

(Cross hurries back to Wallnock)

Mike: How did it go

Cross: No time to talk Mike. Where is Simius?

Mike: He followed Jane to the kitchen. What's happening.

Cross: I met Sarah there. I need Simius right now.

(Cross runs to the kitchen and took Simius)

Jane: What's the problem.

Cross: He has to come with me. Its very important.

Simisus: What if I refuse not to go with you.

Cross: Then you will be a dead meat.

(Cross And Simius travelled back to the forbidden forest)

Astandara: Fear? How did you get Fear?

Cross: A different thing brought me here. Now I met this. Lets take care of this first.

Astandara: You have so much explaining to do. I always believed in you Cross. Even me will do a lot to get Fear from Mane.

Cross: Can you please let's do this! Tell him what to do.

Astandara: He already knows what to do.

Simius: I can't do this.

Cross: What do you mean you can't do this.

Simius: Only few goes into this kind of trance and make it out alive.

Astandara: You can do it. Believe you are not gonna die.

Cross: Simius you have to do this. I am not requesting I am commanding you.

Simius: Okay my lord. Bring your hands.

(Astandara stretches his hands and they closed their eyes)

(Few minutes later. Simius fell on the floor.)

Cross: What is happening to Simius?

Astandara: I think he did it. He did it.

Cross: Will he die? I don't want to lose him. (Sobbing)

Astandara: Now use Magic to break this necklace off my neck.

Cross: Aistopegomeros!!!! (The necklace broke into an atomic pieces)

Astandara: Nice Cross.

Cross: Simius!!!! (Crying)

Simius: (Sneezes) Can we go back home now?

Cross: Yuppy! The idiot is alive.

Simius: Did it work?

Cross: Yes. It did.

Simius: Wow! I am an hero!

Astandara: So Son how was the mission?

Cross: It was very successful but not complete yet.

Astandara: Who is the Kanimalord?

Simius: No one else than the king himself Cross!

Astandara: Give me a hug son! You made me proud!

Cross: But there is a little problem.

Astandara: What's it?

Cross: Wallnock will attack Torshin in two days time. I haven't completed my mission. I want ti save Torshin not destroy Torshin.

Astandara: I knew something like this will happen. Son, you are the Kanimalord of the whole nation. You have the tongue power than the king. But I won't want you to go against him. He is still the king. The whole of Torshin is not half the population of Wallnock.

Cross: Yes I know that.

Astandara: They can all Contain the Kanima cave.

Cross: Under rough estimation they should be able to contain the kanima cave conveniently.

Astandara: You will go to Torshin noe and inform all of then about the attack. Tell them to all enter the kanima cave. Make sure food is provided. Till the attack threat goes down. Don't fight Wallnock.

Cross: What about the kanima?

Astandara: It won't do anything as long as you have not commanded it.

Cross: Hmmm that will be a very nice idea.

Astandara: I heard Vera is dead.

Cross: The idiot that placed a necklace around your neck killed her.

Astandara: What!!!!!

Simius: She almost killed Sylvia too. Thank God for Cross.

Cross: I will be on my way now Astandara.

Astandara: I will visit them time to time.

Cross: Thank you.

(Cross and Simius heads to Torshin)

Guard: And who are you?

Cross: Give me access.

Guard: I said reveal yourself (Draws his sword)

Cross: I am Cross the Kanimalord. You want to die?

Guard: Kanimalord? We are in trouble! (Runs straight to the palace)

Simius: Its like they are scared of you.

Cross: They must be. Let's visit them at the palace

Lt Cole: Hello stranger.

Cross: My name is Cross from Wallnock. I am the Kanimalord. And the Sorcererlord of this great land.

Lt cole: So its you! The Slav boy that later became a saviour.

Cross: Yes. In two days time Wallnock will attack this town.

Lt Cole: Oh my... What have we done?

Cross: No one offends before Wallnock strikes. So I want you to take everybody in this town. Both young and old to the Kanima cave. Thad where you should be till the attack threat goes down.

Lt Cole: Kanima Cave? Do you know what you are saying?

Cross: Like I said earlier Lt Cole. I am the Kanimalord. The Kanima wknt hurt anyone. It will serve as a protection. No one dares attack the kanima.

Lt Cole: I know, but no one will want to follow me to the Kanima's cave.

Cross: Okay. I will make the Kanima move into the inner part of the cave where it would be impossible to see him.

Lt Cole: Thank you. But why are you doing this?

Cross: Because this my Father's land.

Lt Cole: One more thing. I will have to seek permission.

Cross: From who?

Lt Cole: Sarah the present queen of Malikos. She said I shouldn't do anything behind her.

Cross: (Angry) Amigosanadorous!!!!

(Lt Cole stiffed to death immediately)

Simisu: You killed him?

Cross: He deserved it.

Simius: I never knew you can kill.

Cross: No one plays with the life of my people. Guard!!!

Guard: (Enters) What have you done? You have killed the lieutenant! (Whistles)

(Immediately all the knights surrounded the palace)

Cross: Which of you is from Torshin?

Guard: Don't try anything stupid. Go on your kneels.

Cross: I asked a question. Don't Let me kill anymore people.

Guard: I am from Torshin.

Cross: What is your name?

Guard: Gibbs.

Cross: Gibbs will be your leader henceforth. This plan is not for this Guards that molest our kids an rape our women.

Gibbs: Every other knight in Torshin are from Malikos. I got chosen as a knight because of my extra ordinary skill.

Guard: Shut up! Romeo take him away!

Cross: Leave him!

Guard: I said take him away! And kill him! For conspiring with a killer.

Cross: Lanstania!!! (The guard caught fire)

Guard: Ahhhh!! (Running around the palace)

Cross: Who is next? Who wants to die next!!!

Simius: Cross take it easy! You are getting angry excessively.

Cross: Gibbs come over. Let's talk.

(Gibbs goes to Cross)

Guard: Attack!!

Cross: Starimanda!!! (The whole knights became stiff. No movement)

Gibbs: How did do that?

Cross: I have no time for explanations. I am Cross the Kanimalord.

Gibbs: My lord!!

Cross: I want you to take every Torshin Citizen from Torshin into the Kanima cave.

Gibbs: Kanima cave?

Cross: I know you will be scared. But I am the Kanimalord it can't do anything without my order..

Gibbs: But why should we relocate?

Cross: The town will be attacked in a few days. So do that fast. I I'll make sure the Kanima is in the innermost part. So it won't be seen.

Gibbs: Okay sir. I will do just that.

Cross: Only People from Torshin!

Gibbs: I understand sir.

Cross: Others should go back to where they come from. Astandara will help you.

Gibbs: Astandar the legend.

Cross: Yes, just do as I say before its dawn.

Gibbs: Okay sir. What about the stifdd knights.

Cross: Briskolar! (The knights became free and fled the town.)

(Cross and Simius goes back to wallnock when everywhere is dark already)

Mike: How did it go.

Simius: Stressful, Deadly, and Bloody.

Jane: How do you mean?

Cross: We moved the whole Torshin into the Kanima cave.

Mike: What??

Simius: Many things happens before that really took place. People stiffed burnt and..

Cross: Simius!!

Jane: You killed someone?

Simius' Two people.. One got burnt to death. The other stiffed to death.

Cross: They deserved to die..

Jane: You are becoming deadly day by day.

(Guard suddenly enters)

Guard: Cross! The king wants you at the palace right now.

Cross: I have to go guys!.

(Cross gets to the palace)

King Morghdad: Where have you been?

Cross: I just went out.

King Morghdad: You are a vital part of our town you shouldn't leave anyhow. Leaving us will make the town exposed.

Cross: Okay my lord.

King Morghdad: The main reason I called you is that Plans have changed. We are attacking Torshin tomorrow.

Cross: Tomorrow!!!

Tom: Yes, any problem?

Cross: I am not prepared.

Peter: There is no need for that. You will not be using swords. We just need you to say a few words and you know what happens next.

Cross: Tomorrow is too early. Let's make it day after tomorrow.

King Morghdad: That's the problem. I have with people like you. I am the king and that's my judgement.

Cross: Okay my lord. (Angrily leaves the palace)

Peter: Hell knows what's wrong with him.

Tom: He didn't expect that announcement. It came as a shock.

(Cross wasn't happy about the changed attack date)

Mike: So how will you do it?

Cross: I must get to Torshin before dawn..