
Cruel Games

Tangyin55 · History
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3 Chs

Trouble Song Family

The weather is rainy, it's dinner time at the Song Family, everything is going on like any other day, but this day is different from the previous ones because there is a knock at the gate, one of the servants opens the gate and sees a lot of armed guards, all of them wearing masks the servant turns white at the sight and tremblingly asks what do the Lords want?

-Imperial order! Song Wei Zhi He committed embezzlement, he is immediately stripped of his position and imprisoned, the Song Estate is seized by the Wu An Command. LET'S INVESTIGATE AND EXPOSE EVERYTHING!-YES!

Everything changes at the Song family, the guards who break in turn everything upside down and arrest everyone who resists and kill them, cruelty. Song Wei Zhi is no longer at the estate, but the rest of the family are all waiting there, The eldest member of the family won't let the guards get to him.

-I am the Elder of the Song family, you have no right to treat my family members like animals, my son's innocence will be revealed. The guards retreat a little after seeing the old warrior woman dead, then someone else enters the estate, her clothes are different from the others, hers is not pure black but Red-Black with golden symbols. He seems like a charismatic person.

He is none other than the head of the Wu An Command, Zhang Liang. -Netán Do you have a problem with the way my people treat you? I think they were quite discreet, since they didn't take the family members away in chains, they didn't beat anyone, only those who resisted, those who cooperated were unharmed. Am I right Old Lady Song?

Old Lady Song's behavior changes as soon as Zhang Liang comes, She knows that it is not worth resisting now because only her family will be in danger. -I didn't think that Commander Zhang himself would come here to lead the destruction of my family. - It's an honor, ma'am.

- Put everyone in jail for now, don't do anything with them until further orders. - Yes! The Tangs of the Song family are taken to the prison of the Wu An Command, whoever is taken there has very little chance of getting out, the Song family seems to be done for.

-Look, isn't that the Song family?-But they are him. What do you think they did? -I have no idea, but the Wu An command will take them, so it must be something serious, isn't that Wu An leader Zhang Liang? -But he. The Song family is really over, I didn't think he would come for them himself.-You know Zhang Liang, I don't know him that well, I just heard his name.

- It's good that I'm dead, He's the Leader of the Wu An command, they say only the emperor has more power, The Deceased Marquis Zhang's son who died in the war Fifteen years ago. The emperor then adopted him, they say the emperor loves him more than his own sons, and not only the emperor but also the empress loves him the most. So he does whatever he wants, no one can stop him.

- Commander! Your majesty calls you. - I'm going fine, until then you start interrogating Song Wei Zhi. - Yes!