
Chapter Three: Regretting

The birds were chirping their song, the sun now high up in noon, and the evergreen grass swayed with heavenly wind. It was the epitome of comfortability and tranquility. The day had just started and most of the Cross Musical Students were experiencing it to the fullest. Yet, there seems to be a certain number of individuals who would say otherwise. Now, dear reader let's go through with all their sighs and tormented feelings of this day.


"Shit! I got 341 messages already and 1000 missed calls?" Zero sweat dropped, while going through all his message and call alerts on his Iphone, Zero was currently sitting on his bed at the dorm after finishing his hellish unpacking. He was simply checking it for any news and found out an unbelievable amount of messages and missed calls. As he tapped away and find out who would do this with such desperation. HIs Iphone suddenly ringed and changed to the call options. Not even taking a moment to see who was calling he swiped it to the right green phone sign and answered the call. "What is it?" he asked, whoever this person was he was sure that it was either a person connected to his music career. Most of his contacts anyway are influential people who wants him to play to their important events. The other line was silent and he was already deciding on either to hang up or just wait for a moment. A few seconds ticked by and Zero swear he could hear the grasshoppers tuning themselves on the grounds. Suddenly, he heard few more buzzing sounds then a deep sigh from the other line.

"~~Ba…s…..t…a..r.d~~" This eerie sound echoed throughout Zero's room.

"Huh?" Zero was perplexed on what the other person was trying to say. He was about to hang up when he felt stiff, he knew this feeling it was like his body could foretold an incoming chaos. And it was never wrong.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YOUR FUCKING WHAT AND SHITTY HUH! I SHOULD BE THE ONE ASKING THAT ZERO!" came the one hell of a pissed shout, that was so loud Zero had to get his Iphone far away from his ear else he might just suffer a concussion.

"Kaito, calm down." Zero requested, knowing that voice anywhere after all he have been with this person through every moments and classes in his two years at Rose Musical Academy.

"FUCKING THE CALM DOWN? ARE YOU A DUMBASS? YOU DON'T GO AND DO SHIT WITHOUT INFORMING THOSE SHITHEADS WHO ARE ALSO A BIG DUMBSHIT FOR WORRYING ABOUT YOUR SORRY ASS! LAST TIME I SHITTY CHECK WE ARE THE CRAPPIEST BEST ASSHOLE OF FRIENDS ZERO! YOU SHOULD NOT EVER FUCKING DISAPPEAR JUST LIKE SOME PUSSY!" Kaito shrieked, making Zero sighed. Yup, that's Kaito for you. If the Gods gave the blessing of flowery language Kaito surely would have been in the first row. You could never hear Kaito releasing a sentence without any vulgar in it. If there was one soul who heard him say things casually then that would be either impossible or a great miracle.

"HEY! I'M NOT A FUCKING PUSSY! DID YOU EVEN CONSIDERED I WAS FORCED INTO THIS! I DID NOT ANSWER THIS CALL, SO YOU COULD SEND YOUR ONE HELL OF A TANTRUM TO ME AS WELL ASSHOLE!" He had lost it. Yup, Zero has lost it. In this world, he hated the word no, hate was just a light word. Loathe will be more like it. Pussy would be the word that just describes or pertains to the female society. And hell! He was a goddamn man damn it!

It was just one heck of punch to his ego. It was damn pissing him off. With his shout, Kaito suddenly went quite on the other line.

"What do you shithead mean by that?" Finally, Kaito was calm albeit there was still his vulgar words. It can't be help it. Kaito was Kaito in that way. Zero facepalmed himself suddenly feeling worn out. Iphone on his ear, he wearily laid on his bed and sighed.

"I can't go back there. If you're calling for that. I just can't."

"What? You're not making any shitty sense. Zero." Hearing that reply, Zero couldn't help but chuckle. "Oi! Why the heck are you fucking laughing at me for?"

"Hmm. No reason. I'm just glad I was not easily forgotten there." Zero informed, releasing a breath. "At least. You are calling. Everything is pretty messed up now."

"Zero." At the other side, Kaito scratched the back of his head. While leaning back at the Rose Music Academy's Post. Yagari was not there for he was called out a while ago. He wanted to know the reason for Zero's quick departure and, yet his silver haired best pal is just sending him more riddles and cryptic answer. "Is it fucking true, you're at Cross Musical Academy?"

Zero scoffed. "Yeah, my mom and my old man packed me up and sent me here." Zero could hear the sigh of Kaito coupled now with the chattering noises of the other students there.

"I see. No worries. I'm coming to fucking get ya." Zero's heart thudded frantically. What the? No, Kaito shouldn't come here. Zero knew once Kaito wanted to do something even if it was impossible he would make it possible. Oh boy! This is just getting more and more out of hand.

With that thought, Zero jolted from the bed making a lightning fast sit up. "Kaito, don't be irrational and do something stu—" He tried to convince, his idiot of a friend but found the fool hanging up on him. Resulting in a gloomy atmosphere that embraced Zero's atmosphere.

As he lost his grip on his Iphone. It fell in a slow motion as Zero laid back on his bed again. His hand covering half of his face. Frustration dancing around his form. This can't get any more chaotic than it is now, could it? He got an asshole leaving a hole and thudding heart on his back. A carefree glob of blondie who thinks snapping their fingers to order anyone is fun. Another blonde fool who for the life of him he doesn't know how the fool knew his name. An emo like boy who just settle himself in any cushions. It seems out of this group of elites. Kain was the most reasonable one. And finally, his once logical best friend now, making the stupidest decision. Zero was really regretting ever answering Kaito's questions a while ago.

Sitting up from the bed, Zero's mood even more darkened as he glared at every pink, yes, it's goddamn pink sofa and cushions. The wooden floor was fine and the windows, but did they have to decorate the room like this! He was sure the bastard in charge was having a field day on this. "Now, I know what to do with this frustration of mine." Zero grumbled and got to work. Starting by tearing down the bright glossy pink curtains with a growl. DAMN THAT ASSHOLE OF A KAICHOU!


Kaname was strolling around the dorm with a book on his hand. As he walks through the halls while flipping a page he was startled as he heard a racket going on in one of the rooms. Most precisely, his silver haired beauty's room. He was trying to keep a straight face as he was about to pass Zero's room door but—

"DAMN THAT POMPOUS ASS! HE FUCKING KNOWS I HATE THIS PINK! AND WHAT THE HECK FRILLS?! FREAAKING FRILLS! HE BETTER STAY AWAKE ALL NIGHT FOR I'M SURE GOING TO KILL HIM IN HIS SLEEP!" Kaname chuckled hearing Zero's curse. Yes, he was that sadistic for he knew that Zero hated that color for the obvious reason that the silver haired beauty thinks it is for the girls.

~fu, fu, fu,~ You can always go to my room and try to kill me Zero. I'm sure I will just wake up and punish you so heatedly for your actions…

Kaname thought with a chuckle, he was more than ever enjoying his day now that his precious silver kitten is back in his clutches. Albeit, the kitten would keep on halting off his advances. Mirthful garnet eyes gazing at Zero's room door, he smiled and head off, his nose stuck on his book. Trying to cover the smile that formed on his face, passing by the halls as he tried to focus on his reading. His thoughts however, was now centered on the imagination of a very aroused Zero laid on his bed. Begging for his attention and ministrations.

Feeling the happiness in his heart. Kaname was deeply regretting on not getting back his silverette sooner.


Aido pouted as his baby blue eyes gazed at the sweating form of his cousin. "Kain, how did you get so close with Zero." He almost growled, annoyed for he remembered that Zero came with this cousin of his, laughing as they did when they got inside.

Kain felt his sweat running as he was put into this awkward position. Not liking his cousin's fixated glare on him and he found it immensely disturbing. He sighed as of now the two of them were at the lounge facing each other. Their seats separated by a coffee table. He felt like he was a suspect in murder crime scene and his cousin being the interrogator. What is wrong with being friendly with Zero anyway? Zero was the first one to understand his sign language and he had wished to have a companionship with a person that could listen to his sentiments not be confused by it. Sighing, he opted for just walking out of there again. Thinking it would be pointless to answer Aido's question after all, even if he did answer would his cousin even able to understand it? He had enough of the foolish answers and how every time they treat his wordings as game of charades. They were not even giving it a thought, they were all the same. Kaname their CMSC President was fine in his standards. That leader of theirs could easily deduce his signals but Kain never did get to share his thoughts to Kaname. Since Kaname had different matters to attend to all the time.

Realizing that, Kain knew that Zero the transferee as his cousin would point out, would only be the true one who would be able to deeply understand him. Just that few moments with the silverette was like his personal haven. Not sparing a glance to his furious cousin. Kain set out to find Zero, thinking that at this moment maybe Zero's and Kaname meeting is done. He not even a tad regretting on meeting this-he thinks is- God given person who he may be able to share just about everything.

Aido's jaw drop as he couldn't believe that his cousin would ignore him! That's just great Zero had ignored him now it was Kain! What has the world coming to? Was he cursed with an ignore me spell? This was wrong. "Kain! I was talking to you." He shrilled, following Kain out of the lounge trying to catch up with his cousin's long stride.

As the cousins went on their way they completely forgot a sleeping Senri yet again. As the said person was busy being in a state of sleep not giving a fuck to his surroundings.


Takuma was heading back to the lounge, eager to head to classes. Going there, he found only Senri dozing off in the armchair he was in. He tsked and tried to wake Senri with a shake.

"Come on, Senri wake up! We have to go to class." With his insistent shaking, Senri woke up and send Takuma his fiercest glare. Senri was fine with waking up by disturbances such as sounds and whatnot. But he was not tolerating it when someone was the sole reason of him waking up.

Takuma sweat dropped, he was already used to this side of Senri. Making Senri's glare have no effect on him. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he took his pipe that he places on the coffee table where he left it. Back then, he was busy with finding Aido that he also forgot about his pipe.

Knowing that his sleeping moments was over. Senri stood up and waited for Takuma. Not liking one bit that in his dreams, he was haunted by a pair of violet eyes.


The campus grounds were buzzling with gossips. Usually, it would be the beautiful Ruka Souen to be at the center of it all. But this time, the lovely toffee haired socialite was not to be seen. A pair of sienna eyes frantically searched for her through the crowds, yet seeing that she failed. The girl head to the campus' tree parks where the infamous Sakura trees of the Cross Musical Academy was located.

Heading there she heard weeping sounds in the distance. Making her stiffen for a moment. Ever so slowly, she walked towards the sound wanting to know where the sound came from only to see a….

Very weeping Ruka Souen….


"I regret it."

*Crunch* *Crunch*

Rima cocked her head to the side as she chomped up on her chocolate pocky. As the sweet treat had dissolved and barricaded itself to head off to her stomach. She could now focus on her dramatic best friend known as the Elite Muse Ruka Souen.

"I see. You regret dumping him like that?" Rima asked just to be sure. For they were going through the topic of one Akatsuki Kain a.k.a. The man who shut up for Ruka Souen.

"Yes." Ruka grumbled, not liking the fact that she had to repeat herself. She deeply regrets it and loathes her own words that got that hot stud of orange hair to have his confidence all cracked and brought down. "I never should have treated him like that. Now, he doesn't even look at me. And when he did he would just turn around and avoid me!" Ruka cried, coupled with the banging of her arms on the picnic table where they were currently seating on its benches. She had hidden her disappointment on Kain's actions towards her for two years. But this time, she had to lashed out!

"I mean I get it I was kind of a bitch that time." Rima scoffed at Ruka's wording but shut up seeing the haughty glare Ruka sent to her. "But I am soooooo regretting it, okay!"

Rima frowned, confused at Ruka's wording. Getting another pocky from her stack she sticks it to her mouth like a cigarette then place her chin on her arm that was propped on the table. With a sigh, her gaze settled on Ruka who continued to torture herself with the whole panic mode, meaning all the banging on the table and the pulling of her own hair in frustration. "If that's the case. Why did you act like a kind of a bitch to him then?"

By her question, Ruka snapped in attention. Then whimpered again this time dropping her head on the table with a thump. "You just don't understand…." She cried, making Rima roll her eyes at her.

"So, help me understand then."

Ruka huffed when she heard that face Rima once more. "You see, Rima. When the whole campus labels you a bitch. Well you unconsciously act like one. Until you don't even know if the people around you are lying or not."

Rima nodded in understanding. "Okay, I get it. You thought he was making fun of you. That got you to act like you wanted to see the Melodious King but in truth you—" Rima's deduction was cut off by Ruka's shrill as she banged her fisted arms on the table repeatedly.

"I WAS PANICKING, IT WAS A CONFESSION FOR PETE'S SAKE!" Ruka whined, now pulling her hair out as multiple guilt words popped everywhere on her form. " HE WAS SO SINCERE AND BEFORE I KNEW IT MY PANIC AND IDIOTIC SELF TURNED TO BITCH MODE THAT GOT HIM AWAY FROM ME!" Ruka continued much to Rima's displeasure. Resulting for a pocky to be brutally smashed by Rima's teeth.

"I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I SAID!" Ruka shrieked, as tears that had taken the shape of waterfalls poured out from her eyes. "AND THE NEXT DAY HE DID NOT EVEN TALK TO ME! NOW IT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR TWO YEARS! WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHAT SHOULD I DO?" Ruka sobbed, as her questions became her mantra as she swung her arms to the sky. Wishing to get some answers on what to do with her predicament. The first time a guy had the guts to confess to her and she blew it! Yes, you read it right dear reader. Ruka Souen had never had a boyfriend in her entire life! She never got confessions for she was more focused on her reputation and grades. Rendering her to be fully lacking on the department of dating and confessions.

"Ara,ara, what a spectacle you making me see in the early morning, Ruka-chan!" came a very happy and teasing voice that got the two girls' attention. They both sighed in relief as they saw Yuki Kuran. The little sister of the Melodious King of seduction who was just smiling her usual gleeful smile to the two. As she heads there and sat with them. She was definitely unique for both Ruka and Rima had donned their white uniforms while Yuki was in her black uniform. Being in an influential family, you would think Yuki should be in the Muse. Well, let's just say Yuki prefers to be a Lyre girl for the very reason she could hang with her other best friend Sayori Wakaba and of a certain silver haired who was also in the same situation as she was. (AN: Who do you think? Take a guess.)


Yuki giggled, most of the time Ruka was the coolest and collected in their group of friends. But now, Socialite Ruka will have to step aside as Drama Queen Ruka is now catwalking in the runway.

Patting Ruka's head and nodding to give comfort to this toffee haired girl who had been crying her eyes out, Yuki eyed Rima and questioned Rima on what was happening through eye contact.

Rima took another pocky from her stash and crunched away before facing Yuki using the pocky like teacher's stick, pointing it at the sobbing Ruka in Yuki's arms. "Long story short. Our drama queen regrets she became a bitch to a hot stud."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Yuki exclaimed, then gaze back to the crying mess on her arms. Ruka had instantly shrunk and she looked nothing like she was. If Yuki was being honest she is now imagining Ruka to be in her chibi form and sobbing away. "Who's the hot stud?" Yuki asked, excitement in her voice. Ruka had never shown interest in any boys in the campus so much that she thinks that Ruka was a lesbian. But that thought went down the drain because of this issue.

"A—kat-su—ki Ka-in" Rima stressed, word by word each of it making Yuki's eyes widen and her heart thumping.

For the second time, Yuki couldn't help but do her shrill again.


Hearing that Ruka shivered, then grip Yuki's arms quickly she popped out of her chibi form and was back to her adult form, a heated glare on her face as she invade Yuki's space making the brunette shaking and gazing back and forth between her and Rima.

"NEVER AND I DO MEAN NEVER TELL THIS TO ANYONE. GOT IT?" Ruka glowered, that got her a frantic Yuki nodding her head quite rapidly. As quickly as Ruka became dark is as quickly she reverted to her crying mess. As her glower disappeared, it was replaced of tearful ones and eyes that had bulge themselves out. Waterfalls of tears drenching Yuki.

"Eh? Ruka-chan calm yourself down. Please! Calm yourself!" Yuki felt her uniform being drowned by Ruka's tears yet the lovely toffee haired girl did not relent and continued to become a source of tearful water.

"WHAT SHOULD I DO? HE HATES ME! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!" Yuki was shakened by Ruka as she cried those words. Making the young brunette feel queasy.

"Ru-ru-ruka—cha-chan" Yuki stuttered as she felt her brain being rolled inside her skull due to Ruka's actions. When she turned for help to Rima well…

Only a pocky crunch was Rima's answer…


"And that's the last one." Zero grumbled as he dumped every pink carpets, frills and curtains to his package boxes. Finding the wooden theme of the room suited him far more than the pink bubblegum mess it was once. Using his hand to swipe his sweat covered forehead. He took off his shirt just in time for Kain to open the door.

"Huh?" Zero looked back to see a stupefied Kain whose burnt orange eyes widened and his shaking hand still trembling while it keeps it hold on Zero's room door knob. "Oh, Kain it's you. I was about to take a quick shower before changing." Zero casually said, oblivious on the meaning of Kain's gaze on him. For Zero, it was a normalcy since their both guys. If only he could hear the fast thudding marathon of Kain's heart, he would have believed otherwise.

As he undressed his shirt and was going for the buckle of his belt was the exact time Aido came barging on. "Hey, Kain. That was rude I was talk—" the blonde's words was cut off as his whole body became rigid and trembled at the scene before him. His vision was zooming in quite shakenly to Zero's exposed flesh to the taut muscles, to the pink nipples, to his creamy neck, to his violet eyes, only to have his heart explode as his gaze ended on that pouting succulent lips. By God! It was pouting. It was freaking pouting.

"Um, Aido. I asked you a question." Zero reminded an unconscious adorable pout on his face,for the blonde seemed to not have heard his question on how the blonde knew of his name. Yet, Aido made no move or even a sign that he heard what Zero asked. Poor oblivious Zero he doesn't even know the impact of what he was doing to the guys in front of him. Hands on the buckle of his belt he cocked his head to the side, eyes sideways glancing to the cousins. As the rays of the sun hit his profile Kain and Aido's eyes widen much more as sparkling glittering dusts, golden halos, and white feathers had popped out giving Zero a God glow.

Well that's their imagination….

But for Zero, he frowned seeing the glazed expression of both the men in front of him. It was starting to piss him off. "Oi! What wrong with you two!" he demanded, pouting more.

Like a balloon that was given to much air inside, Aido's heart felt clenched and tight and when he saw that pout became more intense. He lost…

"Cheeeeeeeeeee!" Kain and Zero was startled by Aido's yelp before the blonde himself squirted blood from his nose and fainted right away.

Kain grunted then quickly check his cousin's condition. Zero forgetting about undressing quickly head to the bathroom of his room and took some tissue. Then head back to Kain's side who was busy shaking his idiotic blonde cousin to snap out of his faint. "Here, use this." Zero handed the tissues to Kain. Kain cleaned the bloody mess on Aido's face yet the nosebleed was rampant. With that happening Kain gave a concerned look to Aido.

"I shall take my cousin to clinic, I leave you to your changing Zero. You know your way around, here right?" Kain signaled, torn between placating his own worry for both Aido and Zero. The reason he came to Zero's room was to get to class together with Zero but this blonde goldilocks of stupidity had to ruin his chances and follow him. Kain sighed with that in mind.

"It's fine." Zero answered as Kain lifted up Aido like a sack and head out.

"What the blazes happened here?" those words got Zero and Kain to stiffened as they were caught by Kaname who was going to head back to his office.

"Um, Aido fainted and Kain's going to get him to the clinic." Zero answered for them. Kaname glared sharply at Kain and the sack of goldilocks he had on his shoulder that had his nose still bleeding, resulting for drops of blood to fall to the marbled floor.

"Get that bloody mess of your cousin out of here then. I'll have the servants to clean this." Kaname ordered calmly albeit his garnet eyes were blazing with anger. Seeing that Kain gulped and head of in a swift run leaving smoke in that. All the while not minding how shaken up Aido was getting.

"That was fast." Zero commented making Kaname turn his attention to the silver haired only to quickly cover his blushing face with his book. For now, he understood why Kain was blushing and Aido's collapse with a bleeding nose. There, standing at the doorway was none other than a shirtless Zero with his belt loose.

"Zero, do dress yourself up." Kaname ordered quite coldy, refusing to meet Zero eye to eye.

Zero narrowed his eyes at Kaname. "What's wrong with it? Those two came at the middle of my changing." He reasoned only to have dread creeping unto his bones and skin as he saw Kaname sighed and close his book revealing a smirk placed on his lips. Zero hated that smirk it meant trouble for him.

"I see." Kaname grinned that got Zero to flinch not liking one bit the mirth reflected in Kaname's eyes. "Well then." Kaname continued inching closer to Zero. "Should I consider this as an invitation for me to ravish you again." Kaname hummed in delight deliberately eyeing up Zero's form from up to down, creeping the hell out of Zero.

"DON'T GET ANY IDEAS YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Zero shrieked, blushing as he did so and slam the door on Kaname's smirking face that just got the brunette to laugh much to Zero's irritation.

Kaname chuckled and head on his way to his office, finding Zero's flustered expression the highlight of his day.

Things are really starting to get interesting here…

He thought as he strode to his office slash quarters. A few more steps, Kaname halted as he realized with fury that Kain and Aidou had seen Zero in that state.

"I will surely deal with them later." He whispered darkly, his once happy mood turning sour and bitter.


Kaito was now in a train leading to the Cross City with a very pissed Toga Yagari.

"You couldn't just go and get your boyfriend like that? You had to even get me involved with all your shit." Yagari scoffed, puffing a cigarette.

"Fuck this! I will get Zero back and as my teacher you're coming whether you like it or not!" Kaito shouted. "You did say that Cross Musical Academy Headmaster was your old pal right?" He insisted, with his eyes glowing in such light that Yagari wanted to just escape then and there.

Yagari couldn't help but regret ever mentioning his relations to Kaien Cross, he wanted to forget that man's face for the obvious reason that sometimes that old friend of his is acting pretty much like a lunatic.

Seeing the determined expression on Kaito face had him worrying what would happen in Cross Musical Academy.


Ichiru was ready to go to his classes. As usual he was just glad that as he was going there he saw his onii-chan trying to escape yet again. But thank goodness Kaname seemed to have an antenna for those actions.

Which led him to be clinging to Zero's arm to make sure his onii-chan would head to class per order of Kaname. The twins stopped on their tracks as many of the students were piling up on the door of their classroom building. With that they tried to head in, only to be dumbstruck as they saw none other than…

Pale silver moonlight hair…

Lips red as sin…

A curvaceous figure donning the world class fashions…

Zero thought the world had stopped tormenting him but it seems, it wanted to make fun of him more.

The woman now in front of the twins released a bright smile that besotted all the boys around her and had girls screaming their hearts out. Lavender tinted glasses was gone as a smooth creamy hand took it off revealing astonishing sakura pink eyes that reflected joy as it settled on the twins jaw drop expression.

"Hello, Ichi-kun, and my Zero-hime." The woman teased coupled. "I'm back. ~ho~ ho~"

The twins look at each other then back at the woman who continued to stare at them with mirth as she flips her long moonlight silver hair.

"Shizuouka oba-chan!"

For story purposes. Shizouka is the twin's aunt.

Swiftaryazimagicreators' thoughts