

(Cross remembered immediately that Astandara said he has a daughter named Vera. He immediately became uneasy)

Mike: Yes Vera, you have a problem with that?

Cross: No, where is her mother?

Mike: Oh poor Sylvia. She was imprisoned two days before you came into the palace.

Cross: Sylvia? Why was she imprisoned?

Mike: She tried to sneak her daughter out of the city and she was caught. A good mother will not want her daughter dead, so she tried to escape with Vera, but unfortunately she was caught.

Cross: So when will Armanda devour her?

Mike: Armanda only comes out once in year. Nobody can go in the inner cave to meet the creature, so the body will be tied at the edge of the cave. The king lits on the fire at the top of the tower, this is a sign to Armanda that his sacrifice is ready.

Cross: What if Armanda gets there and no sacrifice was made?

Mike: Cross! Please enough questions! let's get back to work, its dawn already.

(48 minutes later Cross stood up to leave.)

Cross: (Yawns heavily) Mike please I need to rest, the left side on my head is really aching.

Mike: Just a 30 minutes rest we have just few things to complete we are almost done.

Cross: Okay, I will be back.

(Cross immediately heads downstairs to his room, he picks up his hood jacket to become unknown even if seeing. He heads for Armanda cave, getting there he saw two knights guarding the cave, he went through the back where was usually free because that is where Armanda really is, No one has the might to pass through there, no one enters into the cave and comes back alive. Cross gets into the cave through the back exit.)

(Sees the Scary Creature, but Cross isn't afraid he tip toed past the scary big creature and goes to the outer cave, He sees Vera tied down in the cave helplessly)

Cross: Vera.

Vera: ( Mouth tied) Hmmmm mmmm

Cross: (Unties her) Shhhh kip quiet, I am here to save you.

Vera: Who are you?

Cross There is no time for questions, come with me and lets leave here before the crazy creature wakes.

Vera: Thanks a lot ( Hugs him)

(Turning back to leave, They saw the big Armanda standing right behind them.)

Vera: I should have asked for your name earlier. Anyway boy we are dead.

Cross: I am Cross. We are not dead yet. Why don't you use your magic are you not a sorcerer lord?

Vera: Magic don't work In Armanda's cave. How did you know that anyway?

(Cross steps forward)

Cross: (Faces the giant creature) Hey man, could you please get off the way we want to go out of this cave.

Vera: You are a crazy boy. (Scared)

Cross: (Whispers) Call me Cross please.

(Armanda sees the necklace around Cross neck and became afraid. it steps backward and left for it's inn)

Vera: Are you kidding me? It obeyed you. Who are you?

Cross: Come we have no time it's dawn already.

(Cross and Vera ran very far from the town into the forest to hide Vera)

Vera: Wait Cross Wait!!!!.

Cross: What is the problem?

Vera: Who the hell are you?

Cross: I am your brother.

Vera: My brother? I am not understanding.

Cross: Get a place to hide your head first, we will come back to that later. Brock must not know I am out of town.

(Vera and Cross got to a certain place under a broad tree.)

Cross: Vera stay here I will be back after the festival to check on you. Please don't leave.

Vera: Okay.

(Cross ran back as fast as he could to complete the dish washing. The sun is setting already)

Mike: Where has this idiot gone? Brock is awake. This new boy is yet to know how it works around here.

Brock: Assemble all chefs!! Its time for the roll call.

Mike: oh no. Cross has a problem already..( Moves outside)

Brock: I thought I put you and Cross here sir.

Mike: Yes sir!!!!

Brock: Where is he??

Cross: I am in here!!

(Mike sighs)

Brock: You didn't hear about the roll call? When a roll call is called you should leave what you are doing no matter how important and assemble in front of the room!

Cross: Just wanted to complete the washing. Just a few dishes to wash.

Brock: How many times will I have to tell you not to look into my eyes while talking to me. No food for you throughout today… ( Sarah interrupts)

Sarah: That wont be happening Brock not to a new lad like Cross.

Brock: Yes my lady but….

Sarah: No buts, lets take an early morning walk Cross.

(Murmuring ensued among the Chefs)

(Brock was so surprised and angry as well)

Brock: Get back to work!! Now!! All of you!!!

(Sarah and Cross left the Chefs quarters and took a walk.)

Sarah: So, tell me a little about yourself. (Holding his hands)

Cross: Wait, before I answer that, why is everyone staring at us.

Sarah: I am the princess of Wallnock have you forgotten?

Cross: Yea, is that why they are staring?

Sarah: They are not just staring they are surprised. An ordinary chef, that just joined yesterday is getting along already with the princess isn't that great?

Cross: Oh yea yea. Workers are not treated equally as royalties.

Sarah: So why don't you tell me about yourself.

Cross: I have little or no story to tell about my self. I stayed with my grandfather alone with no sibling.

Sarah: Where do you stay?

Cross: Hmmm we had no home we just.... (Peter interferes)

Peter: Oh, what do we have here, the great princess of Wallnock with a low life stranger working in the kitchen.

Cross: Who is he?

Sarah: He is the chief knight. He really loves trouble. Just keep it cool and avoid him.

Peter: Hey, look here (Drags him back) I am talking to you.

Sarah: It is too early for this Peter. He is new here.

Peter: Yea, that is why he is still breathing with no blood on his nose, my lady, your protection is our responsibility you cant just hang out with this bunch of low life.

Cross: And she said she is okay with me dumb!

Peter: Oh!!!!!! Did he just call me dumb? (Hits Cross on the face)

Sarah: We have to leave (Drags Cross hands)

Peter: We already have a problem young lad!

(Sarah drags Cross to a quiet place at the back of the tower)

Sarah: You shouldn't have said that, Peter can be very dangerous.

Cross: Nobody is dangerous to me. So why did you bring me here at the first place?

Sarah: Just to save you from Brock's hands, if you were there you would work your heart out.

Cross: I didn't say I was a lazy guy. Let me return.

Sarah: I like you, you are very bold. You looked into Brock's eyes, that has not happened in years, you called Peter dumb, that has never happened. Now you are freely chatting with the princess of Wallnock. What a stranger.

Cross: There is nothing special. The fact that you are royalties doesn't mean you have four legs or five arms. We at the same.

(Tom The prince of Wallnock sees them together)

Tom: Sarah!!!!!

Sarah: What is it?

Tom: The whole town have been looking for you. Peter came into the palace saying the new cook had taken our princess away.

(Knights came to take Cross away, and Sarah was also taken back to the palace)

King Morghdad: Where have you gone with my daughter?

Cross: She requested to have a walk with me sir. Which I won't want to hesitate.

Sarah: Yes dad I did is there any problem with that?

Queen Rosalyn: There is every problem with that, do you realize you are a princess you don't just walk around especially with total strangers. Not on a special day like this when visitors will be visiting from all over the nation.

Cross: I can always be trusted sir.

Peter: (Hits him hard on the head) you don't talk when the royal family is talking. And the King is not referred to as Sir. It is My lord.

Cross: Then what are we doing here? If we are not allowed to talk?

Peter: (Hits him again) You don't ask questions in the palace.

Cross: Arrgghh... (Murmuring)

King Morghdad: He is just too bold and outspoken. Don't you have manners where you came from?

Sarah: I cant stand all this!!!!! Peter is hitting an innocent boy, I requested for a walk its not like he his at fault. So why the torture on him. ( Barges out of the palace in anger)

King Morghdad: Peter get him released, And Cross you are here to be a chef and a chef alone, not to be my daughter's keeper. You should be busy in the kitchen with Brock. And not with Sarah.

Cross: Yes my Lord. (Leaves the palace)

(Cross goes back to the kitchen to join the chefs)

Mike: Oh, Cross what happened?

Cross: Why?

Mike: The wound on your face.

Cross: You know Peter?

Mike: Yes, you have a problem with him?

Cross: He did this to me. I called him dumb.

Mike: Do you know what you have done?

Cross: Yea, I already have a problem with him. Its nothing to me. The guy is too crazy for my liking. I hate him! ( Brock interrupts)

Brock: And me too. You already have a problem with me also.

Cross: You are my master. How can I have a problem with my master.

Mike: Excuse me (Leaves the room)

Cross: I have problem with nobody. Just that I hate inferiority.

Brock: Don't you think its too early? You already have a problem with the Chief of chefs and Chief of knights too. Barely within 24 hours of your arrival.

Cross: Why are you here?

Brock: Take this cash and go to the market help me get green seeds. Two baskets.

Cross: But I am just new here. I don't know anywhere.

Brock: I give you 40 minutes to do that if not, don't try me.

Cross: But…..

Brock: 40 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cross: (Murmuring) silly man

Brock: What did you say!

Cross: I am on my way.

Brock: Better!

(Cross leaves the palace for the market, Cross uses that opportunity to go back to Vera packing enough food from the kitchen)

Cross: (He didn't see Vera) Vera!!!!!! Vera!!!!!

Vera: I am here, I had to hide incase of any guard.

Cross: Yea, that's right. I brought you some food.

Vera: Thank you Cross.

(While eating he sees the Cross necklace on Cross chest)

Vera: What is this? (Drops the food)

Cross: (Tries to hide it) It's nothing.

Vera: I know what that necklace means, it symbolizes the royal family of my town TORSHIN. Who are you Cross?? Talk to me!!!!!!.

Cross: I said its nothing.

Vera: You can't hide anything from me at this point Cross. You saved my life.

Cross: Mane killed my parents when I was four Months old. Then I was given to your father Astandara to take care of me. I was with him for 19 years before he gave me freedom. He told me to meet Vera his daughter to tell her to make me her omega and tell her to give me the scroll.

Vera: So you are from Torshin?

Cross: Prince of Torshin before Mane took over.

Vera: Making you my omega will take a lot of time for you to recover from unconsciousness.

Cross: The thing is why didn't you use your magic to save yourself from been crucified.

Vera: My mother is with them if I use magic to run away, my mom will be killed.

Cross: You have escaped already now, your mom is still in danger.

Vera: At least they will know its not through socerery because socerery is powerless in the Armanda cave. Stretch your forward we don't have all day. You still have a lot of tutorials on how to use them and the spells.

Cross: I stayed with Astandara for 19 years, and I wont know the spells of magic? You must be joking.

Vera: Go deliver the stuff and come back. So that I will make you my omega.

Cross: You don't want to do this?

Vera: We are talking of four to five hours sleep here. Brock will get annoyed really annoyed.

Cross: Okay, I will be back after I deliver this to my master. He will kill me if I don't deliver on time.

Vera: Just come back with no one noticing you.

Cross: I will be back. Just stay safe don't leave here.

Vera: Thank you Cross. For everything.

Cross: I have to go now.

(Cross gets to the palace and the festival was underway)

Mike: Where have you been Cross, Brock looked all over the town.

Cross: I went to get what he sent me.

Mike:We don't have enough time, change your cloths and put on the apron we have a lot of people to serve.

(Cross puts on the apron and joins Mike in serving)

(Cross enters the hall where the feast is going on it was a very busy hall filled with royalties. All Socererlords of 8 towns in the nation were seeing at the pulpit sitting according to the greatest from right to left)

Brock: Where have you been Cross?

Cross:You sent a stranger to buy green seeds for the first time. What would you expect?

Brock: I gave you 40minutes... I don't think you can work with me Cross. Instead of apologizing all you could say is to blame me for sending a stranger like you to the market.

(King Mane interrupts)

Mane: Sorry to interrupt you, but we will need more wine on the royalties table.

Brock: Yes sir, go to the kitchen and make arrangement for that. And report to me after the party for your punishment.

Cross: (Murmuring) I don't even know how to prepare wines now..

Brock: I heard you! Pour the drink inside cups and serve is that too much to learn?

(Cross leaves for the kitchen preparing the wine, Sarah bumps into him in the kitchen. All the cup fell and shattered)

Cross: Arghh!!!!! Sarah I didn't know you were behind me.

Sarah: Sorry, you just have to prepare new ones.

Cross: What do you want? I think they already told me to stay away from you.

Sarah: Where have you been? I looked for you all over the town.

Cross: (Prepares the wine) Now I am back, so what?

Sarah: You know what I love about you, your boldness. And I think you are up to something.

Cross: I don't know what you are talking about (Picks up the tray and heads towards the door)

Sarah: Maybe you will want to explain to me what you went to do in the Eastern forest?.

If Cross can save her then do you think Sarah has another motive.. Getting more interesting

Mjusticecreators' thoughts