
Crossing unexpected life

Mike, at the age of 20, grew up in a poor family and faced challenging life circumstances. Following a family crisis that led to a dispute with his father, he found himself confronting difficult problems and experiences. During these transformations, he discovered a mysterious ring, a simple revelation that significantly altered the course of his life. Without delving into specific details, the ring became a symbol of change in the face of challenges. In the conclusion of the story, Mike will face some challenges after obtaining the ring, and he will go through experiences and shocks that will make him wake up. I hope you like my story. I will post a chapter or 2 every day Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you.

Black_shadow_ol · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 14 : The Mysterious Ring: Unveiling Secrets

I told him, "Is there a place where we can talk privately?" He understood that I didn't want to disclose to Leo where I got the ring. He replied, "Alright, let's go back. There's a private room where I'll verify this ring and give you its true value. Leo, wait here while we finish." Some signs of anger appeared on Leo, and he said, "Fine, I'll wait here. Oh, Mickey, don't forget my share." What a greedy person. We entered his back room, and he locked the door. I started scanning the room; it looked like a museum with paintings, sculptures, old coins, and books. It was an astonishing room.

 The man sat down and said, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dan. As for you, I know your name, Mickey, right?" I corrected him, "Actually, my nickname is Mickey. My name is Mike. Nice to meet you, Dan." Dan took out a book and placed it on his desk, grabbed the ring, and began examining it, noting the number written on the back. He opened the book and began searching until he reached a page depicting a ring with the same design as mine, along with strange writing I couldn't identify. The same number was written on the ring. Dan paused, scrutinizing the ring, then returned it to me, saying, "Alright, young man, you'll tell me the truth. Where did you find this ring, and don't attempt to lie." 

I replied, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth in detail." He responded, "Alright, I'm all ears." I explained how I caught the fish and discovered the ring inside it. Dan said, "This ring is ancient, belonging to an old civilization. There's only one in the world; the rest are mere imitations." After a brief silence, he added, "This ring chose you. It will completely change your life; don't waste it." I mentioned, "But it's a gold ring, and you know men don't wear gold in our culture and religion." He suggested, "There's a solution; I can silver-coat it, and you can wear it naturally because this ring has a story. It was worn by both men and women." I pondered for a moment, thinking, "I need money now, not silly myths." 

After a brief contemplation, I told him, "I don't care about these stories. Can I sell it because I don't want it?" I saw sign of disappointment in his face, and he said, "But if you sell it, young man, you'll deeply regret it, and your life will take a turn for the worse. I'm warning you." At that moment, I remembered the words of the homeless man. Could it be just a coincidence? Nonetheless, those superstitions didn't occupy my mind, so I said, "Sir, with all due respect, I don't believe in such silly myths. Please tell me the value of this ring."

 He fell silent, sighed, and said, "As you wish, young man, but one day you'll say I wish I had listened to that old man. But let's focus on the important matter now. I'll give you 4 million dirhams for it. What do you think?" I started smiling to myself and replied, "Come on, sir, this ring is a masterpiece; its value must be more than you said." He looked at me and answered, "I can't give you more because I also need to get my commission when I sell it. And I genuinely don't want you to sell it because you'll regret it. I'm telling you this for your own good." I responded, "Come on, sir, how will I regret it when I'll get 4 million that will change my whole life?" He said, "Alright, my boy, do you want the money in a check or cash?" 

I told him, "I want the paper, and it's embracing its sister." He remarked, "But you know I'm not crazy enough to carry 4 million with me." I asked, "What do we do now?" He answered, "You'll come with me to the house, and there I'll give you your money, but the ring will stay with me." I looked at him and said, "Sir, we haven't reached that level of trust; the ring will stay with me . Before that, I have to go back to Leo's house. Give me your home address, and I'll come myself."He said to me, "Alright, as you wish," and took out a piece of paper to write down his address. But before I left, I said to him, "Can you give me 400 dirhams to give to Leo?"

 He reached into his pocket, took out 500 dirhams, and handed them to me. I thanked him, left the store, and went to Leo. He asked, "What did you do just now?" I replied, "We haven't reached any agreement. Now I'll take you back home and visit him at his house." Leo and I left the store, and I led him to his house. I got off the bike, took out 400 dirhams, and said to him, "Here, take it. Thanks for your help." I saw a displeased look on his face, but despite that, he replied, "Thank you, and good luck." 

Leo went inside while I waited for a taxi. After a while, I hailed a taxi. I got in and handed the driver the paper with the address, saying, "I want to go here." When the driver saw the paper, he was surprised and started asking, "Why are you going there?" I was annoyed and told him, "That's none of your business. Now please just take me to the address I gave you." After a long drive, I arrived, paid the cab driver, and when I turned my head, I was shocked by what I saw...