
The Beginning

Under the night sky sound of wind cut by a large shuriken can be heard as it flew through it towards the blonde holding a large scroll in his embrace, seeing the huge metal blade flying towards him, awaken an instinct within him, flaring his Chakra outwards, he tried to catch the blade only to see a shadow run between him and the huge shuriken shielding him from being impaled by said thing, with tears in the man's eyes, he acknowledged the boy and told him of himself while the white-haired traitor went on and on about some beast that attacked the village and that he was it, while the man that saved him said otherwise, feeling betrayal, fear, and confusion, the blonde boy rose from his spot and ran towards the forest, and hid behind the tree not far from the battling duo, he listens as the two bickers about him, he then threw the scroll to the side and crossed his fingers as he summons thousand of clones to beat the silver-haired ninja and save his sensei, minutes after beating Mizuki, ANBU came out of the shadow and took the traitor away, carried the elder man to the hospital while escorting Naruto holding the scroll to the Hokage's office.

Naruto got scolded by the old leader, yet also consoled by him that no punishment will fall upon him, seeing this chance, the old leader then gave the boy a hitai-ate and promoted him to Genin, hearing this, the boy felt happy as he gave his surrogate grandpa a big smile.

"Seeing as you are already a genin I can now tell you of your heritage." smiled the old monkey as he puts a few pinches of leaves to his pipe chamber, the old Hokage then went on and told him of his parents, about his father being the first civilian Hokage, his mother being the princess of Uzumaki clan, how his mother transferred all the Uzumaki assets from Uzushiogakure to Konoha and that he is the last Uzumaki of Konoha. Hearing all this is hard for a twelve-year-old Naruto to digest, that he has a clan or that like his teme-classmate he too is the last remaining 'loyal' member of his clan.

A week has passed and these past seven days have helped him acknowledge the fact that he was actually rich, and the reason that the old bastard didn't tell him of his heritage was for his safety, he can only sigh thinking back to when he first arrived at the Uzumaki clan compound and found the hugeness to be quite overwhelming, the first day was spent on accepting his new reality and the second day was spent mapping out the compound and reading through his clan's scrolls with the use of hundreds of shadow clones, the third day was by slowly absorbing the information that he has obtained through his clones by rearranging the information in his head and understanding the meanings behind them, and the remaining four days were spent by learning his clan's Jutsu and fuinjutsu, with the use of clones and buy new wardrobes with henge on.

On the day of team selection no longer was Naruto wearing his 'kill me' orange but a black shinobi pants, a white undershirt, a black hoodie zipped up to his navel area, with a white-colored Uzumaki clan symbol on his left chest, he also has on a pair of black fingerless gloves, with his hood down people can only see part of his face, if not for the whiskers on his cheeks people wouldn't have recognized him, arriving at his school he quietly walked towards his seat and laid his head on the table as he has not slept a wink these past four days, trying to catch up to the current curriculum, from the teacher's sabotage, hearing Iruka sensei shout for the class to quiet down woke the unsuspecting Naruto up and saw that the whole class was looking at him, "This class is only for the people that passed, NARUTO." said the Inuzuka boy, not looking towards him nor spoke a word, Naruto only took the hitai ate out from his hoodie and showed it towards the dog boy, but just before he can ask a screech cut him off asking him how he cheated to get the headpiece only for their teacher to tell her and the rest of the class that Naruto passed the test and that's all that he's willing to say, then murmurs erupted from the class only for them to be shut up by the big head Jutsu, Iruka then started listing out names, teams and their teachers, "Team seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha." said Iruka at first the pink haired felt heart broken that she's in a team with Naruto only to be delighted to hear that she is with Sasuke.

Hours passed and Naruto kept his head in his arms on the desk, wandering around his dream world, while on the real world the last Uchiha kept his brooding while looking out the window pondering with reasons and theories of his clan's massacre the pink-haired girl, on the other hand, kept her eyes on his prince-sama. "Huh!" thought the silver-haired Jounin with interest as he scanned his team, a brooder, a sleep-deprived boy, and a rabid 'fangirl' with a glittery aura, he then went towards the teacher's podium took his book out and started reading, only when Sakura heard him giggling did they notice the older man, he then asked them to go to the roof and shunshinned away, minutes later, he saw the pinkette rush out the door followed by the two boys with their hands in their pockets, the blonde looking sleepy, while grumpy seems........well, grumpy, he then told them to introduce themselves only for the pinkette to ask for example by wanting him to introduce first. "My name is Kakashi Hatake, I have many likes and dislikes, I have a few hobbies.... dreams for the future.... don't feel like telling you." he then pointed to the Pinkette and asked her to go next, " .I like.... my dreams for the future.... my hobby is...." said the pinkette while glancing to her left with a blush forming around her cheeks, "I don't like Naruto-Baka" said the girl as she glared to her right. Kakashi feeling irritated then pointed to the blonde, "You next." "I like ramen, my books, and seals, dislike waiting, and illusions, dreams.... restore my clan, hobby..... pranks and seals." " SIr Broody, you?" " likes tomato dislikes dumb and persistent people and traitors," said Sasuke as his look grew darker. "dreams... restore my clan," said Grumpy while looking at the sleepy blonde, "Hobby... training.". Kakashi accepting their answer and feeling slightly amused by the two boy's answer then explained about the test and the academy's 'weeding out of the undesirables', all the while the blonde boy, was battling with unconsciousness as his immortal foe, the three was told to meet the next day at training ground seven.

Hi guys!! this is my first time posting here at Web novel, you can see my experiments at Wattpad "SeanUy0", go easy on this plebeian my dear lords, thanks!!! (>u<)/

Sean_Jerome_Uycreators' thoughts
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