
Crystal Eyes, Golden Heart

| A BL Romance Novel | A once beautiful kingdom known for its freedom for all races fell into the hands of a woman who wanted change after her husband was declared ill and no longer fit to rule. The place once home to most Casters (Magic Users) turned against them. The new Queen proclaimed that every single Caster in the kingdom must be arrested and placed on trial to meet their end. One Caster named Shishido Noboru ran away from the capital that was once his home. Taken in by a woman named Amanda and her daughter, Bella, he lived the life of a poor peasant until the Queen's knights invaded his new home. Captured by Ezura Mikazuki, the captain of soldiers who works under the Queen, he was whisked away from his home after defending his new family. However, the ride back to the capital wasn't a peaceful one. Not only was Ezura Mikazuki working under the Queen to capture Casters, but Ezura was a Caster himself. The two were attacked on their way to put Shishido in prison to end his life enviably, but what will happen when Ezura Mikazuki, who was once disgusted by Shishido, starts to see the other in a different light after being saved by him?

Midnight240 · LGBT+
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Attack

| Shishido Noboru |

He watched as Mika took charge of the situation, leaving him to deal with one of the trembling guards. Shishido Noboru couldn't help but feel sympathy for them, caught in a situation they weren't prepared for. He tapped one of the guards on the shoulder, trying to get his attention. Initially, the guard attempted to push him away, but their eyes locked, and the guard fell under the familiar icy blue gaze that many manipulated by Noboru had witnessed before. In response, the man fell silent, straightening up and holding his weapon with newfound confidence as he emerged from the carriage, approaching one of the hooded figures behind the woman.

Noboru repeated the process for another soldier who had been quaking with fear but now displayed the poise of a seasoned warrior. From the shadows, he observed as these two soldiers engaged the second hooded figure. To an outsider, it might have appeared that he was merely watching the battle unfold. However, in reality, he was orchestrating every move made by these two men. By holding his hands in front of him and manipulating his fingers as if typing on an invisible typewriter, he controlled the norms like puppets on a string.

The two hooded figures grew increasingly frustrated as the norms outmatched them. Their weapons were wrested from their hands, leaving them defenseless. In response, they resorted to their magic cards. Noboru had no intention of putting the soldiers in harm's way, even though they were essentially in a dream-like state and wouldn't feel any pain if they were to die. However, he didn't want their deaths on his conscience. Instead, he guided the two men to dodge every magic attack, ensuring their safety, while he assumed control of their actions.

As he held a sword that one of the hooded figures had dropped, Shishido Noboru approached the other with a smirk and a mocking tone, "That's quite pathetic. Losing to mere norms armed with nothing but metal. And they're hardly formidable; you couldn't even dispatch them with your magic." He chuckled, fully aware of his ability to manipulate magic users, though it was a complex and challenging task. It was considerably easier when their minds were weak. Typically, anger, fear, and darkness could weaken a person's mind, and he intended to use those vulnerabilities to unsettle the individual.

Noboru continued taunting the man as he skillfully evaded each attack launched at him. Eventually, his icy blue eyes began to cast their hypnotic spell, gradually drawing the man into his influence. His anger waned, and he stared at Noboru with vacant eyes. Regrettably, the effect didn't last long, leaving the man with a throbbing headache. Manipulating Casters was a formidable task, but Noboru seized the opportunity to deliver a decisive blow. He struck the back of the man's neck with his hand, targeting the perfect spot to render him unconscious.

He watched as the man crumpled to the ground, but his relief was short-lived. The other hooded figure attacked him from behind, attempting to strangle him with a burning rope. Noboru swiftly grasped the man's wrist, struggling to free himself from the makeshift noose. It was evident that his abilities were at play. The man tightened the rope around Noboru's neck, constricting his airflow, and he felt himself on the brink of losing consciousness. However, his survival instincts kicked in, driving him to do whatever was necessary to stay alive. With a swift motion, he maintained his grip on the man's wrist and flipped him over his body, sending him crashing to the ground.

Gasping for air, Shishido Noboru gingerly touched the reddened ring imprinted on his throat by the magic rope. The pain flared with even the slightest touch, causing him to wince. He decided not to tamper with it further and focused on the remaining attacker, who had risen to his feet. The assailant lunged at him with a fist aimed at his face, but Noboru intercepted the attack, seizing the man's arm and wrenching it to force him to turn. With a swift motion, he struck the back of the man's neck with his hand, rendering him unconscious.

Taking deep breaths to regain his composure and steady his racing heart, Noboru glanced over to check Mika's progress. However, he witnessed a harrowing sight: the woman was straddling him, inching a knife closer and closer to his chest. Her maniacal laughter echoed through the air.

A group of knights who had been cowering during the chaos seized the opportunity to apprehend the hostile magic users. They warily kept their eyes on Noboru, circling as they aimed their weapons at the incapacitated rebels. Attempting to secure the two by using strips of torn cloth from their supplies, it was evident that they had little experience dealing with magic users up close. They appeared hesitant even to touch the cloaked figures. Some half-heartedly aimed their weapons at the golden-eyed magic user, puzzled by his unexpected assistance but choosing not to challenge him. Instead, they focused on the woman locked in combat with the captain. They weren't confident they could reach him in time with the knife hovering perilously close to his heart.

Noboru watched in horror and desperation as Mika struggled to prevent the blade from piercing his chest. An inch or two more, and it would be a fatal wound. He saw the woman atop him, slowly inching the knife closer, her laughter filled with madness.

The knights began closing in but were still far away, unable to intervene in time. Mika cried out in pain as the dagger threatened to breach his skin, snapping Shishido Noboru out of shock and prompting him to act. Without a moment to lose, he raced over, kicking the woman in the side of her stomach, knocking her off Mika and into a nearby tree. She groaned in pain, releasing the knife as she was knocked away. The blade now lay between her and Noboru.

Struggling to her feet, she clutched her stomach, her eyes filled with an intensity that felt like it could kill. If looks were lethal, he might have perished on the spot. "I saved you! They would have drained the life from you and taken everything you had! How could you save someone who wants you dead?" she growled, flames engulfing her again. It was apparent, though, that the physical toll of Ezura's crystals had taken its toll.

"This is not how we save people. It only makes our kind look like monsters, playing right into their hands. The High Elf's games won't manipulate me. There are better ways to reclaim our rights. Deciding someone's fate isn't the path to victory," Noboru argued, attempting to reason with her.

The woman grumbled and clenched her teeth, seething with rage, but Noboru couldn't discern whether it was a byproduct of her abilities or her natural temperament. Some individuals' abilities were influenced by their emotional state, while others were only activated under specific conditions. Regardless, she was furious and lunged at him, her flaming arm outstretched like a Phoenix. Yet, his reflexes saved him from some of her attacks.

A few blows landed, and one, in particular, was coated in flames, threatening to knock the wind out of Shishido Noboru as he crashed to the ground with an agonizing cry. His stomach sizzled from the burn inflicted by her fiery punch, and he struggled to maintain his composure with just one arm. The woman's foot pressed against him, treating him like trash on the ground. She huffed angrily, "I don't have time for you!" And before she could turn away, Mika pressed the blade of his sword against her back, issuing a stern warning.

"Take a single step, and I'll run this sword through you," his threat was unmistakable, and Noboru could tell he wouldn't hesitate to act if she made even the slightest move. Mika's shaky hands gripped the sword, and the weapon's weight was evident. He was as weary as Noboru, his voice unwavering despite the blood seeping through his shirt, staining his once-impeccable jacket. To remain composed under such circumstances was genuinely admirable, a hallmark of a leader.

The woman slowly raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. "I can't understand you. You're becoming a traitor. And you," she glanced in Noboru's direction as he nursed his stomach wound, "Helping him like this. You might as well be a traitor, though you probably won't live long enough for the title to matter." She glared at Mika with a sarcastic smile, "I'll return, and next time, I hope you're stronger because no one will be there to save you." Her tone was cold; with that, her entire form ignited into flames and vanished into thin air, leaving nothing but ashes.

The grumbling sounds caught Shishido Noboru's attention, and he watched in astonishment as the two men regained consciousness, only to burst into flames and disappear. He couldn't recall witnessing an ability quite like that before. While he had encountered teleporters in the past, he understood that not all abilities were created equal, even among teleporters. Each individual's power had a unique quality, making them distinct in some way. So, the question that nagged at him was how they both vanished similarly.

Nevertheless, he realized it was a done deal, and a heavy sigh escaped his lips as relief washed over him. The battle had finally ended, but his choice to save Mika might have sealed his fate, ensuring he wouldn't live to witness the High Elf's fall from power. He had a fleeting chance to escape but was too tired for such maneuvers. His body was rapidly wearing down, and the drowsiness he had felt during the horseback ride was beginning to overtake him once more. He fought to shake it off and approached Mika cautiously, ensuring that his crystal sword didn't inadvertently harm him. His gaze focused on Mika's burn, the cuts on his face, and the wound on his chest, a chilling reminder of how close he had come to death. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

Noboru observed that Mika's clothing was utterly ruined and no longer served its purpose. Removing his hood, he draped it around Mika's shoulders. "It's not high-class leather, but it should do for now until you get home," he mentioned, offering a small token of warmth and protection. Then, he moved away and stood near the horse, waiting for Mika to join him.

Shishido Noboru had already reconciled himself to his present situation, recognizing that he might have another chance to escape when they reached the capital. However, such a prospect was unlikely. He had had the perfect opportunity to flee earlier but hadn't taken it, even though he knew it was a foolish mistake. He wouldn't resist if Mika returned and chose to restrain him, as he had warned that his actions wouldn't absolve him of his transgressions. He berated himself for his reckless decision, reflecting on his idiocy.

"We should leave before they bring reinforcements. I doubt we'll be able to hold them off in our current state. You look like you've been through hell, and I feel like it," he remarked, attempting to inject some humor into the heavy atmosphere that weighed on them both. It seemed to burden him more than the pressure of the woman's foot on his wounded stomach.

"I don't need your concern, and I didn't need your help," Mika grumbled, walking toward Noboru only to push his hood back. Unsurprisingly, he remained his usual grumpy self, even in such a moment. However, his eyes lingered on Noboru, primarily focused on his wound. He scoffed and averted his gaze, realizing that Noboru was watching him. "Check him over first. I'll be fine," he declared, dismissing a medic who had rushed to his side, supplies in hand. His body bore the visible marks of severe injuries, his skin red and his wounded shoulder appearing even worse. Despite the signs of pain etched on his face, he stubbornly acted as though he was unaffected. He had a talent for being annoyingly steadfast.

As Mika began tending to his men and ensuring everything was in order, the medic attended to Shishido Noboru's wound. The process was painful, and the medic's touch was far too rough, almost as if they were deliberately causing him more agony. Manipulating a Caster's feelings in such a manner, especially in pain, was risky. Noboru might have used his abilities to stop the medic's heart if he were a criminal. Fortunately, he refrained from such extreme actions.

As requested by Mika, Noboru entered the carriage once the ordeal was over. It seemed the captain had decided against having them ride on horseback any longer. Sitting comfortably inside was a welcome change. He could hear Mika grumbling in the seat across from him, his discontent evident each time the carriage passed over rocky terrain or the medic tended to his injuries, prodding them relentlessly. It was apparent that Noboru wasn't the only one subjected to the medic's torturous ministrations.

Throughout the journey, Mika studiously avoided eye contact with Noboru. Had he somehow become repulsive to him? What had he done wrong? The silence grew oppressive, but eventually, Mika spoke up, "You didn't need to intervene like that. It was entirely unnecessary, dangerous, and reckless," he stated, describing Noboru's actions as 'stupid.' Noboru couldn't believe Mika dared to call him stupid for saving him and his men rather than running away to protect himself. His ungratefulness was galling. Crossing his arms, Noboru kept his eyes fixed on the window, choosing not to respond. Mika could infer Noboru's thoughts from his body language, sparing him the effort of verbalizing his discontent.

"That being said, you're more... capable than most peasants. Perhaps I should reward you for your efforts," Mika added, displaying a willingness to compliment, even if his words were backhanded. The notion of being 'more capable' was progress, even though it was juxtaposed with the term 'peasant.' Nevertheless, it marked an improvement from his initial treatment. "Just call me Shido. That would be a nice reward, especially coming from you," Noboru retorted with a grin, not intending to make advances but indulging his natural inclination to flirt, possibly influenced by his abilities. His aversion to being labeled a 'mutt' or 'peasant' made having his name or a nickname preferred. Hearing the captain address him by name would be satisfying, almost like a victory in their little conflict.

Mika's continued silence allowed Noboru to gaze out the window fitted into the carriage door, watching the passing trees. Despite his efforts to remain nonchalant throughout the journey, helping when he wasn't required and offering light-hearted banter to alleviate the oppressive atmosphere, he was secretly anxious. What awaited him in the capital? So many tasks remained on his to-do list for this lifetime. He was driven by the desire to see magic users regain their rights, to witness a just and noble ruler assume power, or even to understand the ailment afflicting the elderly High Elf. The fact that he was dying prematurely was suspicious, and Noboru yearned to investigate. Yet, he also longed for a semblance of normality, a chance to experience everyday life, and perhaps even to pursue a relationship and start a family. There had been someone he liked before, someone he had envisioned a future with, but he had left her behind for reasons that weighed heavily on him. He looked back at Mika, wondering about his dreams and aspirations for this lifetime. Noboru was curious to know what he wanted to accomplish, although he refrained from asking questions that would likely irritate him and result in half-hearted answers.