
Crown Prince's Knight Is A Girl?!

He was the best knight, best soldier and greatest seducer whose charms work on both men and women alike. Soon he rose upto ranks and started gaining recognition from the royal family. But why is it that the crown prince fumes every time Oliver leaves his side? And why is it that the great Knight never bathes? could it be that his charms had made his highness Gay? But no one knows Oliver had a secret to hide. In the middle of the night when everyone in the dormitory sleeps, Oliver takes slow steps towards the lake and lets her mounds escape from their cage! "for Ophelia, i will serve as a male knight my whole life!" —-------------------------------- Olivia Sal Duvrate, the heir to the throne of the Sonarise empire lost her family, her land and her empire after being betrayed by the man she loved. Holding her last kin, her sister Ophelia, she ran to survive and take revenge. But where could two women survive alone in male dominated society? But to keep both of them safe, she can't be the princess anymore. She dressed up as man and a knight, to protect her and Ophelia's innocence as they continued to walk as a couple in the long journey to find a new home. But why is it that the hidden life she had desired for entangled with the man she should not cross paths with! Where would this new journey take her and for how long would she be able to hide her truth? contact me on.. I_am_creator#2352 if you like my creation, you can also buy me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/iamcreator01/

I_am_Creator · History
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586 Chs

Frail Princess and Crown Prince

Olivia passed him a look as if asking are you a fool! When she noticed his reddened ears she was sure that it was not because of the heart or blood loss.

Her eyes narrowed at him with a glare.

"What else was your foul mind thinking huh? Are you forgetting that I am a man too!" The last words came rather loudly as if she was trying to prove it but thankfully the man was too embarrassed to notice discrepancies.

"That.. it was rather abrupt!" he tried to defend but he knew even his imagination had turned wild.

"Tsk! I think the blood loss has affected your brain, you are spouting nonsense!`` With a voice full of scolding, she stared at him like a stern teacher looking at a new naughty kid in the class who deserved a beating.

His hands instinctively reached his cheeks when the thought crossed his mind.

He wanted to blame this odd boy (Olivia) for it, but he felt a tinge of guilt for misunderstanding him (Olivia).

Unbeknownst of his myriad of thoughts, Olivia concentrated on wrapping the bandages on his wounds that she had made from his shirt.

"Phew, it is done. Are you feeling better!" Alex nodded as the blood had finally stopped and the pain he was feeling on the wounds had lessened.

"Good! Then give me the reward now!" Olivia stood up with an impatient look on her face.

She turned to look where the houses were, afraid that Ophelia might follow her since it had been a long time since she arrived here.

Who knew what danger she would land in, if that happened!

"Hey, where are you spacing out? I asked for my rewards!" stomping her foot, she glared at the man as the worry of her sister started to engulf her but the man did not flinch.

He did not take out the gold or jewel he had promised for but looked at the boy (Olivia) as if he (Olivia) was a fool.

"Tsk! I have promised you that I will give you a reward once I will be saved. I am still in danger if I am left alone.

If you want a reward, you have to take me with you to your house." with a straight face, Alex spoke in a righteous tone even when he saw the eyes of the boy (Olivia) narrowing on his face with the intent to kill visible in them.

"What did you say?" she asked in a razor sharp voice as if she was trying to attack him by her voice only.

If stares could kill, he would have died again but the man stared back at her with full confidence.

"The forest is dangerous. If i would be left here alone for the night, beasts or humans both could attack me and kill me.

If I am not saved properly, why would I give you a reward? Take me with you, it is just a matter of a night.

I will leave before dawn! Why are you getting worried like a young maiden who could not bring home a man!" her heart skipped a beat as her hands itched to check if her makeup was ruined by the tears and he was suspicious of her identity now!

No! If that would have been the case, he would not have reacted that way when she tore his shirt.

She consoled herself that he was only afraid to be left alone. Her eyes stared hard at his injuries as she started calculating the odds when his eyes narrowed at her face.

"Are you going to steal or rob an injured man? Even if you do so, my men would search for you and then bring you back to me!" he declared deflating her hopes.

She was right he was a rich spoiled brat who would not leave a single chance to show off her money or power.

But it might be a good chance. If she befriends this spoiled brat, she could at least rob him with some gold and secure her sister well before leaving for her revenge.

"Tsk! If you need help. You should better be polite. Fine! I will take you home but you better behave there or my wife will throw you out first.`` Hoping that the old lady would be sleeping and he could behave like the owner of the house, Olivia gave him a stern glance before bending to help him in standing up since his back was injured badly.

Shocked that the brat already had a wife, it took a second for Alex to nod his head and hold his hand to stand up.

But just as he held the hands of the boy (Olivia), he felt a strange feeling. His eyes stared at the extended hand as if a rare treasure would come out from her hands if he continued to stare at them.

"You pervert! What are you looking at?" Olivia took her hands back as she glared at the man who finally blinked but then shook his head.

"I was wondering how could a crude man like you have such soft and small hands. As if you are a pampered girl of the royal family!" he chuckled but then winced when he felt pain from the pressure on muscles.

"Tsk! If looks could decide, then shouldn't you be the crown prince of the biggest nation with that handsome face and so many jewels on your body.

Even your sword is a masterpiece. Not many have swords made of black steel." Olivia chuckled back as she bent and started picking the rest of the wood she had collected for Ophelia. Therefore she did not notice how the face of the man turned pale and rigid after listening to her words.

"Now hurry, I did not have all day to spend time with you. My wife would be waiting for me and wood so that she could sleep well in the cold night!"