
Crocodile sand fruit (suna suna no mi) in Hidden Sand Village(Naruto)

-Mc dies and meets ROB - Gets some powers, pretty obvious which - born in—— (pretty obvious.. spoiler, not konoha) - orphan but not really - weak to strong -AU verse - book has a complete rough copy script so it will be complete in due time. Guaranteed - Gimme your power stones to show some support. Please review and write comments, lemme know what you think. I don’t care if it’s good or bad as long as it’s a decent review or about something important then I’m fine with it. However depending on the type of trolling or just pure hate, I may delete comments.

covestar · Anime & Comics
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Kazekage’s speech- Will of Sand

"Let me tell you of the Will of Sand". Suddenly it becomes quiet again. Everyone knows the speech by heart but they are still excited to hear it again from the mouth of the kazekage. When it comes to brainwashing, you have Konoha's third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi at the top, however Rasa is still a close second. The Kazekage begins the speech of the Will of Sand.

{MC's P.O.V}

When the wind dances,

one shall find sand.

The sand's shadow will illuminate the village,

and once again the Wind shall flow evermore.

Our wind will unceasingly blow, and the breeze shall flow.

We shall flow and become with the sand and our will, shall never fade.

To those who possess the will of Sand, everyone is family.

Our sand shall be calm for the village and our sand will wash away thy enemies.

If you are of Suna, then find your will of sand!

When the wind dance, the sand shall blow,

the sand shadow shall illuminate the village,

and once again,the Wind shall flow evermore!!

The silence from before the speech is now gone, everyone suddenly erupts with cheers. 'Will of Sand eh, still pretty good. A little worse than Hiruzen but still good. Even I am a bit affected by it. After the Kazekage's speech, the instructors are leading the student to their separate classrooms.

The classrooms are from grade one to grade four. First years are assigned to grade 1 and the students preparing to graduate are grade 4 students. Depending on your prowess, whether in ninja skills or academics, you are placed from grade A to grade D.

A is for the adept and accomplished class, the is were most clan kids stay. Class B are the brilliant class on their way to class A, the most capable civilians are here and sometimes get moved to Class A. Class C is for the critically capable, this is were most clan kids that are not that talented or bright stay, after all it would be an insult to place them at the lowest class, they also stay here with some medium talent civilians.

Class D is were the dirty and dumb stay. No one says that openly but it is equally understood by everyone, even the instructors understand this too. This class are for majority of the civilians with no ninja background, they are not that smart either.

People in this class either stay at genin rank for the rest of their lives or break out of the village to became thugs and bandits, there is no hope for these type of students, even the instructors don't teach them properly or take them serious, though some do try and persevere but the ones that persevere are mostly not talented enough and give up to find another means of a better future.

I am heading to my class with my instructor, I just found out that I am in class B. I guess they still show enough respect to my uncle and put me here, even though I am not his biological son. My results were pretty good and was better than most of the clan kids. They look down on me too much because I was an orphan with no background. I'll show them sooner or later, then they will know to never look down on me.

A/N: How was the speech.. It was pretty good. Haha thx, I made it myself. Muahahaha.

Anyway, from what we have read so far. Mc seems a bit prideful. That's to be expected, he did not enter the world of Naruto just to be some cannon fodder