

"I brought the herbs that you demanded, now I will take my leave" After saying that, deliveryman leaves the old man premises.

Alisha took this moment and without making any noise she leaves the premises silently following the man who just came her home.

"our Alisha will be very fine after having this last treatment" old man said to the old lady beside her who also smiling imagining the good health of their child.

"our daughter is now all grown up" old man said to his wife while looking at the sky

understanding his way of thought the lady asked "why you said so, I don't want to send her that early" looking with hoping eyes, so old man thinks about his decision again.

old man smiled

"Instead of answering why are you smiling, am saying something important" the lady nagged at the old man behaviour

"If you have seen Alisha smiling then you would not say like that"

the lady eyes go wide after hearing that "when Alisha smiled and how her smile related to this" the lady asked confusingly.

"yesterday when I was way back to home I saw Alisha holding a man hand, and she was smiling the way she never smiled before, I don't even remember if I had ever seen her smiling like that, she looked very happy"

"who was that man" the lady asked with urgency in her voice

"Army man of our village, Binoy Angom" As Binoy is the only one in their village who is in army so villagers gave him a nickname called Army man.

After hearing that who is the guy the lady face crumpled a little, seeing her deep in thought old man asked the reason.

"Binoy is in army I don't like that, he will have to leave our Alisha and his work is dangerous what if something happened to him and her mother is too greedy and our house is too little, this marriage is way too impossible, you definitely had seen wrong and why she di..."

Seeing her wife complaining non stop old man said "Stop stop, my ear will bleed if you are going to complain like this"

"huhh, am not going to talk to you, I will talk to my daughter, Alsiha, Alisha"

the lady started to look around the home but couldn't able to find her, she started to panic as whenever she called her she normally came in front of her after hearing.

"where's Alisha" the lady said while panicking

"you panicked too much, she will be outside, let's look" old man said both leave the home looking for Alisha.


Alisha followed the man for more than half an hour to the Main road of the village while putting cross sign on the road or trees with the help of chalk so she would not forget her way to home.

After crossing the main road there was a Main market most of the valuable things could be found here. Alisha aimlessly wander around the market, most of the time she stand silently at some point and observe her surroundings with great interest.

Seeing the girl standing, the shopkeeper asked "Do you want to buy anything" getting no reply he again said "if you don't want to buy anything, then leave don't block the way" because of shopkeeper loud voice everyone gazes turned to them, feeling awkward and understanding what he meant, Alisha leave that area.

Comprehending she would be late if she explore her curiosity any further. Alisha begin to leave the market after reaching at the Main road it started to rain heavily, protecting herself from rain she took shelter nearby at the main road.
