
Feat of Strength

To Wuxian, certain emotions could be associated with certain sounds. When he heard the pitter-patter of rain drops, he felt calm.

When he heard the crackling of a fire, he felt strangely at ease. When he heard the chirping of cicadas, he felt nostalgic.

To Wuxian, the chirping of birds was often joyful and melodious. He often wondered whether the birds were speaking the same way that humans did, just in a dialect he did not understand. 

Wuxian was accustomed to waking up to the sound of birdsong. But this time was different.

As he lay in bed, muscles tensed and cold sweat seeping off his body onto the mattress, he realised that today the bird song was sparse.

Not only was it sparse and intermittent, it also gave off an unfamiliar feeling- not joyful, not melodious, but alert and hurried.

Staring at the grey ceiling, Wuxian's rapidly beating heart and heavy breathing gradually returned to normal. 

"Right, the examination." He muttered, pulling himself up and off the bed.

He quickly wiped himself down before dressing. He then took his armour and pushed it  beneath the bed along with the spear. These items were expensive and he couldn't afford to lose them.

Since the door had no lock and he would be spending most of the day taking the army examination, it was best to be cautious.

"Big brother?" Mian Ji's voice came from the corridor. 

"I'm up."

Wuxian opened the door to be greeted with the sight of Mian Ji and Xiao Chong, both having woken up sooner than he.

A feeling of relief washed across Wuxian as he saw them alive and well, even though the dream was obviously not a reflection of reality. 

Xiao Chong had a big grin on his face, clearly elated to have woken up before him.

"Don't say it." He cautioned.

Xiao Chong rolled his eyes. "Pfft, say what? I'm not as immature as you. Hmph."

Mian Ji glanced at Wuxian, only to find that the latter did not look back, staring in a daze.

"Well, brothers, let's go and have breakfast. Don't forget about the examination. We'll need to be well energised so as not to lose face for Xi county!" As he spoke, Mian Ji took the two by their shoulders and marched forward toward the mess hall.

"One moment, are we not supposed to wait to be called forward by an officer?" Wuxian asked.

"We were, but you were still asleep."

Wuxian's hand instantly went towards Xiao Chong's mouth, seeking to cover it before he said anything infuriating. The latter immediately dodged out of the way, charging down the corridor with an impish grin.

"Get back here and accept your punishment, brat!" He yelled in mock anger.

"Dream on, geezer!" Came the response.

Xiao Chong turned the corner and vanished from sight.

Wuxian sighed. Internally, he was still a little shaken from the dream. From some of the stories that Sir Lv had told them, dreams could be a type of prophecy or precognition.

Though he had doubted whether the power to tell the future existed, it was possible that the dream was a manifestation of his worries, or something else.

'Regardless, the possibility of us all dying at war is high. It doesn't help that we're all big targets.' He mused.

As they walked forwards, no sign of Xiao Chong in sight, Mian Ji suddenly spoke.

"Is it the examination? Or is it the upcoming battle?"

Wuxian was caught off-guard. "Pardon?"

"The examination or the battle? What's got my steadfast older brother in such a downcast mood, eh?"

Seeing the sheepish look on Wuxian's face, Mian Ji knew he had guessed correctly.

"If the upcoming examination is what's on your mind, well, there's no need to feel uncertainty.

With your body alone, you'll probably set a new record for the weight lifting segment.

With your martial training, you'll already be much more capable than most of the others, since many are mere farmers without practice.

With your knowledge and scholarly practice, the theory test will also certainly not be difficult." 

"If the war is worrying you… well, uh… I'm also worried about that, so, um, ah. Damn."

Wuxian looked at Mian Ji's tongue-twisted expression and his tripping over words with mirth and warmth.

"What I'm saying is that uh… we're all worried. Everyone from the bigwigs in court to the littlest peasant. Even people who aren't enlisted. So…"

"Alright, alright, I understand. You can stop there." Wuxian chuckled.

Mian Ji's face was a bit red, but he pretended to be stoic. It seemed that attempting to give a rallying speech had backfired and now he was also anxious. Or more so than before.

At this moment, Wuxian contemplated telling him about the dream from the night before, but then decided against it.

Prophesying the defeat of their army and the deaths of their three brothers was not very auspicious.

Besides, Wuxian was mostly sure that it was just his anxiety that produced the dream- it was most certainly not a prophesy. There would be nothing good to come out of telling Mian Ji and Xiao Chong, especially with how anxious they already were.

"Screw this. Let's go eat." Mian Ji sighed, gently slapping himself in the cheek, as if to give himself a wake up call.

Wuxian gave him a firm and reassuring pat on the back. "Mn. Let's go."


"Attention please! The examination will be split into three sections. First, the test of strength. Second, the test of martial prowess. Third, the tactician's examination."

There were a few murmurs throughout the crowd. The speaker paused until quiet returned to continue.

"The first two tests are mandatory for everyone. High scorers will receive five measures of grain, one year's exemption from taxes for their household and two taels of silver. The third test is optional and one must be proficient in reading and writing. Those who demonstrate excellence in this test and have scored reasonably well in the first two tests will be promoted to lieutenant and have the right to lead a unit. They will also receive three years of tax exemption and ten taels of silver."

There was uproar amongst the crowd. Even Wuxian and the other two were surprised. Sir Lv had said that there were these sorts of perks for high performers at the examination, but to hear it in person was another story.

"Cheaters and those who sign up for the third test while being ineligible will be barred from promotion. That is all."

The crowd immediately calmed down. Clearly, the idea of chancing the tactician's test and hoping to get lucky was not uncommon. The officer's words were sobering and many in the crowd quickly faced reality.

After some organisation on part of the garrison, the conscripts and volunteers were lined up. They entered the examination site in a relatively orderly fashion. There was one single winding queue. Every ten to twenty seconds, a new person was called to enter.

"If only we had asked uncle to teach us how to read or write!" Xiao Chong exclaimed.

Mian Ji nodded slowly. "Alas, one only truly understands the value of knowledge when one needs it most."

Wuxian raised an eyebrow. "Acting all sagely all of a sudden?"

"Well you have it easy, since it's certain that you'll ace all of the tests. Say, make sure you have us join your squad once you get your rank!" Xiao Chong said with an envious look.

"Don't act too upset. You'll both be able to do well in the first two tests- that's much better than the majority of the other participants."

"One can dream, though." Mian Ji sighed.

"Next!" Unknowingly, they had made it to the front of the line.

Wuxian stepped up to the wooden booth which sat by the entrance to the examination area.

The official sitting within, sheltered comfortably from the heat, craned his head out to look up at Wuxian.


"Sihai Wuxian."


"Xi county."

"Prior military service?"


"Are you literate?"


The official reached into a box underneath the desk, withdrawing a circular token with the number '3' etched into it.

"Take this. After completing the first two tests, you may hand this to the senior examiner by the gate. The one wearing a red cap, you can't miss him."

Wuxian took the token and cupped his hands.

"Many thanks."

The official waved his hand in response. "Next!"

The first test area was smaller than Wuxian expected. It seemed to be a repurposed training ground. It was shaped like a large and wide corridor, with five lanes. The lanes were segmented, each containing a stone of successively larger sizes.

Each lane was invigilated by an officer.

"You there! Come to lane three!" 

"Aye." Wuxian responded, quickly orienting himself in the right direction.

He came face to face with a big-nosed officer who wore leather armour and a black hat. On his chest was a badge which read "duifu". Seeing this, Wuxian quickly gave a half bow and saluted.

"Greetings to the lieutenant."

The lieutenant saluted in response and then gestured to the line of stones.

"The test is to lift each stone in succession and hold each one up above the waist for five seconds. You are allowed three attempts for each. Dropping the stone before the time is up counts as failure. The smallest stone weighs 10 jin*. The largest weighs 200 jin."

Wuxian nodded along as he listened.

"To be considered a 'high scorer' in this test, you must succeed in lifting the 150 jin stone. That's the third-last one in the row."

The lieutenant paused for a moment.

"But looking at your height, I wouldn't be surprised if you make it all the way to the 180 jin stone."

"Thank you for the praise." Wuxian smiled.

"By the way, the name's Song Qiang, but everybody calls me big-nosed Song. My squad is missing a person- he died in one of the recent border skirmishes. Make sure you sign up with me after you finish the tests."

Wuxian saluted again. "Many thanks to the lieutenant for the offer, but my two companions are taking the exam as well. We plan to enlist together."

Big-nosed Song waved his hand dismissively. "Regardless, it is better to have more friends than fewer. The offer still stands."

Wuxian nodded, but internally did not even consider his words.

Big-nosed Song pointed at the stones. "They ain't gonna lift themselves. Good luck comrade Sihai."

Wuxian saluted a final time before beginning the test.

The first few stones went by in a flash. He could comfortably lift each with a single hand.

However, starting from the 100 jin mark onwards, the test became slightly more difficult. 

Firstly, while each of the previous stones were small and relatively light, having to hold them above the waist for five seconds each caused fatigue to build up somewhat. 

Secondly, the stones were mostly rounded in shape, with barely any grooves to help with grip. 

Thirdly, while the exertion from lifting the stones was negligible, the examination site was poorly sheltered from the sun and Wuxian was beginning to sweat. He had to be extra careful not to let the stones slip out of his grip.

The first few stones, Wuxian was able to make do with just picking them up with a single hand. Now, he was having to use both hands.

Regardless, his physique alone reduced the difficulty of the challenge significantly. Large hands made it easier to maintain a good hold of the weights.

Without much surprise, Wuxian passed through the test with flying colours, only struggling slightly at the 200 jin stone. To be honest, he was more worried about Xiao Chong. The boy was reckless, it was possible that he might drop a stone out of carelessness, or hurt himself with poor lifting technique.

"Sihai? Comrade Sihai?" 

"Ah! Yes?"

Wuxian's daze was broken. His gaze refocused on a large nose sticking up from the bottom of his vision.

"I've recorded your result. You may proceed with the next test." Said Song Qiang.

Wuxian nodded, bid farewell and moved into the next section. To his relief, this next test took place indoors, in an adjacent chamber.

After spending some more time in another queue, he was greeted by another official.


"Sihai Wuxian."


"Xi county."

"Oh! White Crane Style?" The official asked with pleasant surprise.

Wuxian was shocked as well. 

"Yes, how did you know?" He asked.

"Haha, my cousin's nephew's fiancee had once travelled to Xi county. White Crane Style had left quite the impression on her.

She said that it was a true animal form style, with each movement embodying the grace and agility of a crane."

"That praise is too exaggerated." Wuxian laughed.

The official gave a hearty chuckle in response. "We shall see. Please head over to examiner Ding over there- the fellow with the dark skin."

Wuxian saluted before briskly making his way over to the second examiner.

Said examiner was chatting to a fellow officer in the middle of the chamber.

"Aihya, this round of examinations has been dreadful so far." Complained the officer.

"You speak the truth. The last guy I had only lasted three bouts! He claimed to be an expert, but I was even going easy on him." Tsked examiner Ding.

"It's been the same on my side- the best one I had only lasted two bouts."

"Huh, you must be getting all of the weaker examinees if they're only lasting two bouts, then." Ding jabbed.

"Bullshit! I'm just taking my job seriously, properly and thoroughly testing their skills!"

"Yeah, well I'm giving them time to showcase what they know before knocking them out like you do. With the way you're examining, you're going to be underscoring everyone!"

"Like hell I am! I- hey look there."

"Holy cow, he's tall."

"Uh huh. I think he's walking towards us."

"I think he's going to you."

"No, I think he's going to you, actually."

* unit of measurement. 1 jin weighs approximately 500 grams.

YinLongshancreators' thoughts
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