

Queen Rosalyn: What happened My lord?

King Morghdad: (Sighs) Nothing serious. Just a misunderstanding. I have to sleep now.

(Its late already Cross and Mike are on their bed set to sleep)

Cross: She doesn't have it. Vera didn't tell any body where she kept the scroll. Even her own mother

Mike: The scroll must be very confidential

Cross: Very confidential... where could it be? Before she died I asked about the scroll. She gave me gasping answer like "its its me". That mea

Mike: The scroll must be somewhere very confidential.

Cross: I think Sarah is also after that croll too. That's why she gives me tight breathing space.

Mike: Sarah saw you?

Cross: She came to the cave, she met me at the entrance of the cave.

Mike: Oh, that was close.

Cross: Very close. Sylvia only have ten days to live If she refuses to confess who vera's dad is.

Mike: Ten days? Cross you have to do something.

Cross: I cant pull up another escape it will be very risky. Sarah already knows a lot about me.

Mike: Oops, this is tragic. She can't die.

Cross: I will figure it out, I must. I lost Vera I must not lose her mother too

(Suddenly they both saw an horse run past their window running towards the gate)

Mike: Who can that be? At this late hour?

Cross: We will get to know when the guard stops the person.

(The person gets to the gate)

Guard: Reveal yourself.

(The person pulls of the pull over)

Guard: Oh, my princess

Sarah: Don't tell anyone about this. if anyone hears about this you are dead.

Guard: Yes my lady. (Opens the gate)

(Mike and Cross were so surprised)

Mike: Sarah? By this time?

Cross: This girl is really up to something, we have to follow her.

Mike: Are you crazy? We can't go through that guard.

Cross: Wonder how you forget so soon that I am currently thet greatest sorcerer in the nation.

Mike: Oh, forgive me my lord. So what are we doing?

Cross: We get the horse

Mike: That will be hardest part of therama. Knights never sleep.

Cross: Just watch me. Watrtzachigri

(Suddenly everyone in the compound fell asleep except Mike and Cross.)

Mike: How did you do that? That was superb wow!

Cross: Get the horse, we only have limited time.

(Cross and Mike took the different horse and followed Sarah. She suspected they were following her so she changed her direction to be sure if anyone is really following)

Cross: Mike, we cant follow her. She already suspected we are following. The road she is taking is leading nowhere.

Mike: Are you sure?

Cross: Yes, lets find somewhere to hide I am very sure she will come back to take this route.

(Some minutes later Sarah came back and this time she sped heavily)

Cross: Mike, she is here.

Mike: That road leads to Malikos.

Cross: Lets be sure.

(They got to the gate of Malikos. And Sarah was given easy access to enter)

Mike: This is unbelievable, Malikos is not that porous, they can never allow a stranger into their town by this time even if it's the king of Wallnock.

Cross: What if she is not a stranger? We have to get inside.

Mike: Yes, do your thing as usual.

Cross: No, I cant make them sleep. We must leave here unnoticed.

Mike: So how are you going to enter the town without using magic.

Cross: We sneak.

(Cross and Mike distracts the knight with magic, they made up a sound from the other side of the gate. The knight leaves the gate to look at what is happening. Mike and Cross sneaks into the town.)

Mike: Wow, that's nice.

Cross: The problem now is how to find where Sarah is.

Mike: Thank God the moon is shining bright today, we follow her horse's footsteps.

Cross: Yes, but I there are lots of tracks.

Mike: I am very good at that, I will surely track the newest one.

(Mike tracks the foot steps and it leads to the palace.)

Mike: Palace? What can she be doing here?

Cross: I knew this girl was up to something, how do we get to the king's room.

Mike: You know that is not possible.

Cross: (Chuckles) like I expected.

Mike: I am very serious now, we have to go through over 7 hefty guards before getting to his room.

Cross: Follow me.

(Mike and Cross climbs up the roof of the big palace and stays on King Mane's room to hear what him and Sarah were discussing.)

Mike: She is really there (Whispers)

Cross: Shut up (Whispers)

Mane: Are you sure about this?

Sarah: Yes, the Armanda have escaped. Wallnock is now powerless, even ants will invade our town now.

King Mane: Aahahaha!!!!(Laughing) I told Morghdad he will still come under my feet at last. Now we can invade Wallnock. Sarah, you wont regret this. We are bringing war! We will send the message to wallnock when the sun rises.

Sarah: Hope you haven't forgotten your promise.

King Mane: How will I forget? Just go and go in peace. Woe unto Wallnock this coming week. They must bow to my command. Just go Sarah. Your wish has been fulfilled.

Sarah: Thanks my lord. I will be on my way now.

Cross: We have to leave now.

(Cross and Mike finds their way back home before Sarah gets home.)

Sarah: (Enters the town)

Guard: Who are you?

Sarah: Are you drunk? Open this gate.

Guard: Oh, my lady. (Opens the gate)

Cross: This is deep trouble

Mike: We have to inform Peter earlier. So they can prepare earlier.

Cross: It is of no use, the king already said he will send war message to Wallnock when the sun rises.

Mike: But.. (Cross cuts in)

Cross: How did we know about this? Can you answer that? If he asks.?

Mike: Hmmm. I am confused. What a bastard Sarah is. A whole princess betraying her town.

Cross: The first day I knew her, I knew she was a pest in the palace.

Mike: This is really a big hurricane acoming at us.. How are we going to win this war? They will take us as slaves just as they did to Torshin and other town.

Cross: They cant take us as slaves. How do they win? Is their knights more stronger? Or are they more populous. If we prepare well we can always win.

Mike: Don't you understand? The same thing that happened to Torshin is about to happen to us! Torshin depended on ASTANDARA all their lives because he was the greatest Sorcererlord in the nation. But the moment ASTANDARA was no more, Malikos attacked and took over them. The only warfare we depend on is Armanda and we lost it all because of you. Your selfish interest!

Cross: What did you just say?

Mike: Yes, your selfish interest! I have families brothers children mothers babies out there. They will kill most of them rape our women, kill our brothers and displace our families. Like they did to Torshin.

Cross: (Angrily) How dare you!!!! (Uses his magic to throw Mike out of the room. He hits his head on the wall and became unconscious)

Cross: Never talk of Torshin like that again.