
Crownless King System

The Crackle. An event that happened milleniums ago gave the humans superpowers as magic and mutations. But so it did with all the fauna across the Earth. Creatures that were on the myths walk now on the surface of the Earth. Heroes that were on the pages of books and on screens of movies and series became real. Adventurers are the profession of the millenium. Idols, singers, streamers, dancers, reality shows, everything is around them. Archer left his family to follow his dream of earning his life slaying monsters. The drama begins when some different happen on his Awakening process. Take a step and look through his stats on the chapters.

ESH · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Family problems

"What happened to you be this early on my door, teacher?"

"A fighting club happened on the weekend."

"Why is this related to me? I've stayed all the weekend on my room."

"They used your living puppet.", she explained.

"WHY?", he felt a little angry.

"Your battle caught too many eyes I think."

"So I am the first suspect.", Archer knew this was the case.

"Yes but with your statement and the watch location. You'll be free in no time."

"I'll be detained?", he asked.

"For an hour or so. Nothing much. Don't worry about it."

It was still time. He could do everything of his training but the run and could meditate too. He had to solve this problem. Finally he saw the difference on his stats and let those free points there. His magic was greater than everything else. Maybe was time to he try the basic magics he had learned.

"We are here, sir.", she entered with the boy.

"So it wasn't him.", the Director said before any of them could say anything. "What? Did you think I would shoot on the dark? Nothing like that. As first suspect detain you have only the purpose to verify if you are the main suspect or not. By your actions, this is obviously not your doing.", the boy raised his hand. "Speak."

"What happened to the 17?"

"To the puppet?", the man laughed. "Nothing. The problem was that one student was almost beat to death by it and the worst is that she is from the Cardinal family."

"What they ordened, sir?"

"Expulsion and hand over the student to them.", he said. "Obviously they want to kill the one who did this."

"What are you thinking on doing?", miss A was a little shaken.

The Cardinal family is known for their superb magicians. They are different from other families as they tend to cooperate with corporations and guilds. But this has a great backfire for those companies that lost one of them in combat. This wasn't different from schools.

"Can I have a word, sir?", the boy said.

"I'm accepting suggestions, son."

"How about offer then a student?"

"You're crazy they will kill the student.", the woman said.

"Not in this way but on the other.", he explained.

"To be accepted on their family.", the Director said. "We don't have anyone good enough and free to meet their criteria."

"I can be this student, sir.", Archer was actually expelled from his family. So he only didn't fit the good criteria.

"Nothing against, son, but you aren't good enough."

"Yet, sir.", the boy smiled. "We can put a time limit and if they don't want they can kill me as responsible for what happened."

"What would be the time?"


"I don't know if they would like to do this.", the Director was a step behind still. He needed more to be sure to go foward.

"Sir.", miss A entered the conversation and the boss let her speak. "The boy know the method of transcending as well he is a magical circuit designer.", the eyes of the man widened with the new information.

"You can draw magical circuits?", he was excited. "So maybe.", miss A looked at him serious. "Okay. I'll leave this situation on your hands.", he calmed down. "And I suggest that you look for an SSS mission on the board as well.", the woman smiled a little on the old man action.

"You're dismissed then, Archer."

"Thank you both for the consideration and I'll look for the mission, sir.", he could think one or two things that the Director would like from him.

Archer was in school clothes so he didn't make any training. He went direct for the class. Everyone was looking at him as someone look a criminal but there he was untouched. This was till mister J arrive and get near him.

"They will contact you. So you must be ready when it happens. They won't give you another chance.", the teacher said and went to his podium.

"What happened?", Ruffus appeared smiling at the boy's side.

"You took a shower apparently.", the smile vanished and a hand hit the boy's desk.

"You used...", the sand boy didn't have his chance and fell on the floor again.

"You guessed it but you irratated me as well.", Archer said.

"Lets start the class then.", as mister J said those words. The boy was receiving the call from the Cardinals.

Without thinking he left the room. Mister J knew the situation and let him go but this wasn't without punishing at all. It'll only come later.

"Hello.", Archer picked up.

"You're supposed to be in class, boy.", a male voice said.

"But I couldn't not pick up either."

"The Director passed out the information. Are you really a magical circuit designer?"

"I only did one circuit that is the one in me right now but this was after looking some books and using them as main reference."

"Your method of transcending was already passed down to our house so I don't worry too much about it. Do you have anything more to address to you?"

"What do you really need, sir?", Archer knew that both those things were useless for a wealthy family.

"I'm glad that you asked. I need someone to be the guard of my daughter and you look to be the type for it. Seeing that your living puppet almost killed her."

"Keep going."

"She is the first on the family to awaken as a ice elementalist. So she can go a little higher than the others around here."


"But I think there might be people in here and out of here that don't like this too much. So I want a hound around her."

"Follow orders and shake the tail."

"Nothing more, nothing less. How about it?"

"You're hiding something. How much I would receive for not asknig questions?", Archer asked.

"How about thousand credits a week?"

"You have a deal. What is her name?"

"Aurora. You'll receive your payment shortly so do your job well.", the man rang up.

"I need a place to be then.", the boy went to the infirmary. "How she ended up fighting Lapis?"


[Hard way on the front (Instantaneous)]

[Difficult: ??]

[Defeat all the enemies on your way to the infirmary and don't let Aurora die.]

[Rewards: 1 free stat point for each enemy defeated.]


"I'm late?", he said to himself and rushed a little more.

"Not so fast, bitch.", a boy appeared on the boy's way.

The foundations on his body started to function and magic was pouring on his body. A solid punch was more than enough for his enemy fall without conscious. He thought on using some magic instead of only reinforce his body but this would slow him significantly. So he just kept using his fists.

"In a hurry, punk?", Rupert looked at him smiling.

Archer stopped maintaing the distance.

"So you were the brain for that boy's plan, weren't you?", the red boy started to approach.

"Blindness Hex.", the boy had to use magic.

The red boy became blind temporary but he had enough. As he listened to paces going to the stairs he dash a little foward and snapped his fingers. A shatter happened without any problem and blow up the stairs but as the Hex faded no body was found.

A little far from there.

"So minor illusion can do sounds as well, nice.", Archer was rushing to the infirmary.

"How did you passed Rupert?", a girl said before be knocked out with a punch.

"I hope this won't be considered machism. I'm just trying to save a life here.", the boy kept his running.

"STOP.", Rupert was on his chase.

"I can't.", he replied. "You can kill me anytime and I don't like it."

He kept running till he saw another stairs. When he was passing by then his body became two and one of his self went down the stairs. But Rupert didn't fall for this illusion and keep on the hall behind the true one.

He was close to a open window this time was the golden opportunity. Again the second Archer appeared. One went to the stairs while the other jumped the window. Rupert was on the chase and knew exactly what to expect from his enemy. So he jumped the window. What he didn't thought was that Archer went up after kicking the air.

"See you around.", he said and felt a little angry. "I couldn't throw him off not only a inch."

"You came from the window?", a boy said looking at Archer arriving on the infirmary door.

"A had a helping hand.", he punched the three guards down. "Literally a Spectral Hand."

[TFA: Don't stop.]

Archer forgot to see the girl arriving there he was too late. Laura was injecting something on the girl's arm. He released the Lightning God Mode and with a couple punches she fall unconscious after the sneak attack.

"Am I too late?"

[TFA: Use the spell and stop it from spreading.]

"Right.", he was almost panicking. "Find Poison.", nothing was detected.

[TFQ: Check her magical circuit.]

"There was a technique on the 'Revolving Phoenix' for this situation.", nothing accused. "What is... her mutation. How can I revert this?"

[TFA: You need to inject the same amount of blood in her.]

"Okay.", he got a syringe and got a little of his blood. "And if she isn't compatible?"

[TFQ: You use the technique from before.]

"Lets go.", he injected the blood on her but as he did she started to have convulsions. So he went to the technique. Which made it stop.

[You completed a mission.]

[Rewards: 9 experience.]

[You leveled up.]