
Wedding (2)

After entering the palace Hayley went straight to the room assigned for Ginny and when she entered the room she saw Ginny standing in front of mirror all dressed up in her white wedding gown. It was an off shoulder ball room gown and there was long trail attached to it which had lot of crystals embroided on it and they were sparking like stars whenever they caught light and her hair all up in a bun she looks like a princess in her wedding dress. Ginny looked away from the mirror when she sensed someone on the door and turn around to see that Hayley standing on the door she was looking beautiful. Ginny smiled after seeing her there and asked "How do I look?" " you look like a Princess just walked out of a fairy tale" Hayley responded while walking towards Ginny when she reached her she pulled her in hug. Hayley wasn't able to control herself while they were hugging they heard Nora's voice coming from the side " Be careful Hayley don't mess with my master piece." Hayley pulled back from the hug and said " oops sorry I got too emotional." " I can understand I did something like that when I first saw her in that dress" Nora exclaimed. Hayley turned to look at Nora, Nora was wearing her bridesmaid dress and looking rather beautiful. Light blue color of dress going well with her peach colored skin and her hair was loose. After praising both ladies in front of her, Hayley turned around to exit the room. " I am going to meet Keith now" she said while walking towards the door when she heard Ginny's voice, stopping her in her tracks. Ginny handed Hayley a box to give it to Keith and said whatever was inside the box he had to wear it and she also warned Hayley not to open it before giving it to Keith. Hayley smiled at Ginny and the left the room. Keith room was situated on the opposite side of the same hallway. She knocked before entering the room and there she saw all four of them and then she gaped. They all looked like some anime character dressed smartly straight out of some Manga Comic book. Not a hair out of place. Keith was dressed smartly in his black tuxedo while other three dressed in white tuxedo. Although she expected Aaron to be in white but why two others were in white but whatever the reason for them to dressed up like that they all were looking breathtakingly handsome. While Hayley having her moment four of them having their moment also, the moment Hayley walked in like some fairy princess even Tyler couldn't help but got mesmerized by the beauty that Hayley excluding today again. Aaron and Caleb both were stupefied by the vision in front of them for one moment they forgot to breath if not for Tyler's comment they both would have standing there looking at her having this stupid reaction on their faces. When all of them composed themselves, Hayley was the first to break the silence " you are looking handsome Keith" she said while walking towards Keith, Keith raised an eyebrow to her comment not that he didn't believe her comment on him looking handsome he raised an eyebrow because she took his name instead of calling him brother. As soon as Hayley realized her mistake she spoke up again " I mean you look so handsome brother" since that day in car to calm him down when Hayley called him Brother for the first time, from then on Keith always insist that she should call him Brother now, first Hayley felt awkward but then got use to it but still sometime she forgot to call him by that term which earn her this kind of reactions from Keith. Well after this matter got settled Hayley extended her hand towards Keith in which she was holding the box which Ginny gave her few minutes back. Looking at the box Keith asked Hayley rather confused " what is it?" Hayley said " I have no idea, Ginny told me to give it you and tell you that whatever is inside this box you have to wear it for the wedding ceremony." After this Keith opened the box and saw diamond broach in it. It was in shape of swan and it looks very beautiful. " A gift from bride to bridegroom" this time Caleb commented. Keith looked at his gift from his future wife for a moment and the he literally ran towards the mirror and started to pin the broach to his tuxedo coat. When this all ends he turned around the four people standing in front of him and looking at them as if asking for their opinion and this time it was Aaron who spoke "Ginny has a good taste I must say" and Keith smirked after hearing this and then he said with a tone full of over confidence " of course she has a good taste that is why she chooses me to be her husband." " Ok if you two are done flirting with each other then can we go back to discuss the problem we were discussing before when this beauty queen entered this room" Tyler commented. Hayley who was trying to hold her laughter after Keith and Aaron's exchange burst out laughing after hearing Tyler's comment. After hearing her laughter they all smiled. When she was able to control her laughter she asked Keith " what is the problem Brother". " The photographer we booked for today just called and said that his flight got delayed because of bad weather so he can't be able to make it to the wedding on the time" Keith replied.