. The echoes of ancient prophecies whispered in the wind, as the cultivators and paladins of light braced themselves for the trials ahead.

In the heart of the conflict, Ah Chang stood resolute, embodying the strength and determination of the Heavenly Court. The weight of leadership rested upon his shoulders, as he guided his comrades forward, ready to face the unknown and confront the looming threat of the Western Holy Paladins.

The Western Holy Paladins split into thirteen armies, each led by a capable leader, their intentions aligned with the overarching objectives of their respective organizations. Divided among the forces of The Church, The League of Dictators, and The American Crusaders, the Paladins sought to bring ruin to the land of the cultivators, each faction driven by its unique purpose and ideology.

Within The Church, the Main Force was led by none other than God himself. Radiating an aura of divine power, he commanded the loyalty and obedience of his subordinates. Accompanying God were his three archangels, each entrusted with the leadership of a separate force. United in their mission, The Church sought to eradicate the cultivators and claim their lands, driven by a zealous fervor to establish their dominance and enforce their twisted vision.

In the ranks of The League of Dictators, three infamous leaders stood at the helm of their respective forces. Hitler, Stalin, and Napoleon commanded their followers with an iron fist, their notoriety preceding them. Their purpose was not only to ravage the cultivators' lands but also to assert their own supremacy, reveling in the chaos and destruction they left in their wake. The League of Dictators aimed to sow despair and crush any remnants of hope among the cultivators, their tyrannical rule stifling any resistance.

The American Crusaders, cloaked in the facade of spreading the ideology of "freedom," were led by renowned figures from American history. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt each commanded a force, their charismatic personas masking their true intentions. Behind the veil of democracy, the American Crusaders sought to manipulate and control the cultivators, ensuring their grip on power remained unchallenged. Their mission was not one of liberation but of subjugation, using their ideology as a tool to further their own ambitions.

Each faction of the Western Holy Paladins had carefully chosen a different area of the cultivation world to strike, exploiting the absence of the most powerful cultivators. They recognized this as a strategic opportunity to sow discord and weaken the realms of cultivation. Their plan was to exploit the power vacuum left by the Coalition's absence, seizing control of territories and spreading chaos without facing direct confrontation.

And so the darkness descended upon the unsuspecting remaining cultivators, the Western Holy Paladins unleashed their forces with ruthless precision. The Church's main force, guided by God and his archangels, swept through the land, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Their purpose was clear, to annihilate the cultivators and assert their dominance over the conquered territories.

The League of Dictators, led by Hitler, Stalin, and Napoleon, instigated widespread devastation. Their forces ravaged the cultivation world, plundering its resources and subjecting the populace to their oppressive rule. The cultivators found themselves defenseless against this relentless onslaught.

Meanwhile, the American Crusaders, under the leadership of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, launched a sophisticated propaganda campaign. They cunningly manipulated the minds of cultivators, disseminating their distorted version of freedom and ensnaring them within their web of control. With charismatic rhetoric and carefully orchestrated events, they aimed to sway the cultivators to their cause.

As the Western Holy Paladins wreaked havoc across the cultivation world, the Heavenly Court, aware of the impending threat, mobilized its forces to confront each of the enemy factions head-on. Following a similar division, the Heavenly Court split into thirteen armies, each tasked with engaging their respective adversaries.

With the aid of a space gate, the armies of the Heavenly Court swiftly traversed the realms, arriving directly at the locations of the Paladins. This strategic maneuver allowed them to swiftly position themselves for the imminent confrontation.

Among the Heavenly Court's armies, the Old Heavenly Emperor faced off against God, the leader of the Western Holy Paladins. Both forces exuded immense power, ready to clash in a battle that held the fate of the realms in its balance. The stage was set for a monumental confrontation between the godlike beings.

In parallel to this momentous duel, other fierce battles unfolded between the Paladins and the Heavenly Court's armies. Michael, one of God's archangels, clashed with the Northern Great Emperor. Their clash shook the very foundations of the realm, as their incredible strength and techniques collided in a dazzling display of power.

Gabriel, another of God's archangels, engaged in combat with the Western Great Emperor. These two mighty warriors met on the battlefield, their skills and tactics pushing the boundaries of their abilities as they sought to overpower one another.

Meanwhile, Raphael, the third archangel in God's ranks, confronted the Eastern Great Emperor, a revered figure known for his strategic brilliance and indomitable will. Their clash reverberated throughout the battlefield, each combatant unleashing their unique cultivation techniques and fighting with unwavering determination.