
Cultivating Realm

The universe holds many planes of levels, grades separated the disparity of resources and knowledge to further elevate themselves to become gods. Xing Shu, formerly a heaven-born talent praised for his comprehensive ability fell to the scheme of his fellow family. Once a shining talent shooting in the skies and fading like a star. However, his dao-companion has not left him. A fate left unstored will reveal its light, and together will they soar and strike their foes as Xing Shu discovers the secret of his body and the connection of the talent latent hidden in him to the world

Severed_Dao · Eastern
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6 Chs

Xing Shu

A lone building seemingly about to break creaked as the door opened, revealing a figure that stood like a sword, hiding its sheath with mysteriousness as gleams of shine appeared in his eyes yet they possessed no power of intimidation

Looking up at the skies in trance did a crowd of people walking past noticed his figure, a playful and vicious expression appeared on each of their faces as they approached, blocking his path

A terrified expression appeared as the lone figure hoped to escape and ran back into the building. Noticing his actions, one of them quickly dashed and blocked his path as a palm filled with False Qi repelled the figure as he tumbled, coughing out blood while his terrified expression became that of anger and defiance

Reveling in his pitiful act, the crowd sniggered as they moved to create a path for a person. Arrogance was embedded into his existence, dressed in gold with a cloud insignia on the robe representing his clan. An invisible pressure was released as the others shivered as they whispered "Young Master Yun recently have broken through the 8th stage of mortal shedding realm, such a talent truly deserves the attention of Miss Xing"

The crowd didn't forget to look at the pitiful figure with disdain. Struggling on his feet, he looked up with a pale countenance and revealed an indifferent expression.

The approaching Young Master Yun became annoyed as he waved his hands, exerting a force of the wind that carried the leaves on a nearby tree that shone with the force of Qi, aiming at the young man who dared to stare at him

The leaves were as fast as the winds themselves and in the blink of an eye appeared before the lone figure as shadows of death seemed to devour his very existence.

Suddenly, a graceful fairy appeared with a sword in hand, slashing with waves as the leaves sank losing their vigor and disintegrating into dust.

Everyone let out exclaims of jealousy and especially, fanaticism regardless of men or women. The arrogant figure gritted his teeth as he accidentally snapped his fan in half

Landing soundlessly did the fairy turn around to look at the lone figure, a pill appeared in her hand, and without his permission, stuffed it in his mouth, the difference in cultivation made him incapable of stopping her

The cuts on his body began to heal visibly as his paleful countenance regained its color.

The fairy carried his body, ignoring the expressions of the others as she walked toward the building

Never feeling so humiliated, Young Master Yun understood that a mere 8th stage mortal shedding can never defeat a practitioner of the True Spirit realm

Leaving with indignance, the others left as they continued expressing their jealousy "If that trash's parents didn't happen to save Miss Xing then she wouldn't have to resolve her heart demon in such a way"

One by one, each of them spread rumors of Miss Xing and the reasons for her actions to alleviate their anger


Clueless about the outside commotion, Miss Xing and the lone figure entered wordlessly as he slouched on his bed without concern for a females presence

Used to his attics, she went to dust and clean all of the mess in the room. Piles of books were formed and rusted swords settled back on the wall. Retrieving an apple that held slight spirituality, she started cutting them and placed them into slices

The man stood back up and sat on a chair, tasting each of them wordlessly as the place continued its silence only hearing the sound of chewing of the apple

Finishing it all, the fairy raised her hand towards the table and chairs as they vanished into nothingness. Pointing toward the ground a mat appeared with ancient characters on the edges giving a glow of that expanded universally contained in the building

Prepared for it as always, the man stripped his robed leaving only his pants and sat in meditation. Murmurs of letters from his mouth affected the space around him as vibrations shook the house while the fairy retreated outside the house guarding it

The shaking started to spread outside as the fairy furrowed her brows and stomped down, canceling the vibrations from spreading out

Gritting his teeth, veins popped as fluctuations of stars materialized differing in sizes. A map appeared behind his back showing the minority of the continent outside of this plane

Suddenly, the smallest star shined brightly overtaking the brightness of the surrounding stars as a phenomenon occurred, striking him in a stupor as he lost his concentration and fainted

The fairy sensed the unusualness as she straight away slashed at the door and entered brutely. Shocked by the fainted body, she quickly positioned him back into meditation and circulated her True Qi, sensing the inner workings of his body

A singular dot appeared on the boy's forehead and disappeared without anyone noticing.


"Curses, to believe that after Xing Shu had been crippled Miss Xing would still hang around that guy" A cup of wine shattered as the servants quickly wiped the ground and exited swiftly

"It seems, to gain Miss Xing's attention, we need to befriend this fellow, otherwise her Origin Yin Physique will be wasted after the coming of age ceremony" Black and white robes respectively on the two people, identical in gestures, appearance, and disposition.

The two were Yang Ling and Yun Hua, they were geniuses of the Yang and Yun family currently in the Starfall sect. They both had a gentlemanly temperament, being twins and under the same teacher did they cultivate a dual-cultivation skill[1] that enhances their martial prowess in battle

Xing Shu and Miss Xing are also in this sect mainly Xing Shu being an outer disciple while Miss Xing is a core disciple, under the tutelage of the grand elder of the Starfall sect.

"No, it will be disgraceful to even associate with such trash and that is not the only method" A gleam of wisdom shone as Yang Ling smiled hideously. Realizing his thoughts, Yun Hua gave a look of understanding as they laughed in sync like everything was within the palm of their hands.

Suddenly, the door crashed as an attendant flew over in their direction, Yang Ling sent a palm towards the body, slowly dissipating the force, turning the attendant into nothingness by the time it reached them. They both revealed a quick expression of disgust but immediately regained their posture with an indifferent expression

Laughing unreservedly, a burly man with tan skin, carrying a large pot of wine entered the estate with steps that shook the building, emitting a force that of an elephant. He unconsciously released bloodthirst that can only be gained through multiple battlefields with an intensity of a pinnacle True Spirit realm expert

"Brother Yang and Yun, I have just heard of your conversation and surely you will invite your brother Xiong into it, am I right?" The burly man walked in and sat like he was the owner of the place, drinking uninhibitedly as he glanced towards the twin with hidden intent

"Of course, Brother Xiong, we definitely planned on inviting the 4th place of Starfall sects Core disciple, if not then no one would be worthy of our conversation" The two laughed while veins popped inside their head "Why did this bear have to know of our plans"

Hearing their words, brother Xiong continued laughing as he walked up to them and slapped them on their backs "I knew you would say that, now that I know what you are up to, I will help under one condition" A mischievous glint on his eyes showing his true intention

How could the twins not know what he wants, Miss Xing's physique contained the origin of dao, and sleeping with her can reap the most benefits of observing laws above the middle grade.

Starfall Sect was merely a 5th stage powerhouse, compared to the holy stage families and sects that contains even gods and immortals it was merely a fledgling that possessed no threat

The sect leader's cultivation was of Soul Scouring as by observing one's inner soul can they find their existence and when they make a breakthrough will they integrate their understanding with the world. Laws can be comprehended in this stage but even the greatest talents can only come in contact with lower-level laws without opportunities

However, Miss Xing's physique allows a free pass to understanding medial grade laws, within the southern lands, they will truly be rulers of a 3rd grade powerhouse showing the difference in understanding of laws

And to add it, Miss Xing has a heavenly appearance unlike no other, like a fallen immortal holy to everyone whose eyes gaze upon her, anyone who gains her affection will be the luckiest person in the world

"Our apologies brother Xiong but even if it's you, we cannot accept your condition, especially when it comes to dealing with a cripple, we have no need for your assistance" The twins waved their hands in unison, knocking off the bear's hands away from them as they retrieved another cup of tea to relieve their anger

Xiong Bao gave a surprised expression than a look of understanding as he left silently, contrasting his previous unrestrained self.

The twins frowned but they also felt relieved, if a battle were to occur then even if they won, they wouldn't have gone unscathed.

Unknowingly to them, a mark was attached to the back of their robe, seeping and making contact with their bodies forming a rune of trace

[1] Dual cultivation: Different from a male and female intercoursing to cultivate, this technique allows two people to learn separate parts of a technique and combine forces following their skill structure