
Cultivation Chat Group: The Heavenly Court Returns

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Cultivation Chat Group. When he first opened his eyes after reincarnating, he was greeted by two beautiful faces. One of them being the Heavenly Emperor who became his Mother and the other one was Heavenly Way White, his father. Born as the child with the most terrifying background ever that should have never existed. You ask why his background is so terrifying? His Mother, a creation of the third Heavenly Way and modified by the eight to execute his elaborate master plan to restore himself. The organisation she rules, the Ancient Heavenly Court, is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of cultivation and his father, he's the worst of all. Suppressing the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in an attempt to become Heavenly Way, only to sell it to someone else and repeating it once again after. As the only Heavenly Way to have half-transcended the Way he is also the strongest of them all. Our protagonist, however, is not interested in any of this and just wants to get to Canon as quickly as possible to have some fun. Along the way, he inadvertently becomes the most powerful individual capable of single-handedly ending the current era. Read as the most powerful cultivator that All Heavens and Myriad Realms have ever seen, messes up the original timeline. --- Note: This is my first time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave This story will not have any harem, so don't ask for it! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 115: Marriage (5)

Inside the ceremonial hall, a momentous gathering had taken place. All important members of the Heavenly Court, along with Soft Feather's beloved family, filled the room. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of anticipation and joy as the esteemed guests awaited the culmination of the celestial union. Among the guests, the members of the Nine Provinces (1) Group stood prominently.

Soft Feather's steps echoed in the hallowed space as she approached the platform where Zenith Heaven Emperor stood. As she drew nearer, their eyes locked in a profound exchange of love and commitment. As Soft Feather reached the point where Zenith Heaven Emperor stood, he extended his hand to her, a gesture of support and devotion. Their fingers intertwined, symbolizing the merging of their destinies and the bond that would bind them as one. Together, they stood before a beautifully adorned platform, the focal point of the wedding ceremony.

The room fell into a reverent silence as the marriage officiant, Ah Chang, stepped forward. His voice, imbued with a sense of solemnity, echoed through the hall. "We will now commence the wedding ceremony of His Highness Zenith Heaven Emperor and Her Highness Soft Feather," he proclaimed, his words resonating with the weight of tradition and destiny.

All eyes focused on the couple standing before the platform, their hearts entwined in a tapestry of love and devotion. Soft Feather's family beamed with pride, their eyes brimming with tears of joy. The members of the Heavenly Court, witnessing this momentous occasion, offered their blessings and well-wishes for the union of the heavenly couple.

Ah Chang's words still hung in the air, their weight carrying the gravity of a lifelong commitment. The marriage officiant stood before the gathered crowd, his voice resonating with authority as he posed the crucial question. "I will now ask His Highness Zenith Heaven Emperor. Do you promise to take Soft Feather as your wife and protect her for life?"

Zenith Heaven Emperor's gaze narrowed, a flicker of contemplation crossing his features. He took a deep breath, his eyes once again meeting Soft Feather's with unwavering determination. "I do," he answered, his voice steady and resolute. The affirmation echoed through the hall, sealing their bond in the presence of all who bore witness.

Ah Chang then turned his attention to Soft Feather, his gaze gentle yet probing. "Now, I will ask Soft Feather. Do you promise to take Zenith Heaven Emperor as your husband and respect him for life?" Soft Feather's heart swelled with love and devotion, her voice filled with unwavering sincerity as she responded, "I do." The words carried the weight of her commitment and reverence for the man who had captured her heart.

A profound silence settled over the room as the significance of the moment sank in. Ah Chang's voice cut through the stillness, resounding with authority. "From this day forward, Zenith Heaven Emperor and Soft Feather are bound in the sacred union of marriage. The Heavenly Court has found its Empress," he declared.

The proclamation reverberated through the hall, the realization of their union sinking in for Soft Feather and Zenith Heaven Emperor. They stood side by side, their love solidified and their paths forever entwined. Ah Chang's next words held the power to transform Soft Feather's identity and role within All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

"Her Royal Highness Zenith Heaven Empress!" Ah Chang declared, bestowing upon Soft Feather her new title, the weight of her responsibility and position settling upon her shoulders. The room erupted once again, this time with the resounding cheers and acclamations of the Heavenly Court members and esteemed guests.

The room erupted in cheers and applause, a wave of joy sweeping through the assembled crowd. The grand proclamation signaled the dawn of a new era, the union of two souls who would shape the fate of the Heavenly Court. "Hail to the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly Empress!" the crowd exclaimed, their voices united in celebration and adulation.

Soft Feather's heart swelled with a mixture of awe and gratitude as she absorbed the magnitude of the moment. She had transitioned from a cherished daughter to a beloved wife, assuming the title of Zenith Heaven Empress. It was a testament to the love she shared with Zenith Heaven Emperor, a love that had blossomed amidst the trials and tribulations they had faced together.

As the cheers echoed through the hall, Soft Feather and Zenith Heaven Emperor stood as the embodiment of unity and strength.

"Fairy Promise and Waiting, please take the Empress to the bridal chamber," commanded the Old Heavenly Emperor, her voice resounding with authority. Soft Feather, accompanied by Fairy Promise and Waiting, nodded in acknowledgment and began to follow them towards the sacred space where her new life would unfold. However, before she could proceed, the figure of the Old Heavenly Emperor appeared before her.

"Congratulations on your marriage," the Old Heavenly Emperor spoke warmly, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and affection. Soft Feather offered a gracious smile in return, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for the Old Heavenly Emperor's presence and blessings on this momentous day.

As they stood in the hallway, a voice rang out, cutting through the air. "Do not block the way of the Empress!" The proclamation echoed with a firm authority, reminding those present of the importance and dignity befitting Soft Feather's new role.

Zenith Heaven Emperor, though initially reluctant to enforce this tradition, respected the customs of their world. In accordance with tradition, it was customary for the bride to be led to the bridal chamber while the groom attended the grand wedding banquet without his new wife. This period allowed the bride time to prepare herself before their union would be consummated.

With the path cleared, Fairy Promise and Waiting guided Soft Feather towards the bridal chamber, where an ethereal ambiance awaited her. Inside, a serene sanctuary had been meticulously arranged, adorned with delicate silk drapes, fragrant flowers, and soft candlelight. Soft Feather's heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as she stepped across the threshold, the bridal chamber now a space infused with the promise of their love.

Meanwhile, in another part of the palace, the grand wedding banquet commenced. The banquet hall came alive with an opulence befitting the ruler of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, as exquisite dishes were served, accompanied by heavenly melodies performed by skilled musicians. Guests from far and wide, including Heavenly Court officials, Heavenly Soldiers, and many guests, mingled and celebrated, their spirits uplifted by the joyous occasion.

The banquet was a feast for the senses, with an array of delectable delicacies representing the diverse regions of the world. Exquisite flavors tantalized the palate, while the finest wines flowed abundantly, enhancing the merriment and creating an atmosphere of celebration.

The banquet reached its crescendo, with toasts raised in honor of the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress. Laughter, music, and jubilant voices filled the air, weaving a tapestry of joy and unity. Soft Feather, in the seclusion of the bridal chamber, prepared herself for the momentous union that awaited her. During the time she had to prepare, she changed her clothes into something more casual and easier to take off during this long awaited night. Furthermore, she prepared herself mentally and finalized her plans about how she can give her beloved a payback for the past few months.

As the night wore on, the guests bid their farewells, their hearts filled with the warmth of shared joy and the blessings bestowed upon the Heavenly Emperor and Empress. The banquet hall gradually emptied, leaving behind echoes of the unforgettable festivities that had transpired.

In the midst of the dwindling festivities, Zenith Heaven Emperor, now freed from the obligations of hosting the grand banquet, felt a surge of anticipation and longing. With measured steps, he made his way through the corridors of the palace, his heart beating with a mixture of excitement and tenderness.

Arriving at the door of the bridal chamber, Zenith Heaven Emperor's hand hesitated for a moment, filled with a mixture of reverence and adoration. With a gentle push, the door swung open, revealing the sight that awaited him.

Soft Feather, his beloved and radiant wife, stood before him, her eyes shining with love and anticipation. A smile graced Zenith Heaven Emperor's lips as he took in the sight of his cute wife. As he approached his wife the room was filled with an aura of love and bliss.

A/N: My first time writing something like this. To write this I tried to look into ancient Chinese marriages. In the next chapter I try writing some R18 you can skip if you don't want to read it. This will also be my first attempt in writing such a scene.