
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

flybees · Urban
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34 Chs

The Four Beauties: Part Three

He suddenly remembered why he had chosen physics!

Whether the courses were dull or not, it didn't matter at all. The direct reason was this girl – Isabella!

In short, the school enforced selecting three elective courses. The reason why Jason Hart chose physics was solely to impress girls. He went to great lengths to find out what a girl named Isabella had chosen, and he followed suit. In reality, he knew nothing about these elective courses.

In the end, he didn't get the girl, nor did he excel in the courses. If one wonders why he failed, just take a look at the school.

The Dongfeng Rose Private School was founded with funding from Isabella's father's family, tracing back to her grandfather's generation, laying the foundation for this prestigious school.

In terms of assets and connections, Isabella's family far surpassed Jason Hart's. They not only dabbled in the gambling business but also owned multiple malls, upscale hotels, office buildings, and long-term apartments in cities like Harbor City, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur. Their publicly known assets exceeded $5 billion, and they owned two listed companies.

This made Isabella and her sister, the two jewels in their family's crown, objects of adoration for many young people. Isabella herself was exceptionally beautiful.

With her delicate face and slightly pointed ears, Isabella had a cold demeanor that kept people at bay. Her school badge bore the words "Student Leader," which was akin to being the student council president.

Just looking at Isabella made Jason Hart think of future celebrities like Nazha, perhaps bearing a resemblance of about seventy to eighty percent. Comparing their beauty, one could only say each had their own charm.

It wasn't all about proactive girls like Mia around him.

Though reluctant to admit it, Jason Hart had to acknowledge that his past self had indeed acted like a lapdog, persistently trying to impress Isabella even after being repeatedly rejected. If not for his past misdeeds – he once tried to peek under her skirt – there might have been a chance. But now, it was time to give up.

Emma understood this deeply. She was also in the classroom, witnessing Jason Hart's infatuation with Isabella.

When Liam walked into the tiered classroom, he sat next to Jason Hart as usual.

Jason Hart pursed his lips and asked, "Was I a total lapdog around Isabella before?"

"Lapdog? What do you mean?" Liam was puzzled.

Jason Hart continued, "I mean, being persistent even after being rejected multiple times."

"Since middle school, hasn't that always been the case? Isabella made it clear she's your nemesis. She toyed with you countless times, but you kept acting like a hopeless romantic. If you hadn't tried to peek under her skirt, maybe you'd have had a chance. You should give up now," Liam said, misunderstanding Jason Hart's frustration as jealousy over additional rivals. "Be content with Mia. Frankly, I always thought Mia was prettier. I don't understand what you see in Isabella. She's not particularly well-endowed, and her attitude stinks. She's quick to punish people. What's so great about her?"

A little too excited, his voice rose.

Isabella immediately looked over and, upon seeing Jason Hart and his friend, coldly said, "Quiet down!"

The list was drawn up by Jason Hart.

Considering his previous infatuation with Isabella, she was certainly one of the four top girls.

Before the teacher arrived, Jason Hart wasn't in the mood to study. He sat in the classroom, carefully recalling why he once tried to peek under Isabella's skirt.

It was a few years ago, back in middle school. During a club's play performance, he accidentally fell and grabbed Isabella's skirt. She then humiliated him in front of the whole school, treating him like a sworn enemy, kicking him out of the club, and banning him from participating ever again.

It was a vague memory, but he remembered seeing a strawberry pattern on that thing quite clearly due to the proximity.

Subconscious memories that were deeply ingrained were easier for Jason Hart to recall.

Feeling a mix of emotions, he felt relieved knowing it was just an accident. As for Isabella, though still beautiful, he had no intention of chasing her anymore.

Considering the countless admirers who had fallen from grace, he couldn't care less about his past.

The three science subjects were Jason Hart's strong suits.

In the chemistry class that afternoon, Jason Hart knew most of the content the teacher was covering. Many forgotten facts resurfaced in his mind with simple cues.

Having not rested during lunch and waking up early, he began to feel drowsy as the teacher lectured.

The chemistry teacher, a conservatively dressed woman in her fifties, was known for her strictness.

After writing a question on the board, she noticed Jason Hart dozing off and immediately tapped the board, throwing a marker cap at him.

Startled awake, Jason Hart straightened up as the teacher looked at him disapprovingly, saying, "Jason Hart, please answer this question. With your current attitude, there's no way you'll pass this class by the end of term!"

Hearing he might not pass, Jason Hart immediately perked up.

It wasn't fear of the teacher or anything else. It was the thought of his old man potentially wasting $30-40 million to secure him a place in some university, which he found unnecessary.

After reading the question, he saw on the whiteboard: "A mixture of 26g CO and CO2 completely reacts in a sealed container. The resulting mixture is then passed through an excess of Na2O2, increasing its weight by 14g. The possible mass ratio of CO to O2 in the original mixture is: A. 9:4; B. 1:1; C. 7:6; D. 6:7."

After a moment's thought, Jason Hart confidently answered, "Choose C."

The female teacher's face turned dark as she continued, "Last time, you chose C and even drew a C-cup beside it. Why not D-cup? You got lucky with your guess last time. Explain the reason to everyone."

The classroom erupted in laughter!

Jason Hart had a headache. He calmly explained, "The increase in mass is the mass of CO, so it must be C. Na2O2 reacts to form Na2CO3, indicating an increase in CO. The increase in weight is the mass of CO, so the ratio of CO to O2 is 14:12, which equals 7:6."

"...," the teacher was speechless, initially intending to embarrass Jason Hart and encourage him to improve. Now she was simply shocked, her mouth slightly agape.

Hearing his response, the students couldn't believe it either.