
I Am Back

When Hayley and Caleb reached the ballroom the atmosphere was as lively as Hayley thought it would be. Everyone was chatting excitedly among themselves. All the prominent families in the country were present there so it was a great opportunity for people to connect with each other and strike a deal or two. Hayley thought it was best for her to first find Keith and Ginny and show them her face so that they could relax. When Hayley reached Keith and Ginny they were having a conversation with one of the partners so when Keith saw Hayley no matter how much he wanted to yell at her he couldn't.

After a while it was time to dance and Tyler being Tyler suggested that they should play a game and that was everyone dance in a circle with their partners and as the stanza of the song got over men will exchange places with the person beside them so this way everyone present there had the chance to dance with everyone else present there. Hayley was unaware of this plan of Tyler's because she was busy looking around to spot Aaron anywhere in the room but still she wasn't able to spot him. That was when Caleb came to her and said " Miss Phillips can I have a pleasure to have this dance with you?" Hayley looked at the man standing right in front of her with a sweet smile on his face looking charming as ever, his smile made Hayley smile too and she replied by holding his hand and uttering a yes and that was how the dance game begun.

When the first stanza changed Caleb twirled Hayley and when she completed one circle her partner was changed and then again stanza change. When stanza changed Tyler was standing in front of Hayley and said "hello there" to that Hayley just smiled and they started dancing. When partners changed for the ninth time Hayley got to see the man she was waiting for, Aaron. He was standing right in front of her smiling and they started dancing it was the last song of the game. Hayley danced with Aaron and Hayley said to him "You look better now", to that Aaron smiled and said "Thanks to you".

Zac was busy clicking pictures of the just married couple when his eyes fell on another couple in making. When he looked at Aaron and Hayley dancing together he couldn't stop himself from clicking their pictures. These two just look picture perfect.

It was not just Zac who thinks that these two looks picture perfect, there were two other people in the room who thinks that one was Ginny who was dancing with her husband on her wedding day but her eyes were fixed on Aaron and Hayley and second one was Caleb who saw them dancing although he didn't want to admit it but he was jealous and he was jealous to this point that he didn't even realized that he was gulping down one drink after another.

While they all were having their own moments in this epic wedding, there was another part of their story just entered there city. A woman dressed in normal jeans and t-shirt exited the airport of the city, although she was dressed simply people couldn't help but turn around to have a look at her, that kind of aura that woman was radiating and she was simply beautiful. She boarded a car waiting for her and she smiled and looked at her mobile screen "I am back my love."