
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 38 - I Can’t Choose?

<p>It took several minutes of calming Paastia before she could talk reasonably. I even had to swipe the messages behind my back so she could process seeing them before she even looked at them again. <br/><br/> Her soft eyes glare harshly at me now. "Explain why your Class Up pages look like Yamistro's spawn."<br/><br/> Mentally, I note that Yamistro must be some type of devil here. Maybe there were six Devils and six Gods?<br/><br/> Turning my mind back to the matter at hand, I quickly re-explain for the third time how my "Statbook" had changed to what it was now. Once she hears that I'm a Reincarnate, a shaky grin grows on her face. "What a rare coincidence. I happen to be one as well. Were you from Kn'a'in?"<br/><br/> "Nein? Like.. no means no nein? Or the number?"<br/><br/> She sighs. "I guess it WOULD be too much of a coincidence if you were. With the low number of Reincarnates there are already, I haven't heard a Reincarnate find another from the same world once."<br/><br/> I listen solemnly, not bothering to reply. I had originally thought that I could reminisce about Earth if I found another Reincarnate, like I sometimes saw in shows and the like, but clearly that wasn't ever going to be the case. Still, I found some solace in the fact that I wasn't the only one who came from a different place than Puria.<br/><br/>Seeing that she was now more comfortable, I decided to bring the screens out again, swiping it from behind me with my hand. She takes a closer look at the screens themself first. "It reminds me of the technology in this world. So advanced looking," she notes, causing me to wonder if that Nine world was even more behind in advancement than Puria was to Earth. Finally, she reads the messages, her eyes growing wide and glowing.<br/><br/> "You have a sigil, too?" she asks incredulously, and I nod. <br/><br/> "You're so strange. An 18 year old Reincarnate who's only Level 10, yet has an Unfound Skill, plus your Unfound Reincarnate Skill, which we all get. And he clearly doesn't know much about the world. Let's not mention whatever your Statbook did to itself. It's…"<br/><br/> "Weird?" I fill in, and she points at me affirmatively, nodding. "That."<br/><br/> I shrug. "What can I say? I have two weeks of experience to my name. Literally."<br/><br/> She laughs, not really taking me seriously, before she places her chin into two of her fingers as she ponders the screen in front of her. "The only times I see only one Class option are with people with no talent. Those without proper strength or an appropriate Stat spread for their abilities will only have the Adventurer Class to pick, but you don't even have that option."<br/><br/> "However, your one Class is Unfound, so I wouldn't worry too much on that front. I haven't even seen a Class that rare, and my class is Super Rare. Perks of being Reincarnates, right?" She gives a cheesy smile. "Anyways, I won't pry too much into how you became so chummy with the one Saint who refused to have a disciple for over 300 years, and instead I'll just tell you you can select the Class to view more information about it."<br/><br/> Following her advice, I tapped on the Class, but to my surprise something else happened.<br/><br/>[The Class is being automatically selected.]<br/>[Congratulations! The user is now a 'Sword Saint's Disciple'!]<br/>[View Class information? <br/> Y/N]<br/><br/> "Well, not like I had much choice," I wonder to myself quietly. The muttering causes Paastia's eyebrow to raise, but I'm too interested in learning about my new Class to notice.<br/><br/>[Y]<br/>[Sword Saint's Disciple (1):<br/> A Class reserved for prodigies with the blade. This Class becomes available for those selected by the current Sword Saint. Extra bonus: The user is the first with this Class, so there will be added Perks.]<br/>[Class Perks:<br/>- When the user wields any type of sword, dagger, or other similar blade type, Movement Speed is increased 10%, and Atk Speed is raised 12%. These effects can stack with Skills and Buffs.<br/>- The user gains 1.5x EXP when fighting against an enemy with a bladed weapon.<br/>- The user gains 50% Progression automatically to locked weapon-related Skills.<br/>- Rather than having points redistributed for the user, equal Stat points to the user's Level will be refunded for distribution at the user's discretion. Skills reliant on Stat requirements will not be degraded.]<br/>[Class Cons:<br/>- The user cannot learn magic.<br/>- The user loses 2% Movement and Atk Speed when utilizing any other weapon, even some bladed weapons.<br/>- Any Common Skills or below will be lost.]<br/><br/> "…"<br/><br/> Both my and Paastia's mouths fall open, but neither of us can make a sound. Finally, after being frozen for an eternity and a half, I manage to formulate enough thought to pull up my Life Statscreen.<br/><br/> "…Holyyy shit."<br/><br/> "What?? Did it reset?" While she can see my Class screens, my Stats stay securely private. Well, except for Eniyala.<br/><br/> But, sure enough, my Stats were reset, including all the achievement points. Not like I needed to be told, really. As soon as I had read it, I had realized how narrow my senses had become, and how clunky my body felt again, meaning a lower Instinct and Dexterity again.<br/><br/>[Name: Klum]<br/>[Age: 18]<br/>[Lv: 10]<br/>[EXP: 140/640]<br/>[Class: Sword Saint's Disciple]<br/>[Health: 40/40]<br/>[Mana: 45/45]<br/>[Stamina: 40/40]<br/><br/>STR: 8 MAG: 5<br/>AGI: 9 DEX: 5<br/>VIT: 6 INT: 11<br/>Free Stats: 51<br/><br/>ACC: 7<br/>DEF: 7<br/>POW: 8<br/> <br/>[Skills: Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound), Sword Saint's Sigil (Unfound), Disciple's Mastery (Legendary), Critical Eye+ (Super Rare), Erratic Swordsmanship (Super Rare), Underdog (Super Rare), Analyze+ (Super Rare), Skill Hermit (Rare), Slash+ (Uncommon), Sprint+ (Uncommon)]<br/><br/>[Spells unavailable]<br/><br/><br/> This was a lot to take in.<br/><br/> I now had 51 Stats to redistribute, or hold onto if I wanted. Not only that, but I had two new rows of information, and a Legendary Skill to boot. <br/><br/> I skip over my Class. I had already seen what there was to see there, so no point in lingering. Instead, I distribute the points how I thought they might best fit for how I currently fought.<br/><br/><br/>STR: 14 MAG: 10<br/>AGI: 25 DEX: 15<br/>VIT: 9 INT: 20<br/>Free Stats: 3<br/><br/>ACC: 20<br/>DEF: 11<br/>POW: 15<br/><br/><br/> Checking over them one last time, I nod. "This'll do."<br/><br/> Even though spells were 'unavailable' to me, I still needed to up my Mana in order to use several of my Skills properly, so I invested a couple of points into it as well. As I grew and potentially continued to upgrade Skills, I would also grow it to keep up with those, but otherwise it had no significance to me.<br/><br/> Thanks to raising a few stats, I watch a few of my Skills upgrade once again with a small smile growing on my face.<br/><br/>[Slash+ has upgraded to Fury Slash.]<br/>[Critical Eye+ has upgraded to Critical Sight.]<br/><br/> Now satisfied, I looked up with a smile at Paastia, getting up to leave. "Thanks so much for this!" I say quickly, trying to leave.<br/><br/> A devilish hand closes over my ankle, locking me in place. Even if I put the three points I had left into Strength, I had doubts that I would be enough to overpower this crazy High Priest, who had an unsettling glint in her eyes.<br/><br/> "I hope you're providing ample compensation for my services, dear Reincarnate."<br/><br/> "A-aha… I almost forgot! Sorry about that…"<br/><br/> Just because I had an abundant amount of money now, living bill to bill for three years had made me immensely possessive of every Gold I held. Still, I relunctantly pass over 12 Gold to the woman.<br/><br/> She accepts it with a warm smile, as if she hadn't just turned into a Gold-crazed beast. "Also, let me get your Line. Like I said, it's rare to meet a Reincarnate, so I'd like to keep in contact, so I can watch how you grow." With a wink, she pulls out the flask again, downing the entire thing in three quick gulps. <br/><br/> I sigh. I knew the drunkard Priest wouldn't let me say no, so I take out my Manaphone, powering it on by inserting my Mana before handing it to her.<br/><br/> She taps away before handing it back to me, showing I now have five contacts. I didn't remember it, but Lynsel's Line had also somehow been added to my phone.<br/><br/> "Take care now," she said with an innocent wave. I grumble, but a sharp look from her plasters a fake smile on my face as I wave back. "Byeee," I reply in a girlish voice, before turning and quickly walking back out of the building.<br/><br/> I'm barely given a second to take a deep breath before my phone begins ringing. I fear it may be Paastia demanding I come back, but thankfully it's just Eniyala.<br/><br/> "Where are you? Are you Level 11 yet, you growth freak? I'm bored, tell me where you are."<br/><br/> Despite her teasing words, I can hear the grogginess in her voice. She had probably just woken up. I laugh. "I've already surpassed your Level, actually. Got my Class and everything. Unfound Level."<br/><br/> "Ha. I know you get crazy lucky, but you can't think I'm that dumb."<br/><br/> An evil grin spreads on my face. "Just wait," I reply smugly. "I'll be there soon."</p>