

(The next morning... Cross runs immediately to Peter on the practice ground)

Cross: Peter, we have to talk.

(Peter excuses from the training)

Peter: What is the problem Cross.

Cross: Malikos.. They are... (Sights Sarah coming towards them)

Peter: Malikos are what? Continue.

Sarah: Continue Mr Cross, or am I disturbing?

Cross: We will talk later Peter. (Cross walks out)

Sarah: Come back here!

(Cross turns back)

Sarah: And kneel in front of me.

Cross: (Smiles) I will my lady. (He kneels)

Sarah: Now complete what you were about to tell Peter now in my presence.

Cross: I won't. My lady.

Peter: But Cross, she is the princess of Wallnock. Anything said here will also definitely get to her.. So what are you hiding?

Cross: Then I would rather speak to the Prince then. He is more higher based on ranks.

Sarah: How dare you! (Pulls her sword) I give you only 30seconds to say what you wanted to tell Peter. Or else this sword will go through your throat.

Peter: Cross say it. You know Sarah she can do it.

Cross: Let her kill me, she had done enough.

Sarah: 28,29....

(Sarah wanted to slay Cross with the sword but Tom blocked it from behind.)

Tom: You can't kill Cross. We have insufficient knights for the war. If you start killing the ones we have now. How do you expect us to win.

Sarah: (Furiously) I hate you!!! Tom! Anytime I want to take any action never In your life block me.

Tom: Cross let's go to my chambers if you won't mind.

Peter: I respect you braveness Cross

Sarah: What is he hiding? If you are man enough let me know. He is just an ordinary servant.

Tom: You can't kill Cross. He has done nothing wrong to you.

Sarah: The king will hear of this. You dumb drunkard.

Tom: What did you just say.

Peter: Prince, leave her. She is just furious.

(Sarah angrily leaves the premises)

(Tom invites Cross and Peter to his chambers)

Tom: Welcome to my chambers, Cross do you have any secret you have been keeping from the kingdom?

Cross: No my lord. But I have something to tell you. That I don't want anyone to hear except both of you.

Peter: What is it??

Cross: King Mane and his men are close to us. They are at the river of Gilae. The river sharing bound with us and Malikos. They plan to attack us at dawn.

Tom: How do you know this?

Cross: Yesterday, someone left the palace and headed for Malikos. I wondered who it was. But wasn't so sure. So I followed the person. To my surprise. I saw a camp of Malikos men ready for war. They both had a conversation. And I eavesdropped and heard they will be attacking us at dawn. All our secrets were revealed to Mane.

Peter: Who is the traitor.

Cross: Sarah my lord.

Tom: Sarah? Do you realise what you just said? (Removes his sword)

Peter: Easy my Prince.

Tom: She is a Royal blood you don't speak of a royalty like that.

Cross: I wouldn't have said this if I wasn't so sure.

Cross: Mane and Sarah are very close. You have to believe me.

Peter: Who else knows about this?

Cross: Your brother Mike.

(In Mike's room. Sarah comes visiting)

Sarah: Hello Mike.

Mike: (Frightened) Oh my Lady you scared me.

Sarah: I have a drink for you. Take this and drink it. You will regain your memory.

Mike: Thanks but I don't want to take it.

Sarah: You think I will poison you? (Drinks out of the liquid) That's it. Now I remember vividly when I was just two.

Mike: (Collects the drink) oh my.... this is bitter.

Sarah: Now try to remember everything.

Mike: (Scared) My lady. What are you doing here? What happened?..

Sarah: Wow, it really worked. What did you remember last?

Mike: I hit my head on... Where is Cross?

Sarah: He hit you hard on the head?

Mike: I was unconscious?

Sarah: Yes Mike. I gave you the drink that will make you regain every lost memory.

Mike: Oh, thanks so much my lady.

Sarah: Now that you have your memory back... You are Cross roommate. Are there some things not normal about Cross??

Mike: Not normal? I don't understand my Lady.

Sarah: Like does he perform magic?

Mike: We both know how Sorcerers are being decorated In Wallnock if Cross is a sorcerer its a blessing to me and him.

Sarah: Do you notice if he sneaks out sometimes dead in the night.

Mike: No my lady not at all.

Sarah: Mike tell me truth. Do this for you home town Wallnock.

Mike: Cross is a very humble servant. And why the question my lady.?

Sarah: Tell me the truth now!! Remember i brought your senses back.

Mike: I have told you what I know lady he is a humble servant.. (Shivering)

Sarah: What do you know about the war?

Mike: War? Which war. My lady you are forcing words....

Sarah: Cross already confessed that a war is coming and Wallnock should prepare for it. He said you both knew to it.

Mike: Cross? How will he say such thing.

(Cross and Tom still discussing in the prince chambers.)

Peter: Did you just say Mike my brother?

Cross: Yes.. Oh my.... Mike.. Mike... (Runs out of the room)

(Tom and Peter runs after him)

Mike: It was his idea.

Sarah: To do what?

(Cross enters)

Cross: What have we done to have such a visitor in our crib.

Sarah: No no no not again We are having a discussion Cross. Leave us. (Faces Mike) to do what Mike!!?

(Peter and Tom enters)

Peter: Mike are you okay?

Mike: Yes.

Peter: What have you done?? (Faces Sarah)

Sarah: How dare you ask such stupid question.

Tom: Sarah, what are you doing here??

Sarah: It is none of your business ( Bashed out angrily.)

Cross: Mike, hope she didn't get anything from you.

Mike: No Cross. Nothing but she almost did.

Mike: Prince Tom. What a pleasant visit.

Tom: How is your health?

Mike: I am okay now.

Cross: Did he just call you Prince Tom?

Mike: He is the prince of Wallnock.

Peter: How did you know that?

Mike: Don't be stupid Peter. I am from Wallnock I know everything going on.

Peter: You have regained your memory!! (Hugs Mike)

Cross: Wow! My Mike is back!!

Peter: How did it happen?

Mike: My Lady gave me a drink to take and she told me it will bring back my memory. And it did.

Peter: Thanks to her tho. She favoured my soul today.

Tom: Please wait guys.. Are you guys really serious about this?? Sarah the traitor of Wallnock??.. It sounds unreasonable. Don't let this get to the king or queen or else you all will become dead meats.

Peter: Time will tell Tom. We have no time we have a War to prepare for. Let's go confirm what Cross said.. If Mane men are truly at Gilae then we must attack this night. Before it is dawn.