

It was the first day of school for Nao. She just transferred to Nagoya because of her mother's job, she is a doctor in a nearby hospital, and today will be her first day of school, in Kokusai high school. She woke up, looked at her school uniform. It was a white shirt, with a green tie. She doesn't like to wear a shirt, so she asked for permission to wear pants. They are normal black jeans.

She took a bus to school, there were many people with the same uniform as her but there were some that had their uniform in a red color.

Now she was there, at the entrance to her new school, Nao didn't like new places, so she wanted to go back as soon as possible. The first thing she did was going to the staffroom. It was easy because it was next to the director's office.

She knocked and opened the door. In the staffroom, there were ten places next to each other and one that was before everybody. That one had a nameplate with "vice-director" on it.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for teacher Miller" she said with a loud voice, but she didn't shout.

"That is me!" a woman in her early thirties with short black hair answered. She looked tired, she had bags under the eyes, she didn't have any makeup and she wore glasses.

Nao come closer to her, "I just transferred here and don't know which my class is."

What Mrs. Miller saw was a girl that was dress in pants and had a black hoodie over her shirt, but she still had a complete uniform, so she didn't break any rules. After taking a look at her she asked, "You are Nao Lee, I'm correct?"

Nao nodded her head, "That is me"

"You will be in class 2-4, and I'm your homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you." Mrs. Miller smiled at her and continued, "The formalities and documents are complete, so we can go to your new class, the lessons started already."

The teacher did come in first to start the lesson. To her surprise her first lesson was homeroom and she was asked to wait outside and come when she nods. Nao waited for her gesture to come. After five minutes the teacher nodded, and Nao come inside.

Everyone looked at her with curiousness. New girl in class, of course, they would be curious. What they saw was average height girl, with very long brown hair and bangs that didn't cover her face at all and everyone could see her shining grey eyes, she didn't smile at all, she was expressionless but still looked like a doll. And to everyone's surprise, she didn't wear a skirt, but pants and she had a black hoodie on her.

"You should present yourself Nao" the teacher said, and Nao looked at everyone.

She looked at everyone and saw that thirty pairs of eyes that were waiting for her to speak. She wanted to sit as soon as possible so she started talking, "I'm Nao Lee, I just transferred to this town and … please don't bother me"

That was something nobody expected to hear. 'Don't bother her' so it was like 'leave me alone'. Mrs. Miller didn't know how to react but soon she spoke, "Nao, you will sit in the back next to the window"

Nao didn't talk more and started walking to her place. She didn't have a desk mate, and she likes it. She could be alone.

Everyone could only follow her with their eyes. When she sat down teacher processed the lesson as nothing happened.

You could hear the bell; the lesson was over, and the break started. Everyone had already forgotten what she said and come near her.

"Your name was Nao, right?" one of the girls asked. No reaction and no answer.

"Where did you live before?" another girl asked and still no reaction.

"Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" one of the boys asked what everyone wanted to know the most.

No reaction whatsoever from Nao irritated her classmates, she noticed it and got up. With no words said she come out of the classroom not even locking back even once. She just ignored them, so they won't bother her later on.

The classroom without Nao, everyone started gossiping about her. The girls were angry, extremely angry, like 'how did she dare ignore them' and 'you will see'.

The boys were upset but could imagine why she acted like that. They brushed it off and didn't care anymore, they thought it was better to not bother her just like she wanted.

Nao not knowing what happened in the classroom was strolling around the school, looking where the classrooms were and the toilets. She didn't want to bother anyone because it's a pain. Asking and socializing with others was a pain to her.

If she could she would just go home and close herself in her room reading books. That was what she wanted it to do now, but she can't go home, the school is not over yet. The break was almost over too.

When she come back, boys acted like always, like there is no one new, like she wasn't there. Nao like that, now she could be left alone or that was what she thought. The boys treated her like air while the girls looked at her with angry eyes. Not that they did anything, but the angry eyes made Nao feel uncomfortable.

The day continued like that, her being ignored by boys, girls looking at her angrily and Nao ignoring everything and everyone. She even ignored the teachers.

The only thing she wanted to do after was to actually visit the school library. At home, there was no book that she hasn't known. The library was big, very big. Looked kind of like the old house, the smell of books and the quiet atmosphere made her feel at home.

She started looking between bookshelves and stopped at fantasy books. Half of the books on that shelf she has home, and other titles didn't make her interested. She stopped at series of books, of the same author, they piqued her interest and took four of them to the receptionist desk.

Nao looked at the old woman that was sitting there. She looked like she was in her sixties and she had white short curly hair. She looked quite kind but at the same time strict.

The four books were big, thick books, the receptionist didn't know how she managed to come here with her thin arms, but she asked her to hand over her student ID. Looking at it she becomes certain, she is new here, that is why she never saw her before.

"You want to borrow these four books at the same time?" the receptionist asked. "Every book can be borrowed only for two weeks"

Nao didn't reply, she only nodded her head. She was certain she would finish them before the deadline. The receptionist lady didn't ask anything anymore and gave the student ID back to Nao.

Nao got home quite fast. And when she comes home it was like always. No one was at home, only a note on the kitchen table and some money left.

On the note was written, "Dinner is in the fridge, but if you don't want it then you can go and buy a take-out, love mom"

It was always like that. Nao got used to it. She just grabbed something to drink and made her way to her room. Her room was exactly the same as the old one. One wall only with bookshelves and full of books. The bed in the center and a table with her PC next to the window.

She put her bag on the bed and took out the book. She sat down on the floor with her back leaning on the bed. She started reading and fell asleep like that.