
Out of control

Dan's P.O.V.

It seems that a person's willpower is related to how much mana they can absorb in one go. Looks like my gamble paid off and she's still alive, even turning into my first apostle. She better get used to her powers quickly, I am planning to crash a party soon, hahaha. My progress on recruitment is currently is doing better than expected. I am going to stop here for now, but I still need an apostle of order to balance my power ratio of Chaos to Order.

I am currently leaning towards the chaos side. If I somehow lose control of my powers... it will be bad... really really bad... I have also unlocked a new form of energy, divine energy, it comes from the faith of my followers but I can replicate it using my elemental plane. But seriously, isn't this too easy to play god without even reaching super-tier. It seems that the temple of justice had sent a member of the Anit-Magic Association after my head, it would be good to scare them a teeny tiny bit with my apostle.

Using divine energy puts a great strain on my mana saturated body. I am currently at a bottleneck at tier 15, if I continue absorbing mana I would go berserk. The system said that my body had insufficient mana control capabilities as it had not even managed to fully adapt to the new source of energy in my body. And I had continued to forced mana into my body. With the creation of an apostle of chaos, my mana nature now leans towards the nature of chaos which is naturally chaotic making me more prone to going mana berserk.

Lastly, the final factor of my bottleneck was my control over the elemental plane. The elemental plane has always been leaning towards the nature of chaos, this is because of the fact that there are no permanent borders in the elemental plane. Every single day, elements of different nature come into contact making the elemental plane chaotic at all times.

At this moment, influenced by Dan's excited emotions the mana in him went berserk. His skin turned dark red, his eyes turned red. The veins around his body tore open, bright red blood flowed out of these openings. A strong pressure came from inside him threatening to tear him apart at any time if he had lost concentration due to the pain he would have been dead by now.

[Danger! Critical theoretical limit reached! The host is highly recommended to stop funnelling divine energy at once or face dire consequences!]-System warned with an urgent tone. With this Dan finally stopped playing around with the divine energy.

I can only run my divine energy for 2 hours at maximum capacity ha... he heavily sighed.

Looks like this is a problem that I would have to solve after I finish 'crashing' the party. Since the many gods' avatar are going to be present in the hero summoning ceremony, I would naturally have to make my own preparations. I will be roleplaying as an avatar of an origin god.


Demi-god(fake god)< lesser gods < intermediate gods < Greater gods < Origin gods (Gods who came before the existence of planes... Error-Hidden information cannot be uncovered temporarily to...) < The Omnigod (Sole creator of the origin gods) (It massed-produced origin gods during the war, so it doesn't remember all of its creations.)

Since with the cloak given by system could completely cover up my mana presence, it would only seem legitimate if they cannot sense the power level of an avatar of an origin level god. Origin gods are the most powerful and respected gods among all gods. Some of them are still slumbering due to heavy injuries from an ancient war before the existence of the planes. Most of the origin gods had perished in the ancient war. Currently, there are no records of the number of Origin gods who are still alive. Even the omnigod himself does not know of this number, a rough estimate would be 10-20 origin gods.

So it should be safe to cosplay as one, I have my plans to break into the hero summoning ceremony. My entrance must be as grand as possible to show off the greatness of an origin god. Preparations for the summoning of my elemental avatars must be made. I can only pick a few to go with me as I do not have the means to summon all of them in such a short amount of time. I had even made my escape plans, if anything goes wrong, I would just escape into the elemental plane and back into my dungeon.

With the remaining few days left before the main event starts, Dan spent the remaining time crafting items and preparing for the 'party'.


Elise's P.O.V.

"AHAHAHA, damn you really are crazy!! Won't you feel bad making a cute little young girl like me go through that? I could have died from that, hahaha" I burst out in laughter from that and only stopped after a few minutes. I looked in the direction of her mission target and smiled excitedly. Looks like my sense has improved drastically, I had already spotted my mission target. He seems to have good survival instincts as he could sense my gaze at him.

Though he couldn't tell who was watching him, he could still sense the danger. Looks like my target isn't a simple one. This would be a good test for how powerful I have become. She flew quickly in the direction of her target.


Gilbert's P.O.V.

It really took quite some time but I will be reaching Entropy in about a few hours, tier 0 countries are really in desolate areas... it took so much effort just to travel here by horse. As the Anti-magician Association branch head of the Holy Kingdom, I had to try my best in order to complete this task requested by Malcium, my close friend and a good business partner.

There has indeed been a strange phenomenon occurring in Entropy, just a day ago, a single tower pop out of nowhere. (Yes its Dan's dungeon. What did you expect? Adding floors, of course, changes the outlook of the dungeon.) This sudden and odd appearance has probably something to do with that magician messing around in the kingdom. He probably made it appear out of some weird spell. Such a high tier magician... my only safe bet is the anti-magic weapons that I had prepared beforehand.

Perhaps I should retreat? After all, only a tier 14-15 or a super-tier magician can make a tower this big appear. No, I should scout out the situation first, I used an emergency communication artefact to contact the headquarters of the Anti-Magician Association located in the Sixth Kings Kingdom. Wait, why is the artefact not working? Could it be a defective product? No, impossible this is given by the headquarters' staff, they would have checked it thoroughly. Could I be spotted by that despicable mage? I might really die here, haha haha I joked to myself to remain my calm. I had full confidence in my gear of choice.

Just as this thought came across my head, I felt an evil gaze watching over me... A strong suppression force started to restrain my movements. Tch, who's watching? Is it that damn magician? This is really an anomaly, I am a tier 13 being... Could it be that magician is a tier 15 or suer-tier being? How could he find out my movements so quickly? (Hint: There are some pretty angels around his god: End of the hint)

I hastily began taking countermeasures against the invisible foe. In my heart I prayed silently, dear mighty lord, your follower urgently needs your help. Since I am only a branch head, my request is directed to the angels under my lord. I waited for a few minutes but there wasn't any reply. Impossible... did my lord abandon me?

The disorder in my heart increased from this thought, out of a sudden and I felt a chaotic being above me. It was a young girl with red eyes, she was wearing a gothic lolita dress with red frills. She gracefully raised her halbert which is obviously not suited for her size. She looks so beautiful that she could charm anyone with those bright red eyes and silver hair. A mischevious smile appeared on her face when the corner of her mouth raised into a curve. A sense of fear poured into me and my legs froze, my heartbeat increased considerably again. In this silent standoff, a loud heartbeat sounded across this scene.

Looking at the fearful me, she playfully licked her lips as if she had found a suitable prey. Damn it what's going on? Didn't the information say that the magician is a male? Who is she? She is clearly not emitting any mana and yet I am feeling so disordered? Every step she took sends me shivers down my spine. Cold sweats formed beneath my armour. I observed each and every action on hers but I couldn't find out anything. She is just a little girl... why am I so afraid I kept asking the same question repeatedly.

Her bright red eyes gazed at me and she opened her small little mouth, "Ah, I found you! hehe!" She giggled happily like how a girl her age would. This scene only made my fear further increased as I felt that this girl isn't as simple as she looks.

Welp, he's gonna die I guess...

Afternoonecreators' thoughts