
Orientation Day


September 2nd, 2019

When I awoke, it was about 10:45am, so as soon as I was dressed and out of my bed; I continued on with my daily routine.

My routine consists of walking my dogs, eating breakfast and washing my face/brushing my teeth. But now since I have joined soccer this school year, every weekday except for Friday is when I have practice. Soccer practice starts at three and ends at five, its very tiring..

From the birds chirping, to the sunlights glare, I count tell today was gonna be exhausting. However it is what it is, right?

Plus with my siblings at school for the day, I don't have to waste energy on yelling at them. So I happily finished my routine and by the time I looked at my phone, it was already 11:52am. So I thought it would be best to maybe hurry up to get my haircut, since I did have some time in all to spare. However by the time I got to the barbershop it was packed, and when it was my turn to get my haircut; the time was already 1:25.

I didn't get out of the chair til 2:44, so I had to hurry to practice...here's an image.

From my house to the barbershop is like a 15 minute drive and from there to my school is pretty much a 20 minute drive. So to say, I had my dad go from there and back just to get me to practice and get my hair cut. Thanks to him I was able to get there at 3:17 and actually just go over our positions and teamwork. We would practice drills and build endurance, nothing new really..

Like most athletic kids, I was doing fairly well; due to my good reflexes my coach has made me a goalie. Though that won't my only position to play, it depends on who we go against. It's tiring but I guess it's worth it, though it's bogus that school starts tomorrow.

I mean I've been coming up to the school for about a week now, so I've kinda got a head start on the schools layout  since my practice is at the school; and with school starting tomorrow.. let's just say things will be interesting. New students, teachers, classes , grading system and even obstacles..