

The third prince, Slaine was in his room when he heard the news. Marcus was defeated. Now the royal knights are completely under Allysium's control.

*Slams* He smashed his fist onto the table. The table gave in, and flakes came out of the broken edges.

Since when did my sister gain such capable personnel? Damn it, is it father again?

Again, his father had left all the goodies for his favourite daughter.

He must have known that Britinia was talented. If only I could somehow get her. Slaine started fantasising about his future; however, he couldn't lay his hands on Entropy this time around.

His subordinates have their hands full, and so he decided to get the capital back before.

*Boom* A person dressed entirely black came in without knocking.

"Slaine, what is going on?"

"What do you mean? Ryan?"

"The elite troops I sent into the nobles territory are all gone."


"I don't care if this isn't your fault. You better compensate me after you get what you want." And he left the room.

"DAmn it! Everything is not going as plan! WHAT the fuck is going on?!" Slaine grabbed his hair and trashed angrily.

"Black knights..."

"At your service."

"Are the knights we sent into Maltium, the nobles' main base still there?"


"They are gone huh... Damn it! Why isn't everything going along as I planned? Incite a rebellion in the capital of Dusk." Slaine was utterly different from before. He looked hagged. The confidence he had back then couldn't be seen in him now.

He had lost too many troops, and his 'partners' are now doubting his capabilities.


On an empty piece of land, mist formed all around the boy. A flaming hot figure stood tall behind him.

"Master you should take a break." It spoke telepathically.

"haha... I would've done so if I could." It was Dan; he softly laughed as he continued his journey. Specifically, it was a portion of his soul.

It was the black ball he threw in the direction of the hero. Back then, before Dan left the Holy Kingdom's territory, he left a portion of his soul behind to run some errands.

"It would be great if this me could fly or use the portal. That's enough complaining; I still need to enter the Orcs territory."

"The plan in the Magi Empire is going well. Part of me just reached the capital of the Magi Empire. What's next?"

"Here." Dan handed over some information of a certain man.

"This?" The fire elemental glance at the report.


Name: Dawand Daviness

Position: Council of Magician

Title: The Fool, Wasted Potential

Age: 68

Description: An old man who spent all his time trying to prove the existence of elementals. Back in the days, he was a talented person. It took him a year to master Arcane magic. The entire nation praised him for his contribution.

This changed when he was 55 years old. He started researching elementals.

The discovery that fire made by arcane magic was lacking in something. This discovery inspired him to find out if this hypothesis was correct

The premise of the theorise elemental magic. This, of course, caused him tonnes of trouble. In the Magi Kingdom, Arcane magic is regarded highly. His research was deemed to be blasphemy. Luckily, his high position in society had saved him countless times.

Recently, his political enemies are bent on driving him out. Tired from his lack of progress and pressure of his political enemies, he is on the verge of breaking down.


"Even the most talented and formidable person would break down after years of constant failure."

"I see, you want him..."

"Its more like I need him. This opportunity is too precious to pass."

"What is my order?"

"You should make him a believer. Stabilise his position in the Magi Empire. And then create a civil war in the Magi Empire, make sure to cause as much chaos as possible. This would then distract the Alliance of the Light. A man like this would suit our cause. At his current state, he will accept your temptation easily."

"Isn't the Light Alliance currently full? They shouldn't be able to make a move this year."

"That is only on the surface. Their true powerhouse isn't the Goddess of Peace nor the God of Justice."

"Then who's this 'powerhouse'"

"Haha... I don't know. There are still too many factors, this time the enemy at least know how to hide their tracks."

As the conversation continues, Dan's skinny body starts crumbling apart again.

"Looks like the damage to my real body is really severe. The system betrayer was kind of expected... but the aftermath was ha..."

He sighed deeply.

"Introduce the other elementals to the Orcs too and get them to form a contract. I want to force the hidden powers to reveal themselves. It seems that there is more than one old god in Alcanti. Also, Jenesis(goddess of creation) is somehow still alive... origin gods are really hard to deal with.

The biggest short-term problem lies in the fragments of an unknown old god in the Kingdom of Dusk. And I still need to corrupt one of the otherworlders despite my current condition."

"I see. Understood, I will move out right away." The flames roared and vanished instantaneously.

Dan looked up at the sky and smiled gently. Time to return to the hero's side. Hopefully, this trip would be beneficial... Hold on a second!

Pulsing waves came from his soul, it was resonating, resonating with the main body. Damn it! I have been tricked. Sweat formed on his forehead as he realised a severe mistake. MY body. Damn that system! Miscalculation! A complete miscalculation!

He stomps his foot angrily on the ground. Trashing the terrain.

Not good. Blood split out from his mouth yet again. Darn it, I will need to utilise my full consciousness to combat the invader. Looks like I will have to reduce the prediction skills for this fragment of myself.

Hours passed as this fragment dragged himself back to the hero's side.

"Elemental do as you see fit. I have met some difficulties." A glint of fear flashed breifly before returning to its nonchantant state.


In the depths of the darkness lies Dan, he opened his eyes and sat up straight. He yawns and stretch his muscles.

Where am I? Old gods? Omnigod? Tiers? Haha, what a beautiful dream! Strange, really strange that feels real...

Haha, have I lost my mind? Dan stared at the clock. It was 10.00 a.m. What a great start. The sun rises from the horizon, and Dan was back in his room... a modern one.

"Hey, have you seen my toothbrush?" Dan called out.

At this moment, a taller and similar looking silhouette of a man appeared.

"Here, catch." He skillfully threw the toothbrush over. Dan's eyes widened in irritation as he watches the natural movements.

"Thanks, bro." He instinctively replied. You guys, not bad. Not bad indeed. Now I am really pissed. Replicating my memory huh. Trying to trap me for an invader.

A strong sense of disappointment surge from his stagnant heart and it was soon replaced by anger. Pure anger rages deep beneath his emotionless face, it burnt with great ferocity. Blood gushed up to his head as he resists the urge to beat them up. So this is anger, this is disappointment. Hahaha, how long has it been since I felt such intense emotions? He grinned in amusement.

"Dan are you ok?" His brother asked worryingly. Ha... I hope that you are having fun back in the other world. Dan reminiscent in his past. Goodbye.

[Maximise Magic: Reality Slash] His brother was split into half, and the 'world' broke apart revealing the endless darkness and several other 'Dans.'

"How decisive!"

"We've failed."

*Clap* *Clap* "Have you gone mad? Trapping I the REAL Dan? You are all just mere copies, here to do my calculations and simulations of the real world." Dan looked furious, never ever in his life had he felt so mad, so angry, so chaotic. His feelings threatened to burst from his chest.

"Ah as expected of myself."

"Good job."

"What are you talking about?"

"We are just helping."

Something seems wrong. They were chattering amongst themselves. He frowned deeply and pointed a single finger at the other Dans.

"Wait we are the same."

"You can't do that."

"Elimination is the only path..."


Listening to their objections, Dan smiled, the smile was deeply sinister and filled with anger. "Hahaha, you all used to be me. A me corrupted by an old god isn't me anymore. Goodbye, you have served me well, its time for a purge! AHAHAHA"

"DIE." Just this word. They were all torn into shreds. It was a bloody scene, the room was covered in all red.

"hahaha, goddamit I am really pissed right now. My simulations my personas all gone hahaha. Come out alright stop hiding! I will pummel your fu*king ass right now!" His bold words echo through the hallways of his mind, towards a hidden enemy. An enemy who invaded his body through the pure mana absorbed from the old god.

Welp, I am finally free prepare for more chapters.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts