
Cruel mafia’s soft spot

Urpot · Action
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3 Chs


It was Lei who grabbed the guy hand. " keep your hand off of her " he said angrily. " woah woah chill there, I didn't know that she was you girl man " the guy said. Lei one of the coldest mafia on earth, he tortured people in the coldest way you couldn't think of. " thank you" Natalia said. Lei then walk off. Then Natalia continue till her works finished. At midnight Natalia walks home feeling scared, but she makes it home safely. A wait for her was her abusive dad and pass out step mom. " what the fuck is taking you so long to get home you slut" her father shouted. He then grabbed her hair and told her to gives him money. Natalia refuse to give him. That's make him so mad that he started to beat her up till she pass out. By the morning she woke up she get herself ready and clean her wounds pretending like nothing ever happened. Natalia make her way to the café shop. Mrs Leon told her to start her work without asking anything since she knew that if she ask Natalia would just said nothing happened she just accidentally hurt herself. So Natalia just started to do her work. Again the 4 man comes again. Natalia was the person who serve them again. They started to ordered after when it's come to the last man " one cup of latte and bagels, that would be it" he said. Natalia looked at him and she recognizes him at once. " Anything else" She asked. All of them shake their head. After a while she come of all of their orders. Before she left someone stop her " wait a minutes". She stopped

The other three seems to noticed " what's wrong?" One of them ask. " who did that?" The man who stopped her asked looking furious. " No one" replied Natalia. "Tell us right now" one of the three men said in a mad tone. " No one really" Natalia said then left from there. Mrs Leon came " any problem?" "Honey who did that to Natalia ?" Ask Jacob. "Her father of course you remember him right?" Mrs Leon. " Yes " replied Jacob. " I wanted to help but she always refused saying that her father was not like that, her father seems to desperate for money" continue Mrs Leon. Jacob sigh. " you don't say he needs money. Why not buying her? You know where her place is? " He said. "Indeed" Mrs Leon. So at night when Natalia arrived she overheard her parents telling the prices and after they suddenly called her. " we're selling you to this young men" they said. Natalia is shocked she couldn't process in what's going on but she still refuses them. " you can't do that" " yes we can Natalia we are your parents we need money" her step mom said in a manipulative tone.

Natalia keeps on refusing until she saw Jacob. She asked him " Jaja what are you doing ?" Jacob replied simply " you're coming with me to your new home. I don't want you to suffered more so corn with me" she hesitated till her father shouted " just fucking go. What's wrong with you?" Then a gun immediately activated and with a blink of an eyes her father leg is shots. " this is a warning for you and for her." Natalia got scared they she decided go with him. On the way to a strange area Natalia falls a sleep.

Nicolas POV

Here I am waiting anxiously for her arrivals. " what's taking her so long?" " soon dude be patient" Austin replied. She then arrived in Jacob's arm. I immediately rush to grabbed her away from him. " chill man" Jacob said. She is so pretty. I then put her on my bed and went down stairs

When he got downstairs. The three men said that they'll be going to sleep now since it's late and they don't want to go to their houses in this night. So they slept till morning. " where am I ?" Natalia suddenly ask herself. " you're in my place" Nicolas replied in his morning voice. " who are you?" She ask him. " I'm the one who are buying you" he then replied. She was shocked but said nothing and ask him where the bathroom located and she then do her morning routine. She went downstairs trying ti find the kitchen and she eventually found it after finding that for good 20 minutes. She first see the man who is eating breakfast and soon come the others. "What are you waiting for? come" Jacob said. So she went and eat with them. After they finished she get and grabbed her plate but the maid stopped her from doing so. So she just went to the living room and after a few minutes they all came and talk. She just sit there quietly. One of the men suddenly said " let's go to the beach this weekend" " sounds good " replied others. They all got up and tell Natalia to pack her stuff. After a few hours they got on their private jet together and started to go to their location. When they arrived they all go to their house that they already have and stay there to rest one room each. Natalia just followed Nicolas since he tells her to stay close to him all the time.