


Sora stood at the foot of the majestic mountain, its peak shrouded in mist. Yagami and Ezra flanked him, their faces set with determination.

"Uhmm I've been wanting to ask, why are you here Ezra? I thought you were supposed to be welcoming new guild members?

Ezra scoffs "do you think you're special?, you might be cute and my type but I have to be here to supervise before Yagami goes out of control.

"Today, Sora, thou shalt begin thy adventurer training," Yagami declared, his voice carried away by the gentle breeze. "The first trial: running up and down this mountain. Ten times, thou shalt conquer this peak, and with each ascent, thy strength and endurance shall grow."

Sora nodded resolutely, his eyes fixed on the challenge ahead.

"You really look serious till Yagami turns into a monster" Ezra remarked

Sora looked in disbelief, he turned and looked at Yagami who looked had a nerdy look as he stared at the rising sun.

As he began his first ascent, Yagami appeared beside him, a wise glint in his eye. "Ah, Sora, while thy body trains, let us also awaken thy magical potential. An aptitude test, if thou wilt."

Sora nodded, his breathing steady as he climbed.

Ezra sighed from below "aye you shouldn't have accepted that Sora, big mistake".

Yagami held up a small crystal orb. "This enchanted sphere shall reveal thy magical affinities. Focus thy thoughts, and let thy inner power shine forth."

Sora closed his eyes, his mind clear but he couldn't stay focused, his thighs were killing him. Yagami had cast a spell ( FLY ) on himself so it was way easy for him while Sora started to doubt if he had made a mistake choosing Yagami as his trainer.

As he settled his thoughts and tried to focus again, The orb began to glow pulsing with a soft blue light.

"Ah, intriguing," Yagami murmured, his eyes scanning the orb's luminescence. "Thy magical aptitude lies in the realm of elemental manipulation, specifically air and water. It's rare to have an adventurer linked to two elements.

With a flick of his wrist, Yagami conjured a small, shimmering droplet of water suspended in mid-air. This is magic look at it as you climb further up, you will become one with your body and spirit then you can connect with your elements.

Sora's eyes widened as he reached out, feeling the cool mist of the droplet. "woah, I've heard of magic but seeing it is really cool.

Yagami smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Indeed, young Sora. Thy journey as a magic swordsman has only just begun.

As Sora continued his mountain runs, Yagami guided him through a series of magical exercises, teaching him how to sense and harness the elements around him. With each ascent, Sora's strength and endurance grew, as did his mastery over his senses.

"The key to unlocking thy true potential, Sora, lies in understanding the harmony between thy body and magic," Yagami explained, as they paused at the mountain's summit. "Thy magic is a extension of thyself, a manifestation of thy will and determination."

Sora nodded, his eyes fixed on the breathtaking view below. "I understand, Yagami. I'll keep training, and make magic a part of me."

Yagami's expression turned serious, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "Remember, Sora, a true adventurer never stops learning, and never stops pushing their limits. The moment thou thinkest thou hast reached the pinnacle, is the moment thou hast begun to fall."

Sora grinned, his heart pounding with excitement. "Don't worry, Yagami. I won't let myself get complacent. I'll keep climbing, and make my mark on the world!"

And with that, Sora continued his journey, his feet pounding the earth in rhythm with his growing magical prowess. The misty peak became a symbol of his progress, a reminder of the wonders that lay ahead on his path as an adventurer.

Sora's training with Yagami had reached new heights of intensity. Every day, Yagami pushed him to his limits, testing his endurance, strength, and agility. But Sora had had enough. One day, he decided to run away, seeking refuge with Ezra, the kind-hearted receptionist.

As he burst through Ezra's door, out of breath and desperate, he expected to find solace. Instead, he found Yagami sitting comfortably, sipping tea with Ezra.

"Ah, Sora, thou hast finally arrived," Yagami said with a sly smile. "I knew thou wouldst try to escape. Ezra, dear, please tell Sora the consequences of abandoning his training."

Ezra's expression turned stern, her voice firm but gentle. "Sora, if thou dost not complete thy training, thou shalt never reach thy full potential. Yagami's methods may be unorthodox, but they are necessary to prepare thee for the dangers ahead."

Sora's eyes widened in disbelief. "But Ezra, you're supposed to be on my side!"

"Hahaha Ezra laughed I was with Yagami the whole time

She paused for a minute, that's what I would have said Sora, listen to me very carefully, take my words like your life depends on it, " RUN SORA RUN FAR AWAY YAGAMI IS A TRAINING MONSTER"

As he tried to run Yagami cast a freeze spell on him ( Cold feet) and sora's feet were covered in steel ice.

Yagami chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Fear not, Sora. Ezra is merely ensuring that you take the easy path. Now, let us continue thy training. We have much work to do."

Don't worry Sora "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

With a heavy heart, Sora knew he had no choice but to return to the grueling training. Yagami's relentless pursuit of excellence would not be swayed. And so, Sora's physical training continued, pushing him to the brink of exhaustion, but forging him into a stronger, more resilient adventurer.

As the days passed, Sora began to realize that Yagami's methods, though harsh, were indeed shaping him into a formidable force. And Ezra's words echoed in his mind, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

a bed of roses is great till you find out it contains thorns and pokes

KingJuliadcreators' thoughts