
Crystal in the dusk

Short_stories · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Vol2 chapter 2: titan

Don't move said lane-hu. The titan roaaars Kane falls down but happily he survived the fall. The titan picked him up he couldn't do anything cuz he got injured by the fall I tried to use my power but itdidn't work I-it didn't work. I tried again and BAAAAM A METEOR STRIKE ON THE TITAN.


I still have the cure in my pocket. "But I broke the game right I still have the bottle with cure" I slowly came down gave it to him he hugged me after.I said ok let's continue. I asked wich power they had but they didn't know yet I said:"I only power that I know is that everyone passes out where I aim"

Everyone said "cooool" we finally made it to the top of the 50 meter big wall.we saw cannons and people flying with swords we saw a beatifull town/city. We saw people confused at the entrance. But lots of people and we saw horses and corpses laying in white blankets with a little blood on it. We were confused.we decided to still go we jumped in the water safely. We asked what happened to a little boy with brown hair he said:"those are the soldiers that are turning back from the field they are so cool" but the other people were saying like:"idiots we don't need you guys" I saw 20 corpses in one row. And there were "soldiers" crying.but then we got isekai'd by horse.and bam. "Are we dead said"deez "no" said Kane "we got isekai'd I think"

And there is this weird voice that is coming out of no where.it said:"SILENCE" we listened

Voice:" y'all are getting transported to another dimension and y'all gonna need to survive".

To be continued