
Cultivating in My Hero Academia

The oldest soul in existence never reached over the age of eighteen? Will he manage to live a happy and long life this time? With the help of the gods, he will be sure of it. ------------------------------------------------ "Yes, to be precise, you are not one of the oldest ones. You are the oldest one with an imprint on your soul. You were the first soul that I have ever reincarnated." "You never lived one life over the age of eighteen. You already got reincarnated way over a billion times, but never even once reached over it." Said the god of Reincarnation. ------------------------------------------------ English is not my first language. I am not even good at English. Even my storytelling is bad. I just wrote this Fan Fiction out of fun and never wanted to upload it at first. I don't own the cover picture I posted this novel with. If you want to find it, here is the source: pinterest.de/pin/838021443169794274/ I also don't own My Hero Academia. The only originals are the OC's and some elements included in the story. The protagonist will be completely overpowered.

LukasS · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Battle Trial

Now I am standing here surrounded by kids that are not even 1/100 of my age and wonder what I am doing with my life.

Waiting at me at home, my wife and my kids, and here I am playing the plot of a series I once watched.

It was so many years ago I last watched it.

Sometimes I wonder if this is still what I want.

Am I wasting my life?

Nah, just a joke. What are you expecting an immortal to do in the first place?

If I didn't have fun in such a way, life would be boring.

Here standing beside Toru, my new friend, I waited for All Might's speech to end.

It's so dull, and he even read his text from a card he made before the lesson.

Like, come on, the principle of the game isn't that hard.

As a side note, the costumes of my classmates are the same as in the anime.

Even Izuku's weird costume where even All Might cringed for a moment.

If it was a Cosplay, okay, but he is serious with using it as a hero costume.

What is he even doing? The main job of a Hero is marketing, and with such a costume, it will be hard.

He should be a new Symbol of Piece, so why is he copying All Might so hard.

I can't understand it.

Yeah, I know he is just wearing it because his mom gave it to him, as sorry for the last years of not believing in him.

I didn't understand that even in the anime.

What should she have done? Him having no quirk is not her fault in the first place.

On the other hand, why would she make him a costume?

She should know that the UA gives costumes to the students.

Or didn't she read the information paper that she got after Izuku got accepted?

It's not like I dislike her, but it was weird for her to do.

After some minutes, All Might was finally finished with his speech.

In short, we are simulating an indoor Team Battle.

Two persons will be randomly put in one Team.

One Team is playing the Heroes and the other one the Villains.

The Heroes' goal is to secure the bomb that the Villains will hide in one of the many buildings here.

In the game, All Might described the Heroes have to touch the bomb to win.

Yeah, like this isn't dangerous at all in an actual real situation.

I don't think the heroes could defuse a bomb, so I guess they would be waiting for the police or a hero specializing in something like that.

Is there someone like that?

I am sure there is someone like that in the world where there are so many weird quirks.

"Alright, now I will make the Teams." All Might said as he got a box out of nowhere.

I never gifted him with a spatial ring, have I?

Well, not that I have to do something like that.

Before he drew the papers out, I mixed the contents to make it more random. Of course, he didn't even notice that I shuffled it.

I could probably get the teams I wanted, but that wouldn't be fun, and after five more Minutes, the Teams and the Enemies of every one were decided.

Izuku Midoriya & Ochaco Uraraka (Team A) vs. Katsuki Bakugo & Tenya Ida (Team D)

No Joke, I mixed the papers in the box, but it was still the same Team Up for this two.

Is it fate that these Teams would fight against each other?

No, I am here, so fate wouldn't dare to mess with me, so the only explanation is absurd luck.

The following Teams were a bit more Random.

Mina Ashido & Koji Koda (Team C) vs. Eijiro Kirishima & Rikido Sato (Team E)

Denki Kaminari & Hanta Sero (Team B) vs. Shoto Todoroki & Minoru Mineta (Team F)

Toru Hagakure & Noah Light (Team J) vs. Fumikage Tokoyami & Mezo Shoji (Team G)

I swear it was random that I would be in the same team as Toru.

When the team of us was announced, Toru looked happy to be in a team with me, and when the enemies were decided, I could see them both flinch.

The two looked at me with weird gazes and blamed it on their bad luck.

And the last match was.

Mashirao Ojiro & Tsuyu Asui (H) vs. Momo Yaoyorozu & Kyoka Jiro(I)

Now that the teams were decided, we all moved to the spectator room while Izuku and the bunch walked to the building where they would fight it out.

After the five-minute preparation time for the villains, All Might called out loud.

"The Indoor Battle Trial will start now!" He said into the microphone that he was wearing to announce the start.

My Classmates in the room looked excited about the fight.

Well, I was not that excited since it was the same fight as in the anime.

It isn't that important anyway, so let's ask my kids if they want to watch.

When I thought that, I opened a tiny space crack under the curious eyes of my classmates and asked through it.

"Hey Lea, Rumi, anyone wants to watch the battle trial of my classmates?"

"Hmm, No, sorry, I have to go shopping with Mama because I wasn't the last time as we stalked this weird green-haired boy and that big yellow weirdo." I heard Eri's voice through the crack.

"Big yellow weirdo?" All Might looked a bit stunned since it's the first time someone would call him like that.

And here it is, the typical whispering between each classmate what in the end is no whisper.

Everyone could hear them.

I wonder why they would even whisper and not say it out loud.

"Why would he stalk someone?"

"Weird and green hair?"

"Yeah, sounds familiar."

They said as they watched at the screen that showed the fight.

There they saw Izuku and Ochaco sneaking into a window. As they watched at the two, all the people in the room looked at Izuku with widened eyes.

"Well, Eri, why would you say something like that. I don't know what you mean. In the first place, it wasn't stalking. It was just spectating something interesting." I said to her while sweating.

"What? Didn't you want to watch him because you said it was a nice show?" She said innocently.

As she said that, my sweat rolled down my back.

I should train her in lying. I know you wouldn't do that generally with your kid, but isn't it OK with Eri?

I gathered some weird looks from my class when Lea suddenly said with an energetic voice.

"I want to come, daddy!"

"Okay," I said while fast cutting the connection before Eri talked more.

I opened a portal beside Lea, and she walked through it.

As she appeared in front of my class, she caught some stunned looks.

Lea is a half-god, so her beauty is out of reach for any Human to reach. Well, in her case, cuteness since she is still young.

"Daddy!" she said happily, jumping into my arms with stars in her eyes.

"Is it that what we are watching?" She said excitedly, pointing at the screen with her little finger.

She was still wearing the same Rabbit outfit as in the past.

We buy her so much different clothes, but most of the time she would wear this.

"Ohhhhh, is that you and hers first kid?" All Might came over with a smile.

"Oh, that's the uncle I saw on TV!" she said with her usual energetic voice.

"Yeah, that's right, he is Nana's successor," I said to her with a smile.

"Successor?" The class asked out loud.

"Haha, what are you talking about, Noah?" All Might said with a nervous smile while looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Well, let's watch the show!" All Might turned around and watched at the big screen showing Izuku and Ochako sneaking through a corridor while talking.

In the next moment, we could see Katsuki coming around the corner, instantly attacking Izuku. Izuku evaded the attack with ease since he could tell how Katsuki would attack since he creepingly studied every move of his bully.

There was some discussion in the room about how a surprise attack is not manly and what not.

"Surprise attacks are a valid strategy!" said All Might to them in a loud voice.

"No, there aren't. My mother always says you shouldn't rely on surprise attacks. The only true strength is your own one in an upfront battle." Lea said, surprising the class that was still a bit uncomfortable in front of Lea.

The only one that wasn't uncomfortable was Mineta. The only reason for this is that he was scared since I said my other kid would erase him if he did anything to Lea. In the first place, Lea is still six. Where are the boundaries for this little shit?

And even if Eri wouldn't do anything, I would make him suffer in hell if he is only thinking about touching Lea.

"Well, your mother is a special case." All Might said with a weird smile on his face. He didn't meet Rumi that often, but anyone who watched an interview of her would say the same.

She is crazy.

"Special case?" Lea asked.

"Enough about that. Let's watch the fight!" All Might said out loudly.

We watched the fight unfold, and it was the same as in the anime.

In the end, Izuku broke his arm and punched into the air destroying the building.

"Say Daddy isn't it stupid to do something like this when you play the hero? You would endanger the people in the surroundings, and if you would hit the bomb, it would instantly explode." Lea said.

Ha, see that my child is a genius. She only heard the rules some minutes ago and already saw the errors from the Hero wannabes. I thought while looking smugly at All Might, who just watched at me with weirdness.

"That's right, little one!" He said with a thumbs up.

The class was still in shock from the power of Izuku and were stunned as they heard Lea, the six-year-old child finding errors in the battle.

"Say Daddy aren't they a bit too weak?" Lea said, and the class opened their eyes wide.

"This green-haired boy even broke his arm for such a weak ass attack," Lea said, now even shocking All Might.

"Weak?" The class asked.

"Don't compare them to mother or me," I said while smiling at Lea.

"Why not?" Lea asked.

"Because they are monsters." All Might muttered, but the whole class heard it.

"But even if I compare them to Eri or me, these people are weak," Lea said, simply a bit stunned about the low strength of these people.

I swear I could see the whole class twitch.

"You are not wrong, but let's just watch the show," I said proudly.

The class calmed down a bit as the other matches played out.

The results for the other matches were.

Eijiro Kirishima

& Rikido Sato as the Villains won against Mina and Koji since Koji didn't dare to talk to the insects and ultimately lost the battle because his battle power wasn't that high without his quirk.

Denki Kaminari & Hanta Sero lost against Shoto Todoroki & Minoru Mineta. Since Shoto had done the same as in the anime, he just froze the whole building. Denki and Hanta were surprised since they saw his quirk for the first time in action, so they weren't prepared for such a situation and lost.

As he melted the ice with his fire, Lea again said something shocking everyone in the room, even me.

"That fire? Isn't he the child of the piece of shit that came to our house before I was born? My mother told me about it." Lea said.

I was shocked because Rumi is teaching our kids insults.

The other classmates didn't know his father and just watched weirdly at the little white head.

Only Momo and All Might looked at her with wide eyes.

"Yeah, he was that guy. He is such a waste of space he would be better of dead." I said with a cold voice sending shivers to the people around.

Nobody talked, and we waited for Shoto and his group to come back to talk about the errors of the fight, and then All Might said.

"Next match is Toru Hagakure & Noah Light (Team J) vs. Fumikage Tokoyami & Mezo Shoji (Team G)!"

"Go, Daddy!!" Lea screamed.

"Yeah, yeah, if anyone touches you or some shit, just kill them," I said while watching in Minetas direction.

When I was out of the room, the whole class exclaimed.

"Whoa, he is scary."

"Yeah, why is everything he's saying so creepy."

"You are right. What is that with Shoto's father? Why would he call him a waste of space?"

Someone said as Shoto looked at him with wide-opened eyes.

"What did he say?" Shoto asked.

"Oh, it seems like your father once visited his family and didn't leave such a good impression on them."

Shoto widened his eyes as Lea said.

"Yeah, he was shameless. My mother told me why he was at our house, and it disgusted even me, and I am only six years old. You will not believe what he said!" Lea said.

"He told my mother to …"

2268 Words.

LukasScreators' thoughts