
Crying Out

Marie Toran was fifteen years old when her family was murdered by the powerful witch, Exo. After being taken up by a merciful witch, all she can think about is the satisfaction of sweet revenge. That's of course if she can master magic.

CrazyDraws_yt · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2:

Hours passed as Marie started into her walls, which were decorated to perfection with different patterns and decals. In her shelves, the witches' crystals and magic runes laid ever so nicely on them. Even though her room was decorated beautifully, it wasn't enough to distract her from what she focused on what mattered most to her. Her magic. Marie mumbled to herself as orange magic surrounded her hand. For a few seconds, it worked. Marie smiled as the orange aura slowly turned into a deep yellow. He smiled then faded as sparks also started to break away as well. Different sparks flashed high and low before the entire flash of light was gone. After that, darkness. The room fell into a deep silence before the child stood up. With every second, the sound of her breath was occupying space. It wasn't long before her breathing was loud.

"Why isn't this working?" Marie could feel the vessel rising in her head as she pressed herself with that question. Most people with magic were turned, so it's not like she COULDN'T do it. But why was it so difficult? The sound of clattering was then heard from the numerous potion bottles and books hitting the ground. Marie's eyes felt like they were going to explode. With every breath, the child felt her ribs cage shake. "I just need some sleep." As she whispered to herself, her heart quickly noticed the sound of her door being squeaked.

"I take it's not going well." Their footsteps were light, but comforting as they made their way to the bed. "Do you need any help?" Alex placed their hand on their pupil's shoulder. "I could help you master whatever you're trying to do." Marie shrugged off the comfort and began to lay down on her bed.

"No. I want to sleep." She covered her face with the pillow, hoping it would act as some sort of mind blocker. But nothing. Nothing would stop the never-ending confusion that purged her head. Silence aired in the room for a while, but after a few seconds. Marie could feel the weight of her bed getting heavier.

"Ya'know" Alex opened their mouth to speak. Their words were soft. Way different from before. "I REALLY believe you should still practice. It could…really help." After giving their advice. They stood and left the room in the silence that Marie craved all along. Practice? What for? Just to fail. An exhausted groan escaped her lips as she turned over to try and get some sleep. When her lids finally shut, the sound of the wind calmed her once turbulent soul. Her body rolled to the side, taking in the feeling of her bed fabric. Her eyes were closed, but she could still map out the different designs on her wall. Since moving to Florida, Marie learned to memorize each and every turn of her new home. She knew every crevice, hallway and secret room this building held. All except…Alex's room. It's not like she wasn't permitted, but sneaking into someone's room to scope it out is weird. Who knows what lies in their room. Spells like Marie's, or bodies of the enemies they've triumphed. She sat up to examine her room. It was clear that trying to sleep was going nowhere.

"I need to learn that spell, I have to." Marie quickly lunged herself out of bed and onto the floor to leave the prison she created for herself. Feeling the adrenaline, she quickly grasped the door and swung it open. She didn't know where this energy came from, but she knew it was enough to make her ready to learn. As she darted down the hallway she began to scream Alex's name. When Marie finally made her way downstairs, she was met with Steel Blue colored eyes staring back in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Alex stood at the stove wearing an apron. They stirred a wooden spoon in a pot as they looked at their supposed child. "I thought you were gonna die, or something." Marie heard what they'd said, but didn't bother to entertain the words.

"I wanna learn. I wanna learn harder magic! Not that stupid childish magic, something real." Although she spoke fiercely, her words were only met back in silence. An awkward one, one that left shivers through the girl's spine. "So what's your answer?" She watched as Alex continued to stir their meal and think of an answer.

"Do you wanna do magic or learn magic?" Alex heavily tapped the wooden spoon against the pot as they spoke. They continued to talk on and on about the risk of just doing "cool" magic. The troubles that were bound to follow if anyone would continue doing what they desired. But something Alex said caused a hint of curiosity to flow over Marie. Exo. Alex mentioned how the dark path Exo would follow would lead to his demise. What path? Using magic stronger than anyone. Using his magic to murder, thousands to millions of people. He was powerful, able to topple over anything that stood in his way.

"I want to defeat him." Her mumbling was quiet, but true all the same. That's why she wanted to learn magic, to defeat Exo. What other reason was there? Alex gave the other a look. It didn't look angry, or sad. Just a look. With a few seconds passing, they let out a small sigh.

"Fine, if that's all you want. Come with me." After giving their word, Alex opened the back door and made her way outside.