
Chapter 7

Masons head was still in my lap and the sun was shining brightly through the opened curtains. I leaned back against the headboard and touched his hair again. It was soft and silky at the same time. I was still hot so I knew he hadn't fully healed yet. I carefully pushed his head off my lap and stood up.

His room was huge but mainly empty. I walked around the bed and made my way out of the room. I vaguely remembered the path to the kitchen but I made it. An old woman stood in the middle of the kitchen cooking. She turned to me. Her smile was genuine and sweet. She bowed her head. I stood confused for a second.

"Hello, I'm Rita. You must be hungry. I'm almost done making food for the pack."

I froze and looked around the place. Anger from my past surged through me.

"Do you have to cook? I mean are they making you cook for them?"

"Oh no sweety. I cook for the pack by choice. Most of the time the others help me but I love to cook. It makes me feel more connected to the pack. I even get a room in the pack house."

My sigh was audible even though I tried to hide my relief. She didn't comment on it though. She smiled and held out two plates for me.

"I'll bring the drinks to the alphas room. It seems like you both need rest."

"You know he is sick?"

"Sweety I know everything about this pack. Like the fact I know youre the Luna and the others don't. Like I know that he's sick because of what he did. And like I know he wasn't kind to that girl when he found out what she did to you. No one has a secret in this pack that I don't know. I'm the cook and also the informant. I was there that night when we first saw you. I was gathering information on the other packs. I was the first to notice Alpha Masons strange behavior. Your smell drove him crazy. We had to calm him down for a minute before he went outside to claim you. He saw you leaving and was gonna send us to get you from your pack because he thought you were taken there but when we arrived your father had said he 'got rid of you'. Mason and Misa couldn't control themselves. He was ripped apart. It was only after he died that we realized you were alive and a rogue."

"He didn't kill my father at the dance?"

"Oh no sweety. He let him live for your sake. He only killed him when he thought he killed you. The protective feeling of your mate and your Luna is strong. Misa and Mason just couldn't stop. Alpha Tristan tried to intervene and he got hurt too."

"I had no idea."

"I'm sorry about your father but I get the feeling you don't care as much as people think you do."

I nodded.

"Well you best get this food to Alpha Mason before it gets cold. It was nice to officially meet you luna."

I turned before she said anything else and trailed back to the room. I entered quietly but Mason was already awake. He shifted to look at me and sighed.

"You're back?"

"Am I not supposed to be?" I asked taking a step back.

"No no, that's not it. I just thought you left."

"Well you're still sick, I can feel it. Why would I leave?"

He stared at me as I walked up to him with his plate.

"Wait a sec okay?"

I opened the door and walked only a few steps before Rita appeared with two drinks. I took them and thanked her before running back to the room. Mason was sitting up now and was still sweating from the fever.

"Here drink this. Rita made soup specially for us."

He took the cup and downed it quickly before pulling the plate with the bowl of soup on top of it into his lap. He ate slowly as if it took effort to move.

I ate too and finished before him. He didn't even finish before he pushed the plate away and leaned back. I quickly placed the bowls on the counter and pulled him to lay down again.

"You still need a lot of rest."

"I need to run the pack," he mumbled while already half asleep.

"Don't worry about that right now." I said as I rubbed my hand down him arm to send sparks over his body.

He fell asleep quickly so I got up again. I walked over to his mirror and saw just how awful I looked. My hair was a mess from the sweat and heat of the night before and I looked tired.

I grabbed one of my shirts and a pair of shorts I found in my suit case that was on top of his dresser and headed to his bathroom. Misa must have gone to my pack and packed my remaining clothes and kept them in Masons room. The bathroom had two sinks and one bath and one shower that were seperated. Each one looked big enough to fit two people. My blood heated as I thought of why.

I jumped into the shower and cleaned off quickly to make sure Mason wasn't alone when he awoke. I changed quickly and exited the bathroom. Mason was still asleep. I knew with his fever he'd likely when out of it for a while so I picked the dishes from the desk and walked back into the kitchen. Misa was standing there with Emerson and Rita talking.

She looked to me and excitedly ran over. She snatched the dishes from me quickly and threw them behind her. Emerson caught them with ease and placed them in the sink.

"I heard my idiot of a brother got sick because of the stunt he pulled. Sorry I didn't realize you weren't feeling well."

"It's fine really, I'm just kinda worried. Is he supposed to stay sick this long?"

Misa, Emerson and Rita all exchanged glances. Misa grabbed my shoulder without saying anything and smiled at me.

"We don't know much about what happens when a mate sleeps with another wolf but from what we understand he won't get better for another month or so or until you two fix what he did." Emerson piped up.

"Fix what he did?" I asked.

"Yeah, his body is having a negative reaction due to him sleeping with someone who wasn't his mate, therefore the solution would be for you two to give your bodies what they want." Rita responded.

My face grew hot once more and Misa laughed.

"You can wait out the month if you want Amora. Goddess knows my brother deserves it."

I smiled and nodded to them.

"I better get back before he wakes up." I said

"what?" Misa asked.

"He just fell back asleep and I don't want him to wake up alone."

Misa glanced back and Emerson who was smiling.

"Is something wrong-?" I started to ask.

"Alright, see you later Luna," Emerson said quickly as he grabbed Misa.

I cocked my head in confusion but went back to the room nonetheless figuring no one would tell me what was wrong.

I entered again and Mason was still asleep. He'd hardly moved from the position I had left him in. I walked over to him and gently shook his shoulder. He turned over groggily.

"You need to bathe, I'll take care of the sheets and everything else while you take a bath."

He didn't respond but he began pushing himself off the bed. I took him arm and walked with him to the bathroom.

"I'll be back in a minute with an outfit for you."

He braced himself on the sink as I turned around.

"I think it's getting worse."

"Misa said it would for a while and then it would quickly get better."

He sighed and leaned back against the sink. I exited quickly and made my way over to the bed. Someone had placed new sheets and blankets outside the door that I gladly used. Once I was done I went over to Masons drawers and picked up one of his outfits.

I knocked on the door before entering. I didn't dare look in the direction of the tub. I placed the clothes down on the sink countertop and turned back to the door.

"What things have you heard about me?" Mason asked from behind me.

I knew he was finally gonna explain to me what him and Misa meant about the truth and I knew how long the conversation was gonna take so I sat down against the door with my eyes closed.

"The first thing I heard about you was when I was 15. I heard that you took down and demolished multiple packs before you even became alpha."

"Ah, if by demolished they mean bring down the alphas and take in their wolves then yeah I did."

"The wolves here-"

"They are mostly from packs I took over or rogues I took in. Most of the wolves from the pack my father ran, ran off before I took over so we were small."

There was a small pause before I spoke again, "I heard you killed your father. And killed off an entire pack."

"I can't sugar coat that one. There is no excuse there. I did both of those things."

I opened my eyes and looked at him. Only his torso and head were visible above the tub. He was looking at me too.


He turned ahead as if he couldn't look me in the eyes.

"Misa," he paused and took in a breath. "Our father was truly the cruel one. When Misa's alpha pheromones came in her was gonna sell her off to the highest bidder. I fought him on it and for a while he listened, for a few years he did but then...I woke up one day and she was just gone. I waited. Made him think I was okay with it while I searched for her. When I finally found her I went to get her. She was being passed around the camp males like a toy and the females used her for labor. I blacked out and when I came back I was surrounded by their bodies. Misa said they tried to fight back against me. I took her home and killed our father too. She doesn't talk about it anymore. It destroyed her for a while until she met Emerson. Just a couple weeks with him and she was already healing. I made him my beta and Misa slowly healed over the next few years."

"How old were you guys?"

"I was 17 and Misa was 19."

"You were both so young..."

"We are hardly any older now little mate."

He turned back to me. His wet hair was dripping on the floor. He cocked his head and I realized I was staring. I turned my head down and stared at the floor.

"You killed my father."

"I thought he killed you. Similar to what happened when I found Misa, I blacked out. All I remember was Misa pushing me back as Tristan laid before me and behind him was your father who was already gone. I'm sorry Amora. I really am. Had I known you were alive I wouldn't have- I know it's not an excuse."

"I don't care," I said as I leaned my head back against the door. "He deserved it. He was like your father."

"He seemed protective of you at the party."

"It's ease to protect someone when you need them alive to sell them off to another pack."

I heard as he stood up from the water and stepped out of the tub. I continued to look upwards. After a couple seconds he appeared in my line of sight. First I saw his head then his shoulders which were utterly bare and then his stomach. I shifted to my sitting on my knees and back away from him while closing my eyes tight, afraid of what I'd see next.

"Why aren't you dressed?!" I asked.

His laugh rang out as I felt his warm hand touch my face.

"Look at me little mate."

I shook my head but his hand jerked my face upwards.


I slowly opened one eye. He was towering over me smirking. I looked down slowly. He had on shorts. I sighed and looked up at his face. His smile disappeared as he zoned out.

"I'm sorry for assuming-"

A strange smell filled the air. My own arousal. Just from the thought of him being naked. I looked back into his eyes that were clouded over. Not from mind linking but from something else entirely. Lust. My arousal mixed with the position I was in it wasn't hard to picture what he was imagining me doing.

He turned away and let go of me while backing up a few steps. Some part of me was disappointed. He held out a hand for me to stand, I took it quickly.

"I'm sorry-" I stuttered out.

"Why are YOU sorry?"


"Never be sorry for something you can't control."

He looked back at me. His eyes were still clouded and I realized I was shaking.

"Rita said...that you could be better sooner if we..."

"She told you about that?"

"yes.." my voice came out as barely a whisper. "I could...help you if you want."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know," My voice was now raspy.

His hand dropped mine and came up to cup my chin in his hand. His face lowered to mine. I was sure he could hear my heart racing as his lips came to mine. His lips brushed mine as he turned his head and tucked his head into my neck. I shuddered. Not only from the feeling of him in the spot where he was supposed to mark me but also because I felt myself wanting more than his lips just passing by mine.

"Do you want this?" He asked as his fangs brush up against my neck.

My back arched just from the feeling. One of my hands went to his chest and grasped his shirt as my head fell forward onto his shoulder. I suddenly felt a warm sensation on my neck. My whole body shook as he sucked on my neck and created a hickey.