

When I first met him he never caught my eye. I never once considered him as anything more then a stranger. I guess it's funny how quickly I judged him just by his looks and physical features - dark brown eyes, flat brown hair that stuck to his forehead and oily skin - the typical teenage schoolboy look. But as time went on I got to know him from a distance and found out a few things that I never would've guessed at first glance.

Well, for starters he had a girlfriend. Her name was Hannah - let me be the first to tell you - she was not pretty, not even in the slightest. When she smiled you could see crooked yellow teeth, and although her wide green eyes always looked alert, she had dark eyebags underneath her eyes. Her hair was always tied up at awkward angles or pulled back to much. It was a look you got used to over time.

Funnily enough she used to be my best friend in lower school. I mean, till I moved away that was.

However, they broke up after a couple months. I wasn't really close to him at that point so I didn't really care, but it still confuses me up to this day why he ever considered dating her in the first place.

Secondly, he was actually super into his sports and fitness. That was something we had in common.

And Thirdly, he was actually pretty funny. You wouldn't of guessed from his appearance, he seemed more like the awkward type of guy who likes to keep to himself. Apparently I wasn't as good at reading people as I initially thought.