

The boy already regretted the decision to follow the small boy, both his parents weren't in the pile no signs of them dead either, but the boy felt betrayed, they were leaving the kids as sacrifices so they didn't deserve any pity for dying, as the boy and small boy started following the path, the boy started asking small boy questions.

"Where are we going?" asked the boy.

"City," the small boy replied.

"What are we going to do at the city?"



"Isn't it harder to survive in the city?"

"If yu ar gona kep askin qestions, ima lev yu tu dye"

(If you are gonna keep asking questions, ima leave you to die)

The boy and the small boy walked for hours on end to the city of Kwera, where the markets and food smelled fresh, loud laughters, magicians, and sword sellers all stood by the entrance.

"Woah, this place looks so cool." said the boy while his eyes lightened.

They both started walking towards the entrance where two guards stood until they got stopped by them.

"Hey!, what ya kids doing here? You are not allowed to enter without an adult." said one of the guards. He had a helmet, a sword and armour that looked as if he was wearing two pieces to fully cover his belly.

"wi jus wana get tu de city an wi col,"

(We just wanna get to the city, and we cool)

"I know a brat when I see one, get out of here!, you're just gonna cause problems."

"We don't have any -"

"Shut up, leave now!" the second guard interrupted.

The small boy took the boys hand and started walking away. The small boy pulled the boy downwards and started whispering in his ear:

"Wi nid tu get in dere, u becom a dystraction'

(We need to get in there, you become a distraction)

"That's such a foolish thing to do, though."

"Plan B den"

The small boy pulled out a bread piece and started crushing it into small pieces and, one by one, stuffed it into his pocket

The small boy grabbed the boy by his arm and threw him onto the ground right in front of the guards and started stuffing the bread crumbs onto his face. He started biting the boy as if he were going to eat him, and the guards came running to the boys while they were screaming and fighting.

"What the heck are you kids doing!?"

"Wi ar starvin men, u left us tu dye!"

(We are starving, man. You left us to die!)

"You are annoying little shits... fine."

The guards threw the children into the city alongside the blanket filled with food and stood guard again.

They stood up and began dusting off the dirt on their clothes.

"Owh, did you really have to bite me?" The boy said while rubbing the bite mark on his neck.

" Yu tink I was jokin, yu locky dey cam"

(You think I was joking. You're lucky they came."

"Why did you stuff my face in with bread?"

"Cas I lik mor flavo tu mi mels"

(Cause I like more flavours to my meals)

The boy was emergency food in case the small boy starved.