
Appearance Of The Omnigod

Dan's P.O.V.

On the last day of my preparations for our departure, Ellie finally woke up from her deep sleep. Since she woke up, I decided to bring her along on this trip. The plan was to make my entrance as grand as possible and shock the world. It was time for my big reveal, I scouted the terrain and made relevant changes to the plan.

Surprisingly, an avatar of an origin god was participating in this event. According to the system, he is known as Persefoni. Persefoni is a being who rules over souls and is the closest being to a death god which apparently do not exist in this world. He specializes in souls and is known to be the one who kept the souls of mortals after they die. He is also capable of slaying gods easily due to his special skill, Death Touch. Death Touch enables Persefoni to deal damage directly to the soul without any effort. So it's something like a passive skill.

If Persefoni slays an avatar of a being, the targetted being would suffer damage to its true body due to the damage that was done to its soul. Damage done to a being's soul is extremely difficult to recover. A mortal who had received soul damage would perish almost immediately.

While Soul Damage is deadly, there are ways to prevent it. If the being is on another plane, it would not be affected by soul damage. For example, if one deal soul damage to an avatar while the true body is somewhere else, no damage will be dealt to the true body.

If one's soul is powerful enough, Soul Damage would not deal significant damage.

Also, if no direct physical damage is done, Death Touch cannot activate.

So it's literally an instant death if he makes a move on me... But the keyword here is direct and physical... so there are ways to fight this guy. I could refract the surrounding light to make it seem that I am closer to him, and this will make his attack pass through my mirage and not my body. It is also possible to force him into my elemental plane, however, this would be rather difficult to accomplish as the origin god could possibly kill me before the portal opens in time.

I could parry his attacks, but going head-on with a god-like being when I am a tier 15 being isn't a good idea... Tsk, tsk, do I really have to give up here? I have always felt that the hero summoning ceremony would bring me many problems in the future or is that just me being paranoid. I guess I will use my final idea... I have been experimenting with magic ever since I finished my dungeon, it seems that a mixture of chaos and death have a very interesting reaction. Death and chaos cannot mix just like a mixture of water and oil.

Since both natures would separate themselves naturally I would infer that if one of the above nature is solid enough, it is possible to deflect the other nature completely.

[Host, are you sure that you intend to defeat Persefoni's avatar using this method?]-System appeared intrigued.

[Of course not... using such unconfirmed theory, in reality, is suicidal. Which means that a practical test is needed!]-Dan smirked.

[Besides that, there are many ways to avoid physical attacks with an invisible mana pool.]-Dan

They set off shortly after this short discussion, the position in which the portal had opened is above the sea. The storms were intentionally set off by Dan to show off his greatness. All was well as he walked through the parted sea reaching the land above sea level. He stared at Persefoni who has 2 bright red dots, one in each eye sockets.

Persefoni's gaze landed on Dan and raised his sharp scythe, Dan smiled at the sight of the cautious Persefoni.

He asked lazily," May I pass?"

Persefoni looked at the manaless Dan and started overanalysing the situation, overthinking that this may be an avatar of an origin god like him, except more powerful and mysterious.

"None may pass." Persefoni coldly replied after a short consideration.

"Then it's unfortunate... unfortunate that I would have to pass over your dead body." Dan pointed a finger towards the avatar. [Perfect Hol-] Before the spell was cast, Persefoni appeared behind Dan, and his scythe aimed at his head.

The gods were shocked by Dan audacity to challenge Persefoni, they expected his head to go flying. The sharp blade of the scythe swung through Dan's neck, but nothing happened.

"You shouldn't disrespect your senior." Dan haughtily said and turned around to face the stunned Persefoni, who was still thinking about that attack. What's going on? My blade sliced through nothing or was it just an illusion? His figure was clearly there, so why is he unharmed? Spacial or dimensional manipulation?

Persefoni swung his scythe through Dan a few more times before stopping. From viewing Persefoni's death swings, he could estimate that Persefoni's nature of attack was somewhat unbalanced yet stable, it lacked something... if he could tweak this slightly it is possible to turn his attacks against himself.

Dan took this opportunity to laugh loudly to show that he was unafraid of the God of Souls who the gods who are present feared so much.

Annoyed by his inability to harm Dan, Persefoni cast a spell [Complete Death]. A radius of 15 meters around Dan turned into sand, yet Dan was still unharmed.

"So this is the god of death or souls that everyone fears, hahaha. Alright, playtimes over young one, step aside or die!" Dan sternly warned.

"Insolence!" Persefoni cast another spell, [Soul Slash] a black curve flew towards Dan.

This time instead of doing nothing, Dan raised one of his arms and the blade disappeared the second it came into contact with Dan's hand. Persefoni who was enraged stood still seemingly frozen.

"Unbelievable... you reflected my blade but how..." The gods certainly didn't see this one coming, Persefoni was suddenly injured, the gigantic skeleton was sliced cleanly into half and its soul was clearly damaged.

"It seems that I have underestimated you, unknown origin god. Please do not take today's matter to heart. I didn't have much of a choice..." He said brokenly as he crumbled into dust.

While Dan actions were filled with pride, he was sweating inside. This was actually a risky move when he altered the balance of the attack causing it to backfire against its user. That was dangerous, but it is time to finish my business here. Dan together with his comrades walked to the arena-like structure.

Inside the structure, the human gods noticed the disappearance of Persefoni and started panicking. What's happening outside? How could he disappear this suddenly, unless he was defeated? But an enemy god who is more powerful than the Resefoni and holds hostile intentions against us? Dan flew above the arena and looked over all the human gods.

However before he managed to cast any spell, a sudden pressure pour down onto him and he stopped moving. When he stopped, there wasn't any interference. However, whenever Dan tried to interfere with the ceremony, the strong suppression force would appear again. What the F*ck is going on?

[System? What's going on?]-Dan asked as he begun casting again.

[Warning! Cease action against the ceremony immediately! The omnigod is watching over the ceremony!]-System warned Dan against his actions.

[Damn it! Why the hell is the omnigod interfering? Is this ceremony so important that the omnigod has decided to support it? If so, this wouldn't be good...]-Dan was annoyed and startled by this unexpected appearance.

Throughout these events, Elise and Ellie had not made a single sound, they just stood there observing Dan's actions. Sometimes showing fear and sometimes showing shock. The elemental avatars did not take any action as there was currently not a need to do so. All the gods present including the human gods and the evil gods and gods of other races could sense the presence of the omnigod.

Even Dan himself was flabbergasted, but he did not show it on his face, keeping his usual poker face. Dan was undergoing an inner struggle, he wanted to give in to the pressure, but he knows that once he does, his cover will be blown over.

One week into Alcanti and I am already meeting the most powerful being. Tch, escaping now would likely be disadvantageous in the long run, plus running away from the Omnigod is likely to be impossible. Dan regained his composure and stood still expressionlessly. He was irritated by the fact that he did not manage to successfully complete all the objective of this journey. He had only managed to establish his superiority among other gods.

I will vent on that pope of justice when I get back, screw that stupid idea to let them into the kingdom of Dusk, it was already chaotic enough there.

"Omnigod why are you interfering? Is this ceremony that important to you?" Dan shifted his gaze upwards and looked at the seemingly empty air.

Reacting to his words, a 12-year-old boy appeared at that spot and blinked innocently. He looks ordinary, but everyone present could tell that that was the avatar of the omnigod. Shortly after his appearance, 3 avatars appeared behind the omnigod.

*Grasping sounds* "Just what's going on?" "Even the goddess of creation, goddess of time and the god of dimensions had arrived"

A childish and authoritative voice came from above, "Stand down unknown Origin class God. Since most gods from the mortal plane are here, this would save me the trouble to do 'that'. Listen up all gods, by my authority as the Omnigod I hereby declare that NOBODY IS TO DISRUPT THE HERO SUMMONING CEREMONY!"

"Your wish is my command." All gods quickly replied.

I am not dead yet! I got called back due to some approaching deadline!

I had made some major errors in this novel and may rewrite it with more details in the future, this can be considered as my first draft and attempt in writing a novel.

Don't worry, I am planning to finish this series before refining it into a masterpiece.

Also, I thank you all for giving me feedback on the several mistakes that I have made throughout this series.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts