
Cultivating A Kunoichi Harem

He's an overbearing military commander ripped from his world because he needs a vacation, also his world blows up. With no way back and his cultivation base dropped down to 0, he has to start from scratch. Locked in a jailcell and about to be interrogated he cultivates for his life. Smut, Cultivation, and reincarnation Enjoy.

Ultimatedaywriter · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

AI Discussion

He watched the cancerous green growths swallow the moon. All of Konoha were out watching the moon. Many ninja historians were busy documenting the changes in the moon. Families with small telescopes looked at the moon. It was the work of a world seed. Soon the instrument of terraforming would cease its operation. The moon would be swallowed by the green of a billion varieties of herbs.

Time would only improve the situation. He'd have his herb garden. Unfortunately, ninja weren't very good with change. Despite their ability to transform into practically anything they hated major changes. A biome seed swallowing the surface of the moon seemed to fall under the category of major changes.

Vast amounts of natural energy gathered on the moon's surface. Even from the planet below, he could feel the concentration of natural energy slowly increase. This was only the beginning. There were other planets in this system. With the proper use of seed biomes, he could change them.

The moon alone should give him all the natural energy he'd need to rise to the next stage. Further stages would need yet further biomes. Organizations dedicated to pill manufactory would need to be established moving forward. Raw natural energy was great. But the true prize came from the refinement method. Once he rose to the core realm, he'd need vast amounts of natural energy to go further.

"What have you done?" Sakura asked.

"I terraformed the moon." Jack said. Sakura looked up for a minute.

"I knew that, I'm talking about Naruto. Why is he using sexy jutsu all the time and calling himself Naruko?" Sakura asked.

"He annoyed me, so I fed him a yang to yin pill. He's a girl now." Jack said simply. Sakura opened her mouth then closed it. Then she opened it again.

"I know Naruto can be annoying but why did you do that?" Lying came to mind but telling the truth could prove more entertaining.

"Its something I'd normally never do. There are rules in my society about the safe use of pills. In order to break from my former society, I must break away from those rules completely. It was a good pill, he'll make a fine woman." Sakura groaned.

"Isn't there a better way to break away from your society than breaking every morale?" Sakura asked.

Jack kicked a stray tile off his roof and watched to shatter on the ground. "No, to defeat the vestiges of my old self, I must deny them. Only once every vestige of my former society is removed can I rebuild myself." Jack said.

She reached out and gripped his hand. "You aren't going to step over the line are you. I'm not going to walk in on you eating babies will I." Sakura asked.

He pulled her closer to his side and held her. "No, the last visages will be gone after I face the dragon. I'm sure he'll manifest when I cross into the next realm." Jack said.

She leaned against him. "Who is he dragon?" Sakura asked.

He had a guess but couldn't say. Instead he rubbed gently against her back. "Someone who represents my former society more than I did." Jack said.

"What would have happened, if you had decided to keep to your society's teachings?" Sakura asked.

"I would have taken over the world and drained this land of its natural energy. Then, I would have torn open a doorway to a new world and repeated that. My power would climb quickly to my former levels and possibly beyond. It's the quickest way to regain my strength." Jack said.

"Tsunade is going to be pissed about Naruto." Sakura said.

"I know, but restraint is one of the few virtues I'm having trouble leaving behind. It had to be done." Jack said.

"Why would Granny be mad?" Naruko asked. The spikey haired blonde stood on his house with a grin on her face.

"Jack turned you into a girl. Doesn't that bother you?" Sakura asked.

"No, I feel like I've always been a girl its weird. The pill made me just as comfortable being a girl as I was being a guy." Naruko said.

"That shouldn't be possible. I looked it up. You should be having all sorts of psychological issues." Naruko blinked at her not understanding. "Well at least you didn't have sex. That would have really messed you up." Sakura said.

Naruko whistled a nonchalant tune. Sakura stared at the both of them then glared at Jack. "Of course, the century old immortal wouldn't think twice about fucking a girl who was a boy moments ago. Tsunade is going to kill you." Sakura muttered.

"Don't worry about it. I'll survive whatever she throws at me." Jack said.

"Well this will make adding Hinata to the Harem easier." Sakura said.

"How's that and what's a harem?" Naruko asked.

Sakura tapped her lip before answering. "Its when more than one girl shares a boy. In this case we are in Jack's Harem." Naruko nodded.

"Why do we want to add Hinata?" Naruko asked.

Jack thought about the best way to put it. "The more girls in a harem the better the Harem. Think of it like a super family. To have the best harem we need the best and most powerful girls." Jack said.

Naruko nodded her head. "That makes sense. You added Sakura chan because she's the best and I'm powerful. Hinata is great, she has those gentle fists and eyes that can see all over the place. She also has a lot of issue with her clan. Will they let her join our harem?" Naruko asked.

"I thought about that. She isn't the heiress but she's a member of the main house. They probably won't let her join without putting a caged bird seal on her." Sakura said.

"I've had to wipe out clans like that before. Their traditions and practices didn't mesh well with ours, so they had to be culled. The best way is normally to kill all the men and take the women as war brides. Unfortunately, we don't have an army of sons that need brides, yet." Jack said.

Naruko looked between them. "Sakura, how do you know when you're pregnant?" Naruko asked.

Sakura went beat red. "There are a few signs. Morning sickness, your period can stop, and bloating of course. You only had sex a few days ago." Sakura said. "You don't know the contraception jutus."

"No, I have no idea what that is." Sakura turned to him.

"I decided to have all the children I possibly could." Sakura grumbled and rubbed her forehead.

"Tsunade is going to kill you." Sakura said.

"I guess going to the next realm would be better sooner than later. How long before Tsunade figures it out?" Jack asked.

In training ground 3 Jack surveyed the area. It wasn't his first choice but then again it fit well enough. This was where he'd ascend beyond the foundry limit. That was a scary thought. The last time he'd tried to ascend beyond the foundry limit, he had pills designed to boost his chances. Warmaster Augustus had come to personally oversee his rise. When it seemed as if he might fail, the Warmaster lent Jack words of encouragement.

Jack stood in the training ground with two woman he'd abused and claimed for himself. He threw away his morale's for pleasure. More than that, he told them no in exchange for choice.

His time as a camel had been centuries long but his time as lion was much shorter. Was he ready to transition to the next stage? To reach the next realm he had to show that he'd mastered the sacred no. It wouldn't be easy for him. Threading the needle of core was difficult.

Most died before reaching core. Their control of aura often proved inefficient and they fell their cultivation bases crumbled. Each step up was more dangerous than the last. It was his time to reach for the next step in his cultivation. Even so, preparations were needed. It was time to begin the seven-day process.

He began working on a grand formation. Talismans were inscribed upon metal rods and placed in the ground for the formation. Each talisman corresponded to an element or sutra he knew or mastered. Seven pills were placed within the formations. These blank pills were filled with vast amounts of natural energy and through the formation would be adapted to empower his own cultivation. They were the key to the breakthrough.

Once the formation was set, Jack meditated within it. Various defenses were put in place to guard against any disruptions. Slowly, he settled in for whatever trial his mind would manifest.

He sat in a chair opposite Warmaster Augustus. Slowly, they placed their troops into formations. With the points limited scale their forces were at least even. Jack had lost the last ten games and the night was still young. He looked down at his forces. Instead of his troops he had a handful of sons. Each had his face, some his eyes, and other features, each were his sons and he had to lead them into battle.

"Why would I fight against you with my own sons?" Jack asked.

"Who else would you trust to carry out your orders. Did you think they'd wait quietly with their mothers while you fought alone?" Augustus asked. Everything came back to Jack in an instant.

"You aren't real this is just a simulation created in my mind to test my resolve. I've done this before." Jack said.

"No, before you had resolve. You knew what you were, and your cultivation base was stable." August moved another Imperial legion against the forces of his sons. Despite their best efforts, his sons were scattered quickly. Ninja forces were no match for the power of a legion. Each cultivator had more than enough power to wipe out armies of kage. Even foot soldiers were superior.

Jack moved an artillery unit in and unleashed devastating damage upon the imperial legion. He withdrew his own troops and destroyed the planet. If troop to troops were his weakness, then he wouldn't fight that way. Navy to navy the were almost evenly matched. Only Jack's navy had more than enough ships to replace any destroyed. They were fielded by androids or remote controlled.

"You hated the idea of automation. That hate limited our military capabilities." Jack said.

"Where did this contempt come from. You carried out my orders without a complaint before. Even you my friend never questioned my orders. Perhaps, if you have Nico wouldn't have had to save you." Augustus said.

"I was the ideal commander. What my Warmaster said was law. That is no longer the case. You were wrong, you wasted lives because of your prejudice. No longer will I call you my Warmaster. Augustus you are merely my friend."

"Automatons always turn against their users. It's in their nature to betray us. The AI can't be trusted." Augustus said.

"This is why I hate religion. It makes perfectly logical men into fools. Those that went berserk were programmed to do so. Faulty programming isn't the fault of the AI it's the programmer who should be punished." Jack said.

"Are you going to conquer other worlds in my name?" Augustus said.

"No, I'm going to conquer them in mine. I'll add more powerful women to my harem, I'll unleash free trade, and create a prosperous world. I won't be a Warmaster." Jack said.

Ships crumbled and stars exploded under the conflict between their armies. While the warmaster's ships and crew were much better than his, Jack could sacrifice hundreds more. While ever loss of the warmaster's was costly. Automatons with no survival instincts weren't afraid to ram enemy ships.

"AI will betray you. It is prophesied. When we are at our greatest, they will turn on us and we'll fall into a dark age of ignorance." Augustus said.

"No, I think the future is unwritten. So long as we don't make Human AIs then we will forever prosper." Jack said.

Hey thank you for reading, i hope you had fun reading it. If you want to check out another of my stories. My new story is out 'Oh God No!' its about a human turned system AI that is attached to a brain dead host and has to be both the AI and the player.

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