
Approaching danger

Dan walked towards the adventurer guild, opens the door and enters. The receptionist gave him an expressionless look and continued with his business. The rowdy adventurers crowd together and drank heartily many discussions were going on between different parties causing the guild to be loud and noisy. There are other counters including a material counter. There are 2 unofficial types of adventurers, those who complete quest, normal adventurer and those who hunt for creatures and sell their parts away, hunter type adventurer. (Edited from chapter 40 to ensure consistency, adventurers will be touched on later on in the story, this is just a small intro.)

Dan carried on with his business and walked towards the receptionist. Nobody bothered with him as he approaches the counter. I can't say that I did not think that someone will block my way like those novels, he thought. Wait, where am I going to get 3 copper coins? Looks like I was too lost in my thoughts. Dan stops in his footsteps. In his mind, he spoke to the system.

[Can you somehow just give me 3 copper coins?]-Dan asked without much expectations.

[Open up your palm and put it in front of you.]-system said

Dan did what the system said. [Like this?]-He asked.

Out of thin air, a bright light shined out so brightly that it causes the nearby adventurers to close their eyes shut and 3 gold coins fell onto his palm. This was followed by sounds of weapons falling onto the floor. Just like this Dan became the centre of attention of everyone present.

[Oi... I asked for copper coins and what the **** was that, can't you give them without attracting attention that much attention.](At this rate I will be trolled to death, at least my money problems are solved for now)-Dan screamed internally.

[How rude~, if my dear host does not want them I can take them back]-system

(Tch, I can almost see the smug face of that system)- Dan could imagine an imaginary figure laughing at his misfortune.

Dan quickens his footsteps and stood in front of the counter.

"I would like to register.", Dan said with a poker face

The receptionist stared at him blankly without replying.

"Hey? Hello?"(am I speaking to the wrong person)(Weird, why is he so shocked?)

"Hiii, I will get it done right away", He immediately grabs a copper coloured card and handed it to me.

"Pu-put a drop of blood on the card to activate it", the receptionist said unsteadily with his pale face and shaky legs.

He did what the receptionist said and his name was seen written on the card. To further avoid trouble Dan left immediately. It was only after he left that the normal rowdy atmosphere return. Thinking about it I wasn't asked to pay, strange, maybe the receptionist had forgotten, he thought. Dan then headed to an inn by following the directions of the system.

After settling down in an inn he decided to rest for an hour.

{Receptionist point of view}

My shift is about to be over. Hopefully, no guest come during the last period of my shift. The door opened and he saw a young man in a slightly bloody cloak. *Sigh* probably a weakling who wants to register as an adventurer, he thought. Do they think that being an adventurer is a simple job? No, fighting monsters has a high risk of death.

He is probably a weakling as I can't sense any mana from his body. Ah, whatever I will just register him and get over with my job.

After he saw the bright shiny light in which Dan had made 3 gold coins appear from the air, he mistook it as space magic storage space. Even among high tier mages, very little knowledge of this spell.

(Sh*t, this guy should be a high tier mage)

After the registering Dan, he sighs a breath of relief. Luckily, he wasn't angry or anything. Thinking about it he was wearing strange clothes underneath his cloak. Well, I was too careless, most high tier mages have eccentric taste after all.

{Meanwhile in the guild master office}

"A high tier mage appeared you say?", guild master asked sceptically.

"There is no doubt about it", unknown female voice.

"I will test him out later on. There is a new dungeon that appeared near Entropy. I confirmed that there is a tier 6 creature in it. If he is no fraud, he should be able to kill that creature easily. You have more important things to do. Let's discuss this later, continue to observe the current king. There's no news about him ever since he went missing last week." The guild master's annoyed voice echo in the room.

"Roger that."-Unknown

*swoosh* and he/she disappeared into the darkness

"Interesting, are you related to the king disappearance and are you an enemy? hmmm..."The guild master sank deep into his thoughts with a teacup in his hands. A fat and bold hair man could be seen lazing around in the guild master office.

{Meanwhile in an unknown room}

"A high tier mage?"An Unknown boss said suspiciously.

"Boss, should we continue with our plans?"-Unknown underling unsure of what to do.

"If we stop just because of a single person our years of effort will be wasted. Continue with our plans, tch, if that mage interferes I will just use 'it' on him."The Unknown boss said irritably.

The boss then took off his cloak revealing his dark purple hair and a burn mark covering half of his face. "It has been a long time since I fought a high tier mage", the flames of hatred could be seen burning in his dark brown eyes. For a moment in time, the poor underling was under the pressure of a tier 8 mana source.

{And back to our protagonist}

Unknown to the trouble he and system had stirred in Entropy, Dan could be seen eating in his room. Argh these food are terrible they are either too seasoned or under seasoned, definitely rating this hotel 0 star(Would not recommend). Well, I will go out to the nearby forest to after resting for a short while.

I will try to get one more chapter out today.

I will be busy this month and next month. From November onward daily release will be possible.

Happy reading

Afternoonecreators' thoughts