
The 'cute' little girl(Very cute, totally...)

Sam's P.O.V.

Damn those unruly bastards, eyeing for sister Emma, just what's wrong with them? Can't they just mind their own business?

Why am I so agitated, you asked? How could I not be? Sister Emma is my benefactor. When my household had fallen, sister Emma was the only one who treated me with such kindness. I don't understand!!

Sam walked around the orphanage in distress, he and the others had gotten less and less food each day. With each day passing, the supply of food in the orphanage lessens. The people living in the slums were also experiencing the same situation. While those nobles eat their hefty meals, the commoners were suffering from malnutrition.

Sam's parents were once merchants, they were rich and wealthy. Worrying about food had never been a concern to them. However, one day his parents went missing suddenly. Immediately after this major incident, all the wealth he had was snatched away from him as if it had never belonged to him in the first place.

While all the commoners living in Entropy were clueless about the hidden threat in the city, Sam had already suspected that Entropy was dying. The number of people living in the slums increased every day. But without his wealth or riches he once had, he was powerless to do anything. Sam had only one goal right now, and that is to protect the orphanage and the people living in it.

Sam continued to wander aimlessly around the slum. Unlike the liveliness of the business district, the atmosphere around the slums was heavy. Countless complains were made about those who are wealthy. Outsiders won't even know about the slums' condition as this area was specifically blocked out from the rest of Entropy. It's wasn't as if no actions were taken by those living in the slums. Every time they tried to revolt, strong knights charged into the slums to 'clean' up.

Dark clouds of despair hover around the slums, giving those living in it little hope of improvement.

*tok* *tok*

A head of a stranger flew out from an alleyway into the open. It landed directly in front of Sam's foot. Sam stood there frozen for a few seconds. It was then that his brain had finally caught up with reality. With another glance at the face, he noticed that it looked familiar. Then realisation struck Sam. That was... one of the kids from the orphanage. Though he did not leave a favourable impression to Sam, he was still a companion to Sam...

"Ahh-ahhhh!!" Sam screamed at the ghastly sight of the head. Its eyes were scourge out from its sockets. A small pool of blood formed around the head. Sam tried to turn around and leave, but his legs did not listen to him. Why? Why? Why can't I move? What's going on? His young and innocent mind was blank from an unknown fear. A fear of the monster behind this.

*Slurp* *Slurp* Sounds of slurping came out of the dark alleyway.

"Wow, that was seriously tasty!" A cheerful voice commented. A figure came out of the alley. It was a young girl with white long hair, her face and was stained with bright red blood. Her blood-shot eyes gazed at poor little Sam. Her overall outlook could be said to be rather creepy, her thin arms and legs seem as if they would break with a single touch.

That gaze freaked Sam out, such that the area around his crouch became wet with an unknown liquid. His instincts were screaming at full blast, it warned him of the approaching danger, but he couldn't move. Frozen solid like a statue, he could only fearfully look at the scary looking girl walking slowly towards him.

"It's not my fault. It's not my fault... I was just hungry..." The girl burst out crying out of nowhere. She would have looked pitiful if not for the fact that she was covered in blood.

Sam continued to look at her with fear, not daring to look away. He was afraid that any sudden movements might prompt the girl to attack him. Though the girl was smaller than him, his instincts told him not to underestimate her.

"Why are you so afraid of me? I was just eating." She smiled gently as if her earlier outburst was staged.

"Look~ I am still REALLY REALLY~ Hungry~" She hummed in a cheerful tone loudly, while touching Sam's cheek.

An icily touch could be felt on his cheeks, to Sam, this sensation was like a death sentence. He just wanted to push her away, but his arms were heavily bandaged. Oh no, she is going to eat me! I DON'T WANT TO DIE. I DON'T WANT TO DIE. NOT YET. NOT. YET.

"Sorry about my manners I was just too hungry. hehe. Come and join me for dinner." She giggled happily looking at Sam like a predator staring at a prey. She dragged Sam into the dark alleyway.

Her pale fingers sluggishly approached Sam's eye sockets, she licked his cheeks along with the teardrops that fell from his cheeks.

"Hmm~ Salty~" She playfully stuck her tongue out.

At this moment a voice came from above, "Ah. You must be a pretty hungry fellow aren't you?".

"Tch, whos there?" The girl looked around frantically, searching for the source of the sound.

Hearing her question, the figure descended from above, a cloak young man stood in front of her. The landing looked majestic as if the figure looks down on both Sam and the hungry little girl. (Hungry little girl sounds good in my head...)

Unnerved by the sudden appearance of Dan, the hungry little girl stared at him. After a few seconds of silence, she finally spoke up.

"Ah~~, you are not here to capture me are you? After all, I am not doing anything wrong... could it be that you are hungry too... hahaha, why don't you join me? I found something tasty." She laughed hysterically.

"That sure looks tasty." Dan laughed at the boy squirming around in fear.

"Jokes aside, could you let that boy off? I got business with him." Dan revealed his motive.

"AH. AH. AHHHH. You are with those knights aren't you, preaching about justice while murdering my brother, stealing my food..." She was agitated from this event and started yelling at Dan.

The angry little girl charge towards Dan, [Martial Arts, Piercing Claws]. Her right arm shined in dark purple and pierced through the air towards Dan's chest.

"Not bad, but that's not enough. You seem rather... interesting..." Dan appeared to be in a good mood. He grabbed the little girl's thin right arm and pinned it onto the ground.

She struggled intensely, refusing to be trapped by Dan.

"Well, well, here's some snack." Dan took out a chocolate bar and threw it into her mouth.

With this, she stopped useless struggles and focused on chewing down the unknown food. Surprising to her, it was extremely tasty. A sweet taste that she had never imagined was possible was right now in her mouth. "More!" She shamelessly demanded with her mouth opened wide, she seems to be expecting that Dan would feed her.

"Alright then..." Dan took more chocolates out of the wrappings and put them into her wide open mouth.

[Wow, she's quite cute.]-Dan snickered to the sight of her munching heavily down on the chocolate bars.

[Lolicon detected, contacting the cops.]-System pulled out a threat to Dan.

[Fu*k off!!]-Dan was irritated by the system's comments on his actions.

[But seriously, this little girl just ate a human and you think that that's cute? And now you want to train her to be one of your apostles?]-System asked in a surprised tone.

[I think it would be interesting to have her on my team. Especially with that appetite, I wonder if she would run around smashing restaurants for food. Hahaha, that would be funny, besides she looks lively. We need more energetic people on my team.]-Dan laughed evilly at this thought.

[Are you training people to be your followers in your cult or will you be creating a team of criminals...]-System was intrigued by its host.

[The second one sounds fun, I should consider doing that in the future.]-Dan thought with a smile on his face.

[...]-The system.

Alright, where was I right now, oh. I was rescuing the boy, what was he called again? Sem? Samul? Sam? Ah whatever, he has low potential ratings anyways. Being unable to run in this scenario... definitely won't be a strong soldier in the future without intensive training. That's too troublesome...


[Teleport!] With this, Sam appeared in the orphanage. He saw the new luxurious building a the centre. Bastards, they tore down the building? He fainted shortly after, too tired from the earlier man eating little girl.


"So, what's your name?" Dan looked at the little girl enjoying her snacks.

"Irgmm Chloaghie" She spoke with her mouth full, making senseless noises.

"... Speak when you are done chewing..." Dan laughed at this sight of her speaking with her mouth full.

"Sorry I was just too hungry. I lost my sanity earlier and accidentally ate someone hahaha. I am Elise Vers Ellusia, also known as the fallen or mad princess." She answered cheerfully while following Dan.

Looks like I really did pick up something interesting...

Don't worry, this city is completely safe.

No abnormal sighting recently. The weather here is pretty nice too.

I would recommend you to visit this place. I gave it a solid 5/7 rating for safety.

FBI! OPEN UP!! *doors breaking*

wow, their influence even spread to the other world...

Afternoonecreators' thoughts