
Cthulhu in One Piece

Do not sleep when the stars are close to aligning, or Cthulhu will invade your dreams. When you talk to a member of the Hastur sect, never pronounce the name of his god. Never challenge Yog-Sothoth, because those who challenge him have lost their right to exist. Nyarlathotep has always had an interest in human beings, but don't get me wrong; his interest is the same as when a child sees a new toy. So, you better entertain her; after all, what happens when a child stops liking his toy? Imagine a being that has the simple ability to create and destroy everything without any effort, just by wanting to. Your presence alone can incinerate entire planetary systems. Now think that this same being has not the slightest idea of the greatness of his powers. who has no idea how damaging it is to his own reality, is an irrational being with no instincts to guide his actions, his mind is completely adrift. I present Azathoth to you.

CWN1223 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

the forbidden history

the city begins a wave of silence after the dust settles, the shock and fear is deeply etched in their bodies

only the sound of the waves crashing in the sea, the whistle of the winds and the noise of the seagulls can be heard

but that period of time was momentary, as soon as panic gripped the city, ordinary people ran out screaming in horror.

pirates took their boat and sailed as far away from the island as possible, and all the marines hurriedly returned to their base for protection.

Mihawk, Moria, Crocodile and Dragon quickly retreated

Doflamingo, scared but curious, stayed to observe the situation.

Shanks was on his knees crying, shocked by what happened, and Buggy was trying to take him away, because he feared the marines would show up soon.

But this situation did not occur only in Loguetown, but in the whole world, the navy decided to transmit it to all countries that are under the guardianship of the world government.

the giant tentacles that killed roger is enough to cause a huge panic

adding roger's last words about an evil god was enough to make many people not sleep well at night, fearing the evil god would appear

as incredible as it seems, the place that caused the most panic and discord was in Mariejeois, the celestial dragons who thought they were superior were scared to death

after all, the power of the world government and its status only have value for mortals, how to fight conter a deity?

it is unacceptable for these people, to exist something superior to themselves


at a large circular table are seated Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, Akainu, Aokiji, kizaru and some vice admirals

all the people were silent just listening to the cries of the desperate crowd, sengoku was sweating and garp didn't dare to speak

after calming down sengoku said

"Garp, do you remember what happened in that battle?"

Garp looking at sengoku and tsuru responds with a little fear

"I remember, I didn't expect it to come back, from what roger said in his last words"

"this can explain a lot of things"

sengoku looked at Garp with a thoughtful expression and replied

"What are the chances of that being true?"

Akainu who was listening to the conversation without understanding, asks

"I don't understand, what happened in that battle?"

Garp turns to Akainu, after hesitating for a moment he says

"That was a few years ago, in the battle against Rocks"

"Garp!!! It's forbidden to talk about it"

sengoku screams interrupting garp

Garp who was interrupted picks up his senbei, looks at Sengoku he replies

"What's the use now? It come Back"

sengoku after hesitating shuts up, and lets Garp continue

garp eats his senbei, and looking at people, he says

"at the end of the battle, when Rocks died"

"a giant tentacle appeared wrapping Rocks, pulling it to the ground"

"when we saw its intention we attacked the tentacle, sengoku using the power of the fruit launched a ranged attack"

"the shock wave bounced back, throwing Sengoku away, after that, Zypher and I advanced"

"Zypher was closer so he attacked first"

garp hesitated, but after sighing he continued

"he punched using haki making direct contact with the tentacle"

"the punch was not effective, but the problem is that Zypher's arm started to rot little by little"

"then he quickly cut off his arm, before the rot spread through his body"

"if it wasn't for Zypher's quick thinking, he would have died"

this earned Zion several fate points, as unlike the original work Zypher lost his arm very early.

"with fear we retreated, letting the tentacle take rocks"

"after that we never saw rocks body again, nor the tentacle, well, until today"

"this event was an embarrassment to the navy and the world government, so the elders decided to block the news"

"They made up an excuse that Zypher lost his arm in the line of duty,Zypher got a medal and retired."

"then he started training the new soldiers"

when the story ended the entire room was silent, after the shock kuzan spoke

"Now I know why he never says how he lost his arm"

(english is not my native language, sorry if there are some grammatical errors. I'm still learning about H.P Lovecraft's monsters, if you guys have any tips leave them in the comment please)