
Cross dresser

Jang Seo ya, a wealthy but cold-blooded woman, had gotten a call from the hospital notifying her that her twin brother had been in an accident. “In the meantime, please act like me and look after my CEO,” her brother said before losing consciousness. Seo ya was taken aback by his remarks since he's asking her to work as a secretary for her brother's CEO, which is a homophobic—the type of person she hates the most. While investigating her twin brother's accident, Jang Seo ya tries to figure out what she did to turn a cold-blooded homophobic CEO into a gay who is head over heels for her. A homophobic and a LGBTQ supporter, what type of romance awaits them?

Jangmirhoses · Urban
Not enough ratings
152 Chs


Third Individual's POV

Seo ya looked at the window pane of the room, and admired the scenery. "I'll make them pay," she said, grinning. In the meantime, at one of the most grand buildings in the world—Lee Corporation, a man in his 20s smashed a flower vase into pieces.

"What kind of attitude are you showing right now to your father, Tyler Lee?" A man in his 40s said, with a frown. "What else? I'm showing that I'm angry at what you did, father," Tyler Lee said, a 24 year old man, the CEO of Lee Corporation.

"What did I do so wrong, son? I only set you up with a few blind dates, and you're acting like that? How childish," his father, Johann Lee said.

"Don't get me wrong, who wouldn't get irritated? You literally hooked me up with every woman you met," Tyler said. "HAHAHA! Aren't you glad that I'm trying to hook you up inorder to avoid being single in your entire life?" His father asked with a chuckle.

"I never once felt glad. In any case, what is it this time? You engaged me to someone, again?" Tyler asked with a sigh. His father nodded and said, "Yes, Indeed. You're going to meet her sooner or later so make sure that you'll capture her heart at any cost."

'Capture her heart at any cost. You always say that,'Tyler thought. "Fine. However, if she doesn't exceed my expectations, expect me to reject her," he said with a smirk.

"Goodness, is there anybody who can handle this icy personality of yours?" His father asked, raising one of his eyebrows. Tyler went in front of the window, and said, "There is one."

His father was left with surprise. "Oh? Who's this extraordinary person?" He asked. "There is one but," Tyler looked at his phone and saw a message from Seo Hyun, stating, 'I'm coming.'

"It's a man," he said with a smile as he closed his phone. His father stood up and yelled, "A man?! Goodness, do you like him?" Tyler frowned and said in disgust, "Like him? A man? What nonsense is that? Of course not. Why would I like someone with the same gender? Thats a sin, isn't it?"

"Ah right. I forgot that youre a homophobic jerk," His father said, frowning. "That's right. I don't know why on earth there are people who respect the LGBTQ community, when there isn't even something to respect off," Tyler said, making his father agitated.

"Ha, what did I teached my child to make you be like this? When did you learn all of those things? Goodness, don't be harsh. The people in the LGBTQ community are human too, like you. They hold feelings, and they have the right to be who they are," his father explained, however it seems like Tyler just ignored him.

His father sighed and thought, 'If that accident never happened, then would your point of view against people in the LGBTQ community change? Would you respect them, like you always do in the past?'

"Are you done explaining, father? Now then, with all due respect, can you leave? I've heard enough. I'm a busy man, and you know that. I think it would be the best for you to leave now," Tyler said, raising one of his eyebrows.

Johann sighed and left without a word. "Goodness. It's him, and his life lessons again. I really hate listening to all of that stuff," Tyler said with a frown. Tyler sat on his swivel chair, and checked out the documents in front of him.

"He's rather late," Tyler said, indicating someone he's waiting for. All of the sudden, the door to his office opened, and when Tyler raised his chin to check out who it was, he was shocked to see Seo Hyun, or should I say, Seo ya in disguise of Seo Hyun, standing in front of him with a smile.

'To be frank, earlier, upon dressing up as a man, I received a message from my brother's CEO on Seo Hyun's phone, saying that he should hurry up and go back to the office. And so, here I am, in his stead,'Seo ya thought.

Tyler was starstrucked. 'He looks different. Is it because he used to wear eye glasses, but not today? His vibe is also different. Is this me, going insane, or something else?'Tyler thought.

"You're late," Tyler said with a glare. 'He didn't even mind knocking on the door, what's up with him?'Tyler thought. "Ah, am I? Sorry then," Seo ya said, walking towards him with a fiery Aura.

"So, what's the reason why you called me here?" She asked, raising one of her eyebrows. "Ha, have you gone insane? I called you here, normally because you have to finish the task I assigned to you," he replied. "Task? Oh, I see. Where's my office?"

"Did you have memory loss or what? Your office is the room beside my office," Tyler said, in the midst of losing patience. "Memory loss? Hmm, sorta. Anyways, since I'm here to finish those so-called tasks, adieu," Seo ya said, making Tyler dumbfounded.

"I see, you lost your respect for me after losing some memory," Tyler said with a glare. Seo ya gazed at his eyes and said, "And I see, you lost your mind." "What?" He asked, surprised.

"Who would respect a person, when that person doesn't even respect them? Such idiocy is making my blood boil," She said, showing a dumbfounded reaction. "Ha," Tyler said, leaving him speechless.

After a while, Seo ya went to the room beside Tyler's office. The moment she went inside, she widened her eyes. "So this is his office huh," she said, as she admired the large number of books arranged on a shelf.

She went to Seo Hyun's desk, and saw a large variety of papers. "Is this what he meant by tasks? How dare he? Did he make my brother work all night and day, just to be able to finish this piece of trash?" She asked herself.