
Cultivation Chat Group: The Heavenly Court Returns

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Cultivation Chat Group. When he first opened his eyes after reincarnating, he was greeted by two beautiful faces. One of them being the Heavenly Emperor who became his Mother and the other one was Heavenly Way White, his father. Born as the child with the most terrifying background ever that should have never existed. You ask why his background is so terrifying? His Mother, a creation of the third Heavenly Way and modified by the eight to execute his elaborate master plan to restore himself. The organisation she rules, the Ancient Heavenly Court, is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of cultivation and his father, he's the worst of all. Suppressing the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in an attempt to become Heavenly Way, only to sell it to someone else and repeating it once again after. As the only Heavenly Way to have half-transcended the Way he is also the strongest of them all. Our protagonist, however, is not interested in any of this and just wants to get to Canon as quickly as possible to have some fun. Along the way, he inadvertently becomes the most powerful individual capable of single-handedly ending the current era. Read as the most powerful cultivator that All Heavens and Myriad Realms have ever seen, messes up the original timeline. --- Note: This is my first time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave This story will not have any harem, so don't ask for it! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 54: 'Fat Ball' Strikes: The Battle of Ruism Continues

The battle raged on, the clash of weapons and the cries of combat filling the air. Amidst the chaos, Schooler Drunken Moon, who played the role of the Demon Commander-in-Chief in the movie, found himself in the thick of the action. With a boisterous voice, he attempted to shout his lines, but his words were drowned out by the cacophony of battle.

"Charge, my demon horde! Unleash your fury upon our foes!"

"Fight with all your might! Crush their resistance and leave none standing!"

As the demons caught sight of Schooler Drunken Moon, confusion clouded their sinister expressions. Why was a mere human trying to order them around? Their skepticism grew, and they hesitated, uncertain whether to obey his commands.

Yet, despite their doubts, none of the demons dared to attack him directly. It wasn't out of fear or respect, but rather due to a peculiar phenomenon - Schooler Drunken Moon's low presence. His unremarkable aura caused the demons to quickly forget about him once they looked away.

Their attention shifted back to the more immediate threats, their focus consumed by the powerful cultivators and the Thirteen Tribulation Immortals. The demons fought ferociously against their formidable adversaries, their claws and fangs tearing through the air.

Meanwhile, Schooler Drunken Moon continued to bellow his lines, only to be met with puzzled gazes from the demons. They seemed unable to comprehend why this human was still trying to play the role of their leader amidst the chaos of battle.

"Forward, my minions! Let the fires of hell consume our enemies!"

"Ravage their defenses! Tear them apart, limb from limb!"

As the 'scenes of the movie' played out around him, Schooler Drunken Moon's attempts at giving commands became increasingly futile. The demons would momentarily glance at him, their expressions filled with bewilderment, before turning their attention back to the intense fighting.

"No mercy! Leave no survivors in your wake!"

"Obey my command! Show them the true power of the Nine Serenities!"

Undeterred by the demons' lack of response, Schooler Drunken Moon continued to shout his lines, his voice mixing with the clash of weapons and the grunts of exertion. He threw himself into the role, embracing the absurdity of the situation.

But in the midst of the chaotic battle, it was clear that Schooler Drunken Moon's performance as the Demon Commander-in-Chief had become a comical sideshow. The demons, locked in their fight for survival, had little patience or interest in him.

"Unleash chaos and despair upon these weaklings! Show them the true meaning of fear!"

"Victory is within our grasp! Push forward and claim the battlefield as ours!"

And so, Schooler Drunken Moon found himself shouting to the wind, his words lost in the tumultuous symphony of battle. The demons, driven by their primal instincts, focused on one thing alone - survival.

As the battle continued to unfold, Schooler Drunken Moon's presence faded into the background, an inconspicuous figure amidst the clash of cultivators and demons. His attempts to direct the demons in the movie became a mere footnote in the grand spectacle of the battlefield.

"Let their blood stain the ground as a testament to our might!"





Amidst the chaos, the leaders of the demonic forces began to realize the grim reality. They could see the tides turning against them, the cultivators gaining the upper hand. Panic seeped into their eyes as they sought a way out, a means to escape the inevitable defeat that loomed on the horizon.

One of the demon leaders, recognizing the dire situation, made a desperate decision. He would retreat from the battlefield and deliver a crucial message to their supreme leader, the Eight Nine Serenities Ruler. With a fierce determination, he fought his way through the ranks of cultivators, his demonic powers surging to fend off their attacks.

However, the demon leader was not alone in his attempt to escape. Another demon, realizing the importance of the mission, took it upon himself to cover his comrade's retreat. With savage ferocity, he unleashed a torrent of demonic energy, creating a temporary opening for his companion to slip through.

Just as they were about to disappear from the battlefield, a sudden disturbance shook the air. A spatial rift tore open in front of them, revealing a swirling vortex of energy. Out of the rift stepped the enigmatic figure known as the 'Really Amazing Ruism' Holy Man.

The atmosphere froze as the cultivators and demons alike witnessed this unexpected turn of events. All eyes were drawn to the Holy Man, his presence radiating an aura of unparalleled power and authority. The air seemed to crackle with anticipation as the Holy Man slowly raised his hand, his finger poised with deadly intent.

They watch in shock as the Holy Man steps forward, his robes billowing in the wind, his eyes locked onto the retreating demons. In a swift motion, he raises his hand and points a finger at two fleeing demon leader, and in an instant, the heads of the two eight stage demons are severed from their bodies.

The demons are stunned by the sudden turn of events, their morale shattered as they realize the extent of the cultivators' strength. The Holy Man stands tall, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly power, his finger still pointed towards the fallen demons.

The shockwave of this single strike rippled through the battlefield, freezing the ongoing clash in its tracks. Both the cultivators and demons stood motionless, their expressions a mix of awe and terror. The power displayed by the Holy Man was beyond comprehension, surpassing anything they had ever witnessed before.

In that momentary pause, the significance of the Holy Man's presence reverberated through the minds of all who beheld it. A sense of foreboding filled the air as the cultivators realized that their battle was far from over. The appearance of the Holy Man marked a turning point, a new chapter in the unfolding conflict between cultivators and demons.

As the shock subsided, the battlefield erupted once again in a frenzy of activity. The cultivators, spurred on by the display of the Holy Man's might, reinvigorated their attacks with renewed vigor. The demons, though shaken, fought back with a newfound desperation, unwilling to succumb to defeat so easily.

The cultivators are quick to react, launching themselves towards the remaining demons with heightened morale. The air is thick with the sound of clashing swords and the crackling of spells. As the battle rages on, the cultivators begin to gain the upper hand, pushing the demons back with each passing moment.

But even as the cultivators gain ground, the demons continue to fight with an unyielding ferocity. Their attacks are calculated and ruthless, their movements precise and deadly. The cultivators are pushed to their limits, struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught of their opponents.

As the battle rages on, the skies above begin to darken, a sign of the impending arrival of the Eight Nine Serenities Ruler's clone. The cultivators know that they must end this battle quickly, lest they face certain defeat at the hands of their powerful adversary.

The Holy Man steps forward once again, his presence commanding the attention of all those around him. He raises his hand, and with a wave, unleashes a torrent of spiritual energy towards the demons. The attack is devastating, tearing through the enemy ranks with ease.

But even as the cultivators celebrate their success, they are met with a sudden surge of power from the remaining demons. The sky above them crackles with dark energy, and the ground beneath them shakes with the force of their opponents' attacks.

The battle reaches a fever pitch, both sides locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. The cultivators fight with every ounce of strength they possess, determined to emerge victorious no matter the cost.

As the battle reaches its climax, the cultivators can feel their strength beginning to wane. They know that they must end this quickly, lest they fall victim to the overwhelming power of the Eight Nine Serenities Ruler.

But as they prepare to make their final stand, the sky above them rumbles with the arrival of their greatest foe. The Eight Nine Serenities Ruler's clone has arrived, and with him, the fate of all those in the battle hangs in the balance.