
Are you serious

<p>As you can imagine by the title well life is not exactly what you expect (I mean for some people anyway). By the way if your thinking that this is the classic book where I'm the super cool guy, I have super powers killing all the baddies and having my own super hero name like epic dude or thunderstrike then you might as well stop reading because I guess you could say this is the opposite, yeah you got it. The whole flipping world has super powers and well, one problem... I DON'T HAVE ANY!<br/><br/> anyway it all started with me sitting on the edge of the roof and no I didn't fly up their I used the stairs. Moving on, I was on the brink of life or death thinking about jumping or not. <br/>But maybe another day. I got up and turned around...<br/>Strangely, Their was an old man, standing there, looking at the sunset. <br/>I stepped back aware that even old men were stronger then me in this world, but oops, forgot I was on the edge of a building...</p>