
The Day Everything Changed

Summer breeze blowing lightly as the sun sets in Emberwood a small village on the outskirts of the beautiful city of roseindylia, Tanaka Sora wakes up from bed turning to the side as he looks through the window , it's sunny and the air smells sweet. Sora heads out of the room to head into the woods as his routine goes, his dad Tanaka Saul was waiting for him at the door as they both headed out together. Sora had no mother as his mother died at child's birth and he is the only son of Saul a retired war veteran, they both went ahead in to woods as they normally do Tanaka Sora trudged through the dense woods, his eyes peeled sharp as they were about to head into a cave ahead. He had been with his father hunting for days, as they approached cave, the silence of the forest was eerie, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. As he approached the cave, his heart sank. Hordes of monsters where lying in wait for an attack, as he turned to call to his dad he witnessed the most brutal sight. His dad was being stabbed by multiple goblins as he tried to help

SLASH!!! he was cut in the back by an orc

he tried to run away as fast as he could and his eyes dyed red and with everything blurry he could see clearly but he struggled to get out of the forest .

Smoke billowed from burning houses, and the sounds of clashing steel and screams filled the air. Sora's village was gone,women,children, were being slaughtered by monsters. He sprinted towards his home, his heart racing with fear. The door was shattered, and inside, he found only destruction.

Trembling, Sora packed up what he could with his father's sword and followed the river east of emberwood to escape the wrath of the monsters. Be careful, "Monsters are merciless " Sora remembered his father's Warning ,Sora's vision blurred as he crumpled to the ground, the world around him dissolving into chaos, As he was bleeding out

He remembered the stories of the Demonking cruelty, the burned villages and slaughtered innocents. His Father was all he had; he wanted revenge . With a newfound determination, Sora held on to hope that he survives, as he clenched his hunting knife. He would face whatever horrors lay ahead to get his revenge on the demon king

As his vision became darker, the sounds of war grew fainter, replaced by an unsettling silence. Sora's heart was faint in his chest, his senses duller, All hope on surviving no matter the cost. The thought of being the sole survivor, alone and frightened, drove him to tears, weakly he cried into the unknown.

Cry no more oh little one

you called out to me

Blank as sheet soaked in blood and shit

You have my blessing son of war

Manipulate and rule for the world is YOURS.

Behind the scenes we tend to see things for what they really are

KingJuliadcreators' thoughts