
Cultivation! But I have Minecraft Cheats ON

Transmigration! A mystical phenomenon, unbound of logic, transending the limitations of worlds and moving beyond. And is also, a cliche to jumpstart myriad tales of fantasies. There are many ways to transmigrate, various methods achieving different causes and effects. However, what happenes when you have been aided by the powers of a game itself during transmigration. Or been given a system which wishes to ???? you. Why do transmigrators have such powers in the first place ? Is it really just a trope or does it have a deeper meaning behind. How do you even use Minecraft Cheats inside a world of Cultivation? Will Shen Wang, our protagonist be able to effectively utilise the Minecraft Cheats which only aid him at a beginner level? Follow along, and find out...... ............................................................................................................................................................... Hello there, potential reader, before you begin, I would like to warn you that our protagonist is quite on the loose side. Sadly, the protagonist will not be chasing after Jade Beauties nor would they be flocking around him. The protagonist is himself. Instead of his circumstances, he is the one who slowly begins to understand his own nature which had been supressed by the righteous upbringing on Earth. So, follow along and watch me unfold the best novel of my life. ( Mostly because it's the only novel that I've written ) PS the art cover is not mine.

Ashpour · Eastern
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35 Chs

Lucked Fuck - Fucked Luck - Billion Year Sleep

It was just a slight error in manipulating Qi, just a small error if mathematically calculated the error was barely 0.01% but it just so happened that that 0.01% error happened near his intestines causing a lot of blood to come out of both his upper and .... and 'lower' mou- ahem* his anus.

Cough! Cough! Puh!

Shen's already unconscious body started to spew up more blood upside down!

Although he lucked getting transmigrated into a world of cultivation and got fucked by that Dog System's torture for a Billion years.

And now this fucked luck?

Why could he not just function according to what he has envisioned ?

Was his body that retarded ?

nonetheless he kept spewing up more blood



This time he had spewed at least 2 liters of blood! The connection between his mind and his body was fading away faster than before, he had to do something and he had to do it quick!

Finally Shen made up his mind. That he, Shen Wang would now stop giving a fuck about what would happen if he overloaded his brain through his consciousness and he started outputting crazy amounts of instructions to his brain to calm the body down, and lots of focused manipulations to the qi rampaging within his meridians.

His unruly qi spiraled out of control, his body's meridians and organs were thrown into chaos, like a dragon entangled in a storm. His body laid unconscious, but his mind remained steadfast, like a stubborn ox refusing to back down.

With a reckless determination, he began to employ a feeble technique he had barely grasped. Shen Wang attempted to expel the unruly qi from his meridians and organs, his mental strength as laughable as a chick trying to peck a mountain. The process was akin to a lamb challenging a lion, utterly futile and reckless yet countless trials and errors screwed up his body and strengthened his techniques,

His wood and lightning attributes, supposedly powerful, were now his only hope. He clung to them like a drowning man clutching a piece of driftwood.

Huff His efforts mirrored a monkey trying to wield a sword. Yet, amidst his struggle, there was a sliver of progress. The rampaging qi, like a wild horse, was slightly tamed. But to describe his control as refined would be like praising a sparrow for flying a mere inch.

And so, Shen Wang's battle raged on, the qi within his meridians and organs locked in a fierce struggle. Thunder rumbled within him as his lightning attribute fought against the chaotic energies. Wood qi, an anchor of stability, tried to root out the disruption. But alas, his actions were as feeble as a fly trying to extinguish a wildfire.

After enduring what seemed like eons of turmoil, and many minor and a few fatal errors he finally somewhat understood how to calm the disharmony of qi inside his body, it was far from efficient but was enough to reduce to fatal errors from 1 in a 1000 to 1 in a 1,000,000. His body barely clung to life through wood nourishing his vitality while the thunder fighting the unruly qi in him.





After a few hours something miraculous happened, the wild currents inside him slowed down significantly however as if directly related to it, Shen's lightening qi's resistance and his wood qi's nourishment suddenly dropped a level.... then a realization hit him!

The intensity of this unruly qi was directly proportional to his cultivation base, right now he had dropped from 5th stage of Qi Condensation to 4th stage of Qi Condensation, he finally saw hope, hope to end this tribulation, in the next few minutes he crippled his own cultivation and became a mortal again.

If someone saw this happening they would declare him a madman, humph! after all

how does a monkey know the taste of ginger! letting your cultivation for which you had painstakingly spent your years for just crumble like that was a nightmare for cultivators and here was one who did that willingly, this behaviors was just too preposterous.

However how could Shen Wang feel the gravity of destroying his cultivation base, after all one only feels pain if they had to pay, it was like a situation where your friend was willing to pay money so you ate like a pig yet ate like a normal human when you had to pay the money yourself!

Shen Wang just didn't how what was the worth of this cultivation, or rather he did yet didn't shy away from spending it away on a whim as it was not actually 'his', if the previous Shen Wang was here he would definitely be crying tears of blood!

Not only did this shameless guy steal his body and absorb his soul he also farted out his cultivation base like it was free money!

However right now Shen Wang was fully focused on getting out alive from this tribulation, about other matters he just couldn't give a fuck about it right now!

Isn't it just a year of cultivation, he was just releasing the qi from his stable cultivation base to the surroundings, it's not like it had just vanished into oblivion, if he could just get out of this situation alive he could probably recover his cultivation from scratch in a few weeks.

3rd Stage of Qi Condensation....

2nd Stage of Qi Condensation.....

1st Stage of Qi Condensation.....

This also made him understand something else about cultivation breakthroughs, to breakthrough at least for the realms he's already broken through a cultivator had to absorb qi and stabilize it so much that even if the cultivator went into a place without qi, their cultivation would not get affected. Thus it was like taking a large chunk of energy and condensing it and making it stable instead of unstable thus even if they ran out of qi their cultivation would still be there, although this stability of energy even when so much in quantity violated a few laws of his previous world this was a new world at whole so he had to accept and understand it.

Although this thought only lasted for less than a moment, he happened to make another error thus spurting some more blood before finally falling back to the state of a mortal.

His body had gotten extremely weak and malnourished, however this didn't affect his mind much. Although much fatigue had accumulated in his brain as long as he was careful nothing irreversible would happen, after all he had suffered much much much worse pains in his 1 billion years of seluction.

He forcibly made his fragile body move towards a certain box which was located a few meters away from his cultivation seat,

Although normally a human would not be able to move in such a state, Shen was like a 3rd party player who kept pressing on the button to move, thus even if slowly the body began to move.

10 centimeters...

40 centimeters....

60 centimeters.....

1 meters....

1.5 metes.....

2 meters...

Shen 'ordered' his body to reach out to the box, however once it reached it, Shen's arm lost all strength and slammed against the container in which a few boxes were placed in a, and 14 black colored spherical pills fell down on the ground.

Shen could only force his body to move again towards one of the closest pills

It was a fasting pill, a rather common elixir which one could exchange from the Outer Sect Alchemy Pavilion for doing miscellaneous tasks for them. Since Qi Condensation cultivators still had to eat and drink thus could not enter seluction for long, these pills were a blessing. They were made for easily found herbs and were thus cheap, common and useful.

They contained some qi as well thus cultivators often snacked on them while in seluction, however these pills were also an immortal blessing to normal mortals, for them these were divine treasures, these could nourish their bodies, extend their lives. Many mortal kingdoms would have to spend decades of accumulations to get a single Fasting Pill. This information was naturally obtained by Shen Wang from the memories of 'Shen Wang'.

As one of the pills entered the mortal Shen Wang's mouth it immediately melted and warmth started to flow through his body, the mental burden suddenly dropped and he could crawl freely, thus Shen Wang began to crawl like a snake devouring pills like he was playing a game of "snake xenzia"

4 pills...

8 pills....

12 pills....

14 pills....

After eating the last pill Shen Wang drifted into sleep, this was the first sleep he had in a billion years!