
Crime? I've committed none

What the hell just happened? This god just wiped out the entire city in my territory?! The god of strategy's eyes widened in horror. Beads of sweat pour down on his roman-like amour. His teeth gnashed together. Don't joke with me!

What is he doing? Doesn't the lord of Chaos and Order know that if he decides to destroy the entire city, he will be ostracised by the Pro-life gods? Although this route wouldn't offend the older gods, they wouldn't help him either. How is he going to survive in this court of justice?

Practically 99.9 % of all gods will be against you, and yet you proceed to offend even more of them. Has he given up or have I made a wrong judgement? This risk I took to uncover the Omnigod's secret better be worth it. The god of strategy repeatedly tapped on his Roman-looking helmet.

This time, he had not only lost Zlupolis. He had also strained his relationship with the Arcane Goddess as he rejected to challenge the elementals, he even put the Holy Kingdom at risk of the Orcs invasion by splitting up his forces.

Perhaps the stake he had placed on the line this time was far too large. Even if he hadn't made a move, he was pretty sure that the other origin gods were to take action. Let's see how this god handles the court of justice. The only reason why I kept that idiot god of justice is that he somehow was in charge of the court.

Tsk, whatever, there is no way of losing this one. I was one of the leaders who lead the gods to victory in the Ancient War. I should be the one sitting on that throne. His eyes glitter in greed as he stares at the irresistible empty seat. If only I could... he quickly wavered off the idea and waited for the arrival of the Omnigod.

That single seat symbolises absolute power. Although it looks dull and straightforward, there was nobody who doesn't yearn for it. Even the goddess of time, Asmer had a slight desire for the seat. She seems to be getting more chaotic as time passes.

"Arrival of the Omnigod!" Two veiled entities escorted the omnigod into the court. The omnigod did not bother to look at any of the gods present. He swiftly took his seat and waited. Doubt began to form in his mind as he started to question Dan. What's taking him so long? The sand in the hourglass has almost run out. The three days grace time was almost out. It would be troubling for the Omnigod if Dan did not reach on time.

Under the contract, the Omnigod cannot attack Dan and Dan help him against the Old gods and the Titans. While he isn't willing to break the contract or face the consequences from the backlash of cutting the deal, he had to do so to appease the origin gods present and maintain his superiority.

By now, everyone present believes that Dan would not be able to make it in time. However, at the very last second before the last grain of sand fell. A bright flashed appeared in the distance and Dan popped into the court.

"Just on time. Hello guys." Dan waved at the gods. Shortly after his arrival, Leora arrived, her clothes were slightly burnt.

"You're really crazy. I was about to taste that ice cream, and you blew the entire city up... You even arrived here at the very last second..." Leora's mouth pursed up in annoyance and irritation.

"Well well well, since when mortals are worth my reputation? Mortals shouldn't act so brazenly in front of gods." Dan fanned himself haughtily with a Chinese fan.

Leora rolled her eyes, "I'm mad because this explosion caused my ice cream to vaporise."

"You could have shielded it."

"Who the hell knows that you would decide to blow up a city belonging to the Alliance of the light?! You caught me by surprise."

"I wanted to tell you, but you left immediately."

In front of the entire court, Dan looked extremely carefree. From the start to the end he only gave the gods present a glance after then spoke to the girl who looks similar to Dan.

On the right-hand side of the court, one could easily see that the God of Strategy was mad. The angriest man in the courtroom right now is the God of Justice, his face blackened and his brows slightly narrowed in displeasure the moment he saw Dan's figure. The God of Justice was even more determined to sentence Dan to death. How dare he kill so many innocent lives? All of a sudden, he had already forgotten that this was the decision made by the God of Strategy. He had already pushed all the blames onto Dan's head.

"How dare you arrive late?! Even still, you act so disrespectfully in front of the Omnigod?!" His voiced thunder through the court, silencing the chattering gods. The court was finally in session.

"Late? I'm here on time. Not a second earlier or later." Dan turned his gaze slowly. The surrounding gods followed his gaze, and it finally ended on Asmer.

She smiled playfully as she realised Dan's intentions. Her smooth voice gently echoed through the court. "The Lord of Chaos and Order is exactly on time. Indeed not a second early or late." She was starting to like Dan, seizing him up in her eyes. Amusement was in her mind, she had always enjoyed those who intentionally try their best to make it exactly on time.

Especially one who did it to annoy the enemy. However, she didn't get to stare for long as someone interrupted her. "What do you mean by that? That god is obviously late." The God of Justice interrupted.

"Oh ho? Who are you to tell me the time?" Time seems to flow differently out of a sudden. It was... distorted... Time seems to dilate and compressed continuously. An old clock popped out of Asmer's open palm. "If I want it to be 15:00 then it is 15:00. And if I want it to stay sunny forever, I could just stop the time."

The God of Justice looked at the hourglass, and to his surprise, the hourglass was filled with sand again. And only the Origin Gods and the Omnigod remain in the court. Asmer playfully reverses time in such a way that it was moments before the destruction of Zlupolis. This action had thoroughly angered the members of the Alliance of Light.

I can't turn my head... She just stopped the time. The God of Justice realised as he was stuck staring at the hourglass. He was worried for a second. I messed up, it's never a good idea to piss Asmer off.

She had even stopped time as could be seen from the sand in the hourglass. It wasn't moving. Only a few origin grade gods could move in this time stopped environment.

Most other origin gods still present were frozen still like a solid. While they are unable to move their body, they are still conscious of their surroundings. The next conversation they heard changed the views of the God of Chaos and Order.

"Hahaha, you're good. Truly worthy to be the third servant of the Omnigod. Even after you split yourself into half, you could still move around in my time stop. Impressive I have to say. Could you introduce your female self?"

"She's called Leora. She is the chaotic half of me. It's no big deal, time is relative after all." [Leora, what's this 3 servant thing? And is it such a big deal to move in this time stop environment] Dan was confused inside and asked Leora to clarify his doubts.

"Uh-huh." Leora nodded to show her agreement. [You idiot, you unintentionally joined the three major power of the Omnigod, and you don't know that? One is time, one is space, and the last one is creation. You're unofficially holding the creation seat now. Moving while time has stopped isn't as simple as you think. It's just that you somehow created a sub-par time law from your understanding of time during your time on Earth.

Combined with my old god soul, you're naturally immune to the time stop effects. But don't get too cocky, time stop is merely one of her abilities. This is one god we shouldn't mess with.]

"Time is relative. AHAHAHA, not bad, not bad. This is a good saying. I'm starting to like you more. Why don't we get rid of all humans in the mortal plane?" She whispered into Dan's right ear, but her somewhat secretive message could be heard by all origin gods present.

Her breath is ticklish, Dan thought. Beside him, Leora's face turned dark.

The God of Strategy struggled desperately to break free, but it was not of any use. Everyone present knew what Asmer was like. While what she had just mentioned may sound like a joke, she is fully capable and willing to eliminate an entire race.

"That's enough. Asmer." An authoritative voice came from the plain throne. The Omnigod doesn't look amused by the discussion between Dan and Asmer. But he sure looked pleased that Dan had arrived on time.

"Ah alright! You're no fun." Asmer pouted and stood to the side. Time was finally flowing again.

"Let us not forget what we are here for. The God of Chaos and Order is under arrest. Even with only the presence of Origin gods, the case must go on. Please state your name and your crimes and perhaps we may decide to reduce your punishment." The God of Justice urged.

"Oh, that's fine with me. I'm Dan, the God of Order and this is Leora, the Goddess of Chaos. As for my crimes, I have committed NONE."

See you tomorrow.

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