
Cultivation Chat Group: The Heavenly Court Returns

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Cultivation Chat Group. When he first opened his eyes after reincarnating, he was greeted by two beautiful faces. One of them being the Heavenly Emperor who became his Mother and the other one was Heavenly Way White, his father. Born as the child with the most terrifying background ever that should have never existed. You ask why his background is so terrifying? His Mother, a creation of the third Heavenly Way and modified by the eight to execute his elaborate master plan to restore himself. The organisation she rules, the Ancient Heavenly Court, is the most powerful organisation in the entire world of cultivation and his father, he's the worst of all. Suppressing the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms in an attempt to become Heavenly Way, only to sell it to someone else and repeating it once again after. As the only Heavenly Way to have half-transcended the Way he is also the strongest of them all. Our protagonist, however, is not interested in any of this and just wants to get to Canon as quickly as possible to have some fun. Along the way, he inadvertently becomes the most powerful individual capable of single-handedly ending the current era. Read as the most powerful cultivator that All Heavens and Myriad Realms have ever seen, messes up the original timeline. --- Note: This is my first time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave This story will not have any harem, so don't ask for it! Everything but OC belongs to their respective authors!

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 104: Revolt against the Heavens: The Ruler's Battle concludes

As the battle raged on, the clash between the Seventh Nine Serenities Ruler, White, and the Eighth Nine Serenities Ruler, Fat Ball, reached its boiling point. The air crackled with energy as their powers collided, shaking the very foundations of the realm they fought within.

Fat Ball, utilizing his Bone of Imperishable, had already resurrected multiple times, each rebirth fueling his determination to overcome his nemesis. His liquid metal form twisted and contorted, reforming itself after each devastating blow dealt by White. But despite his tenacity, Fat Ball could feel his energy waning with every resurrection, the strain of continuous rebirth taking its toll.

Meanwhile, White stood resolute, his eyes burning with a fierce determination to claim the Bone of Imperishable for himself. He knew that preventing Fat Ball's resurrection was the key to victory, and he channeled all his dark energy into disrupting the cycle of rebirth.

With a surge of power, White launched himself towards Fat Ball, his strikes precise and relentless. He targeted Fat Ball's core, aiming to shatter his opponent's resilience and sever his connection to the Bone of Imperishable. Blow after blow, White's attacks landed with brutal force, each strike resonating with a determination to end this battle once and for all.

Fat Ball's resilience began to waver as White's relentless assault took its toll. The liquid metal ball's movements became sluggish, his once formidable defenses cracking under the relentless barrage. Fat Ball's attempts to regenerate and resurrect were met with a swift and calculated response from White, who used his mastery of dark energy to disrupt the flow of Fat Ball's power.

Desperation flickered in Fat Ball's eyes as he realized the precariousness of his situation. He knew that if White succeeded in severing his connection to the Bone of Imperishable, his chances of victory would diminish with each passing moment. But Fat Ball wasn't ready to concede defeat just yet.

Summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, Fat Ball unleashed a devastating counterattack. He tapped into the vast well of his liquid metal form, morphing his body into a swirling vortex of razor-sharp blades. The onslaught was relentless, each strike carrying the weight of his determination to turn the tides in his favor.

White, caught off guard by Fat Ball's ferocity, found himself momentarily on the back foot. The clash between the two rulers intensified, the battle becoming a symphony of raw power and unyielding wills. Despite the odds stacked against him, Fat Ball refused to give in, his determination driving him forward.

With a burst of energy, White reclaimed his footing, his eyes gleaming with renewed vigor. He was not one to be outmatched for long. Using his mastery of dark energy, he swiftly adapted to Fat Ball's onslaught, countering with a devastating display of his own power.

Fat Ball's strength faltered as White's relentless attacks continued. Each strike chipped away at his defenses, slowly but surely wearing him down. Fat Ball's body, once fluid and malleable, began to show signs of strain, cracks forming across his metallic surface.

It was at this moment that the turning point of the battle became apparent. White, sensing his opponent's vulnerability, pressed on with unwavering determination. He launched a final onslaught, his strikes precise and calculated. With a surge of dark energy, he shattered Fat Ball's defenses, leaving him vulnerable and defenseless.

As the dust settled, Fat Ball, now motionless and weakened, understood the gravity of his situation. Despite his relentless efforts and continuous resurrections, he found himself at the mercy of the Seventh Nine Serenities Ruler, White. The turning point had arrived, and the outcome seemed inevitable. Exhausted and defeated, the Eighth Nine Serenities Ruler, Fat Ball, found himself on his knees, his once mighty form reduced to a mere shell of its former glory. Beads of liquid metal dripped from his body, the weight of his defeat heavy upon him.

Looking up at White with pleading eyes, Fat Ball spoke in a voice laced with desperation. "Please... spare me... I beg of you. Let me keep the Bone of Imperishable. I... I will leave... I will never challenge you again."

A malicious grin spread across White's face as he towered over his fallen adversary. Mockingly, he replied, his voice dripping with contempt, "Oh, Fat Ball, how pathetic you've become. Begging for mercy? Is this what the mighty Eighth Nine Serenities Ruler has been reduced to? How amusing."

White circled Fat Ball, relishing in the power he held over his enemy. He reveled in Fat Ball's vulnerability, the once proud ruler now at his mercy. "But you see, Fat Ball, I have no interest in sparing you."

With those words, White launched himself towards Fat Ball once more. This time, his attacks were not aimed at obliterating his opponent, but rather at stealing from him. Blow after blow, White focused on targeting the Bone of Imperishable, his strikes precise and calculated.

Fat Ball, weakened and defenseless, tried desperately to protect the Bone of Imperishable, but his efforts proved futile. Each strike from White was a calculated assault, a relentless pursuit of his goal. The bone seemed to tremble under the weight of the impending threat.

As the battle raged on, the outcome hung in the balance. The fate of the Bone of Imperishable remained uncertain, its power coveted by both rulers. It was a race against time, with White determined to seize the bone and Fat Ball clinging desperately to his last shreds of hope.

The clash of powers intensified, the energy in the air crackling with anticipation. Sparks flew as White's dark energy collided with Fat Ball's liquid metal form. Each strike brought them closer to their respective goals, the stakes higher than ever before.

And then, with a sudden surge of determination, White executed a final, devastating attack. It was a calculated move, aimed at incapacitating Fat Ball and securing the Bone of Imperishable. The air itself seemed to tremble as their powers clashed in a cataclysmic collision.

The scene faded to darkness, leaving the fate of the Bone of Imperishable and the battle's outcome shrouded in uncertainty.

As the dusk settled on the battleground, the silence was broken by a low moan from the resurrected Fat Ball. He stood up, his liquid metal body flowing like a river, reforming into his round shape once again. But something was different this time. He could feel the Bone of Imperishable within him, but he couldn't draw power from it. It was as if the bone had become a part of him, but was refusing to obey his commands.

Fat Ball's eyes widened with horror as he realized what had happened. He looked around frantically, trying to locate Ruler White. But the human ruler was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a loud laugh echoed through the battlefield, sending chills down Fat Ball's metallic spine. He turned around to face the source of the sound, and saw Ruler White standing on a nearby hill, looking down at him with a mocking expression.

"You thought you could defeat me with that bone, Fat Ball?" Ruler White taunted. "You were wrong. You never stood a chance against me."

Fat Ball clenched his fists, his liquid metal body bubbling with rage. He knew that Ruler White had managed to activate a formation on the Bone of Imperishable, cutting off his connection to it. He was now powerless, and this was his last life. But he refused to go down without a fight.

He charged towards Ruler White, his body flowing like a river as he tried to tackle his opponent. But Ruler White was ready for him. He dodged Fat Ball's attack with ease, and countered with a powerful strike of his own.

The two rulers clashed, their attacks creating shockwaves that shook the ground beneath them. They exchanged blows with lightning speed, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Fat Ball was fueled by his rage, while Ruler White remained calm and collected, analyzing his opponent's every move.

For hours they fought, neither one willing to give an inch. The sky grew dark, and the moon rose high in the sky. But the battle raged on, with no end in sight.

Finally, Fat Ball saw an opening. He charged towards Ruler White, his body glowing with a fierce red light. Ruler White's eyes widened in surprise as he realized what was about to happen.

It was too late for him to react as Fat Ball's body exploded in a burst of energy, sending shockwaves that obliterated everything within a hundred miles. The ground shook violently, and the sky was filled with a blinding light.

When the dust settled, Ruler White was lying on the ground, badly injured. Fat Ball stood over him, his body reforming once again. He had sacrificed his last life to take down his enemy.

The battlefield was silent, with no signs of life anywhere. The only sound was the soft rustling of the wind as it blew across the desolate landscape.

Suddenly, a loud sound echoed through the entire Nine Serenities, piercing the stillness of the battlefield. It was a voice, a sound just as monotone as Fat Ball's voice could be. But this time, it was not Fat Ball who uttered the mournful cry.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" The anguished cry reverberated through the air, carrying with it a sense of defeat and despair. Fat Ball's heart sank as he recognized the voice.