
Crossing in the Gambling City

Once, I was a hardworking soul toiling for many years, yet unable to afford a down payment for a house. I lived in a rented room, eating instant noodles, daydreaming of a wealthy life. Now, the tides have turned, and I've been reborn as the sole heir to a gambling tycoon in the city of casinos. The world inside the casino turns out to be more exhilarating and wild than I could have ever imagined...

flybees · Urban
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34 Chs

Damn... I'm Your Sweetheart

The gambling city has not yet returned to its former self.

In terms of class schedules, it's different from what Jason Hart encountered before, for example, there's no political science class, of course.

Checking the timetable, core subjects include English, Chinese, Mathematics, General Education, Knowledge Introduction, and more. In addition, students must take three elective courses, which could include music, Portuguese, or French as a fourth elective.

Previously, Jason Hart had chosen chemistry, physics, and biology as his three electives, saving him some trouble. He finds it a bit strange, as he wonders how he ended up choosing these three subjects. It clearly doesn't match his slacker style of living, and apart from the reason of hypnotizing himself to sleep, Jason Hart currently has no clue about it.

After a short break between classes, the second lesson is mathematics.

Being Jason Hart's strong suit, he is more confident in mathematics than in English. Even during his university days, he easily aced calculus courses.

The math teacher entering the classroom is none other than Lucas, whom Jason Hart encountered in the hallway a few minutes ago. Just a while ago, Lucas attempted to invite Linda out to listen to a symphony, and unsurprisingly, he was gracefully rejected.

Now, seeing Jason Hart, bizarre thoughts keep crossing Lucas's mind. Fortunately, he has some sense of propriety and doesn't reveal any of it, shifting all the blame onto his colleague Linda.

His buddy, Fang Ya, sits in front of Jason Hart.

At this moment.

Fang Ya turns around and quietly says to Jason Hart, "This teacher Lucas lectures too fast. He only goes through it once. I complained to my mom a few days ago, and she asked around her friends, finding out other students feel the same. We're planning to file a joint complaint against him. My mom will contact the Parent-Teacher Association. Can you ask your parents to sign as well, to help us out?"

As a close friend, Fang Ya naturally knows that Jason Hart doesn't like studying. But despite his talk about chivalry and martial ethics, Fang Ya has excellent academic performance. He'll enter the University of Hong Kong Foundation Program a year early, and as long as he passes the tests, he'll smoothly transition into the University of Hong Kong.

Jason Hart, not wanting to get involved in these troubles, casually says, "Forget it, your signatures are enough. My grades, my parents have long given up on me. They won't care about these things."

Finding the reasoning valid, Fang Ya doesn't press further and turns back to focus on the class.

Next door.

Lucas, surprisingly not feeling sleepy, plays with a basketball under his feet.

Occasionally glancing at Jason Hart, he sees this seemingly unscrupulous person remaining calm, lazily listening to the class and taking notes.

Rolling his eyes, Liam thinks, "It's weird that he understands. He's probably just putting on a show for someone..."

The two have always been at odds, and neither is good at academic matters or literary pursuits. Their families have had multiple conflicts in the business, stepping on each other's toes.

After some contemplation, Liam thinks that Jason Hart might have been stimulated by news of his family's trouble. Hence, he's not in the mood to sleep and found this seemingly reasonable excuse. Satisfied with this explanation, Liam continues to lie on his desk.


Rare to see Jason Hart seriously attending a lecture.

Those who thought he was pretending include the teacher, Lucas.

Their gazes met multiple times, and Lucas was completely oblivious to Jason Hart's thirst for knowledge. Instead, each encounter made the math teacher recall the embarrassment of being rejected by Linda.

It's crucial to have self-awareness. Linda had already expressed her rejection clearly, but Lucas, entranced by desire, repeatedly blamed her for his failures.

At this moment.

Lucas, somewhat annoyed, unexpectedly stops the class and teases Jason Hart.

He says, "Master Jason, you're actually listening so attentively today. Did your parents' prayers to the Big Buddha work? Any insights gained?!"

Without a doubt, he's taking a jab.

The students burst into laughter, as the notorious slacker is suddenly seen being diligent. The thought alone makes the situation amusing.

At this point, Jason Hart hasn't sensed Lucas's hostility, although he feels a bit irritated, he calmly replies, "It's alright. I understand linear regression equations."

"Understand? I don't believe it! Focus on your studies instead of talking nonsense. You might disrupt other students in class!" Lucas scolds.

Jason Hart looks bewildered.

Thinking about how he diligently attended class today, he wonders who he could have possibly disrupted.

Silently flipping a middle finger in his mind.

The difference between attending classes now and before is not only that Jason Hart has mastered many knowledge points.

More importantly, in the past, teachers on public salaries dared to be ruthless, not fearing anything. However, in this private elite school, even if students say, "We're using our tuition fees to support you," it's entirely justified.

Having super-rich parents gives Jason Hart great confidence and indifference. He doesn't care too much.

Fang Ya turns around, smiling and silently inquiring.

This time, Jason Hart decisively nods, indicating he's willing to sign on the complaint letter together.

Revenge should be taken early. The school's Parent-Teacher Association should have considerable power. Fang Ya's family became wealthy early, with his grandfather being a prominent figure. Currently, his father manages most of the rented properties on a street, and the family has a fierce temper, being most concerned about Fang Ya's studies.

They also have a cooperative relationship with Jason Hart's family, primarily dealing with collecting debts and settling troubles that come with it. Jason Hart has some impression of this.

Able to handle simple math problems, and having the option to review at home, Jason Hart doesn't bother listening to the teacher. He digs out a few books from the desk drawer, the "Wisely" series, and starts reading with relish.

Seeing this scene, Liam is extremely pleased and satisfied.

Indeed, the familiar Jason Hart is back.

The strange behaviors from before left Liam feeling a bit lost. This is the familiar life, the familiar state...

Physical education class, heading to the field to relax.

It's not as simple as running around the field or free activities. Students pair up to play tennis, and in the afternoon, there will be an equestrian class. Occasionally, they also go to the small golf course to play.

Approaching from the grade above, a tall and fair beauty comes to Jason Hart, holding a water bottle and smiling, "Jason, come drink some water. Wanna play tennis together?"

Seeing her in sports shorts, Jason Hart observes carefully... undoubtedly a good player!

Some girls are naturally enchanting, and the girl in front of him definitely belongs to that category.

With a melon-seed face, big eyes, a high nose bridge, long eyelashes blinking, not as slim as Emma, but with a well-proportioned figure, glowing white, enough to fulfill all of Jason Hart's fantasies about a young model.

Instantly disregarding his buddy Fang Ya, he doesn't even want to receive the balls sent by Fang Ya.

Wiping off sweat, Jason Hart walks towards the girl and jokingly asks, "Who's so beautiful? I've been dazzled, can't even open my eyes."

The girl instantly pretends to be angry, lowering her voice, "You scoundrel... who else could it be? I'm your sweet little darling..."