
Cult of Chaos & Order {1}

Dan's P.O.V.

Like this world or on Earth, without order there will be chaos, likewise, without chaos, there will be no order. This is the same with darkness or light, no matter where we are, balance is necessary to maintain the world. So I will be the ruler using both chaos and order to control my people. So, it is time to begin a cult, the Cult of Chaos and Order...

After settling dungeon matters, I teleported out of the dungeon to my original position. The seed has sprouted, time to pick up my first target.


Ellie's P.O.V.

Finally freed by the thing controlling me, I fled from the despicable guild master. After running for about an hour, I stopped to rest. Strangely, the guild master had chosen not to chase after me. I knew that I was his favourite, which means something must have happened for him to stop searching for me.

The first thing I felt wasn't relief like I had hoped for, but endless disgust for myself. The thing that was inside me felt like it isn't supposed to exist. After all, how can something more nefarious than the evilest demon exist under the god's eye? My frantic admiration for gods had completely vanished. After all, where were they when I needed their help.

Did they not hear my family members frantic prayers? The stories describe gods as invincible and kind-hearted beings. Kind-hearted, magnanimous and great? What's so great about them? Where was the justice I needed? Is it my fault for existing then?

My family were devoted believers of the god of justice, such that we uphold his teachings. Protecting the weak, eliminating inequalities and so forth. We prayed to him every year for his protection and yet this horrifying incident had happened.

That despicable guild master killed my father and mother in front of my eyes. He injected a strange fluid into me, causing me to be completely obedient, the liquid in me gave off an extremely nefarious presence that I wanted to puke. Though he did not touch me, he ordered me to drag my little sister onto his bed. Despite my reluctance to abide by his command, the 'thing' in me stole my ability to control my body.

When my little sister, Elly saw me she was excited, thinking that I have found a way to escape. He tiny rounded eyes sparkled in joy, she clenched her fist tightly fully showing her cute little round face to me. But soon, she noticed my face devoid of any expression. Sensing that something was wrong she asked worriedly, "Sister... are you alright...?" Her eyes are now filled with concern. As if not noticing her worriedness for me, I continued my actions while I screamed at myself internally to stop immediately.

However my actions continued, I carried her out of the dungeon and brought her towards the guild master's bedroom. Noticing that something was really off, Elly begged me. "Sister, where are you bringing me? Have you forgotten what he did to mum and dad? Let me gooooo!" Ellie struggled violently on my back.

I ignored her violent thrashing and put her down on the bed. Lying on the bed was the guild master holding a beer mug. When he saw Elly struggling with a tear-stained face, the area around his crouch became a tent.

"Hahaha, I wonder how tight she will be! Strip her and spread open her legs." The bald-headed and fat guild master ordered.

"It would be a pleasure to serve." A voice without emotion came from my mouth. Then I proceeded to strip my little sister's clothing off, revealing her fair and white skin without traces of hair.


A strong resistance could be felt as I forcefully opened her legs, showing the full view of the delicious content to my most hated person. The guild master smiled even more sinisterly when he looked at this scene. In my head, I wanted to turn around but couldn't. I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry Elly, please don't hate me. I am sorry for being too weak to protect you...

The next few scenes were burnt into my head, every time I close my eyes I could still see it...

"NOOOO!!!!" Her painful screams could be heard. "IT HURTS!! MAKE IT STOPPP!! SAVE ME!!! SISTER PLEASE!!!" Blood dripped out onto the plain white sheets. Heavy grunting sounds echo throughout the room. A pretty girl held down her little sister and allowed a murderer of their parents to enjoy her thoroughly.

They continued until the next morning, with a sheet covered in a mysterious white liquid (it is what you think it is). The same liquid could be found on Ellie's face, throat and mouth. She was covered in it.

"Alright that was great, now go sell her off as a sex slave." The guild master ordered.

Her suffering is not over... it has only just begun...

Elly had barely any energy to resist, she was carried away by Ellie. Naked in the mid-day, everyone who walked past Elly looked at them with strange expressions. They finally reached the slave trader. Elly was cleaned, and she looked like a beautiful doll even after stained by the guild master's fluid. Thus, she was sold for a high price to the slave trader.

My little sister was never seen from then onwards...

After resting for an additional hour in an unknown alley, I started to think about what I should do next. What is Elly doing now? Where is she? I have nowhere to go, my home is destroyed. In this city, if the guild master's people saw me I will be captured again. Who could help me?

[Ah, you seem lost little sheep...]

"Show yourself at once!!" Ellie looked around at her surroundings, searching for the unknown voice that appeared.

"Are you someone from the temple of Dusk? I am not joining an evil organisation!" She drew her daggers while still looking around frantically.

[The temple of Dusk? Of course not! I am far greater than that tiny little thing.]-The mysterious voice mocked the religion.

"Then who are you? What do you want from me?" She asked, not withdrawing her consciousness of the surroundings.

[Who am I? Hahaha, I am a god... before mankind exists I have been here. Watching over the world for a long time. This land belongs to me and I am here to collect it back...]-The mysterious voice was filled with holiness, laughing at my ignorance of this world.

"So are you an evil god?" She asked again.

[Evil or good? Does it matter? Foolish child, I do things as I wish.]-It replied back to her question.

"Then you are...


Tch, tch if you enjoy this chapter you are a sick person.

Oh, wait I am sick too. Disgusting!!

Mass release 3

Afternoonecreators' thoughts