
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 73 - The Bleeding Widow

<p> After I got dressed, I set Panko carefully upon my shoulder — despite his looks, he wasn't as heavy as I expected, though for such a small creature he definitely had some heft to him. Thanks to long claws, he easily holds on, laying his belly comfortably on my shoulder and folding the hidden plates to almost meld with my shoulder. 'So squishy,' I note as I walk out with my new shoulder piece. <br/><br/> As I leave the building (which was a plain brown as opposed to the colorful walls of other buildings), I survey the damage. The people have been working quickly; the minotaur had only done exterior damage to the taller buildings, and the shorter and smaller ones were nearly halfway built already. "Woww. Check it out, little dude."<br/><br/> "Krr?" Panko purrs, looking at the construction happening in front of us. Since the minotaur hadn't been able to go on a rampage through the entire town, the repairs weren't bad, and it was easy to hunt down the stray monsters inside the wall.<br/><br/> At least, that was what I had heard.<br/><br/> Looking about, I spot blue chains lifting building blocks, tools, and a few other things I couldn't make out under the bright blue of the chains as they passed up items for the builders, and begin walking that way.<br/><br/> My movement is caught in the corner of Eni's eye, and she turns to look at me as I approach. She finishes handing off the last item, retracting and dispelling the Spell holding the weapons.<br/><br/> "Lot easier to do that when you're not multitasking, huh?" I note with a grin. She rolls her eyes. "Shut up. Are we heading out today then?"<br/><br/> "Not sure," I reply. "I need a new weapon and probably some armor."<br/><br/> She raises an eyebrow, pointing at my shoulder. "Looks like you started collecting some already."<br/><br/> "Oh, this is Panko. Say hi, buddy," I give Panko a small nudge in his side and he pops up, inspecting Eni. "Yip!"<br/><br/> Eniyala, for once, can't keep it together. "Awww. Hii, Panko! Who's a good little Roller? You are!" She scratches under his chin, causing him to purr lightly. She glances at me quickly before continuing. "I'm sorry you were so unlucky to get him as an owner, and have such a weird name. I would have named you something good like… Squarie!"<br/><br/> 'Clearly, Eniyala's naming sense only worked when it came to Spells.'<br/><br/> I pop out of my thoughts, looking around. "Are the shops open?" <br/><br/> She shrugs. "Ask Lynsel. He's been more around the back area, helping move goods and the like."<br/><br/> I nod. "I will. Thanks, loser."<br/><br/> "How am I a loser if I've beat your ass twice?!"<br/><br/> I ignore her comment, as I'm already walking away, heading closer to the center of town. As I do, I notice the damage considerably lessen, until there's none at all. It's eerily quiet, since everyone is either helping move all materials to either the destroyed wall or the back of town. <br/><br/> It takes a few more minutes for me to reach the area where all the stands have been set up. Since Raeki and I were so critically injured, they made space for us in the closest undestroyed building, but this is where the rest of the injured, newly homeless, and those generally just needing shelter had gone. There was a stall to give out food, and other materials at other stands, like pillows and blankets, and cheap Manaphones to contact family.<br/><br/> The funny thing about Manaphones is that 'remembering someone's number' is actually remembering someone's Mana frequency. Even if they didn't have a phone, since the Lines target your unique frequency, you would have this feeling that someone is trying to talk in your head. It was like remembering four complicated numbers or letters instead of ten digits. <br/><br/> The feeling itself, I still wasn't fully used to, as it happened to you right before your phone interpreted the message for you.<br/><br/> Focusing back on the task at hand, I head towards a small smithing shop in the back, halfway into an alleyway. The windows display simple, yet strong looking pieces of armor and weapons, and the lights inside shine bright to potentially indicate they might be open.<br/><br/> I walk over, scratching Panko's chin — to his delight, of course — and inspect the name of the store.<br/><br/> "The Bleeding… Widow?" I mutter, staring at the sign of two intertwined people, with a drop of blood in the small space between their bodies. "How weird."<br/><br/> I open the door, hitting a small bell, and catching the tail end of a conversation.<br/><br/> "You simply can't threaten your sister like that, dear child."<br/><br/> "But, Gramps! I didn't use the knife this time!"<br/><br/> I heard a loud sigh from behind the tall stands. "I don't know if that's better or worse…"<br/><br/> I round the corner to see the old Dwarf and little Elf I had just parted ways with. "Ah… this is awkward…"<br/><br/> "Mister Klum! You're here! And Panko!" Taisha calls, waving in a hectic manner. 'She really does have a different type of luck… Wait, what was that about a knife?!'<br/><br/> "Yeah, I came to get some gear… Mine broke in that last fight," I admit, pulling my worn armor and broken blade from my Inventory. "Old man, you own a smithing shop?"<br/><br/> He gives me a small, grumpy 'harrumph.' "Boy, are you assuming I own this shop just because I'm a Dwarf?"<br/><br/> "Uh, well, mostly bec—"<br/><br/> "Racist!" He says, pointing harshly at me.<br/><br/> I can only sit with a blank face at the remark, until he's willing to listen. Gleefully, and not fully understanding the situation, Taisha points her finger at me too. "Racist!"<br/><br/> The old man begins to chuckle, and before I go to explain myself, he stops me. "Worry not, my boy. I understand you came to the conclusion due to our open conversation and my standing behind the counter, yes?"<br/><br/> I nod, and he laughs once more. "Good, good. I hope you'll accept my apology. This old geezer likes to have a bit of fun, you see."<br/><br/> It doesn't feel like I have a say in the matter, anyway, according to the evil glint in his eye, so like a certain bobblehead Paladin, I just keep nodding. "Don't worry. I accept your apology."<br/><br/> "Good! Now, let me see that trash."<br/><br/> I lay the sword, then the armor on the counter, and he holds up the sword, a few chips of metal falling off the end and toppling down the blade back to the counter. "Hmm, a crappy copy of Holy Rend… and some light armor that wouldn't even protect your Crested Roller there. I'm assuming you want new equipment handmade? And if my old mind is correct, we're to give you any service you request, yes?"<br/><br/> I wave my hands out. "Oh, I can pay if you need money, but…"<br/><br/> He cackles. "Don't worry about it! It'll be a gift from me. Hmm… Though, do you have any high-grade materials to use? It will improve the quality."<br/><br/> I think for a second, before pulling out the cube with the demon parts, and a handful of Boar tusks. "Would these work? I'd also like to use the tusks to make a sheath for the weapon, if possible. I also have this, but…" I grab the Amorphous Shape I earned from the Slime I defeated a while back, setting it on the table.<br/><br/> The Dwarf strokes his scruffy chin, eyeing the cube before picking it up and inspecting the contents. "By Galir…" he mutters, his jaw dropping. "Boy, is this what you defeated?"<br/><br/> "…Yeah. Why?"<br/><br/> Without replying, the Dwarf removes an arm, an eyeball, and the torso of the demon, all dehydrated. The blood of the demon was kept in two separate vials. The main thing that caught my eye when he removed it, though, was the core.<br/><br/> "Would you allow me to use all of these items? I understand it's expensive, but I'll make you equipment I promise you haven't seen before."<br/><br/> I shrug hesitantly. "Uh, sure," I say.<br/><br/> "I'll have it for you by the end of today," he says cheerfully, snagging the tusks, Shape, and parts before dashing to the back part of his shop.</p>

I’ll be taking my break early. I’m sorry guys.

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