
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 33 - Get Up, Luke!

<p>The sounds of ear-reverberating cheers and the clashing of blades echoed throughout half the city, reeling more people in like fish to see what the commotion was.<br/><br/> As the stands steadily continued to fill with viewers, I did the best I could to fend off the rapid thrusting attacks of Lillock's sword, sparks flying all around us from the speed, and our feet dancing two different tunes. 'He's like a wild animal,' I pant, jumping backwards to create space so I could breathe.<br/><br/>[Sprint+ Skill was activated.]<br/>[Critical Eye+ Skill was act—<br/>[Lillock Prospect has activated Skill Ste—<br/><br/> "Where do you think you're going!" the man shrieks, and with two spinning side steps he instantly closes the distance between us, swiping up with his sword. I deflect it, but the flexibility of his blade causes it to bend, flicking off and cutting a gash right above my eyebrow. "Fuck," I mumble as a red waterfull cuts the left side of my vision off for the second time this week. "How the hell does he move faster when my Agility is higher?"<br/><br/> "You know, hiding your thoughts like that is so rude. Do share with the group, yes?" he sneers, clearly enjoying this. Somehow, he was still overpowering me, even with a rounded-up 18% increase to my stats. Still, I refuse to give up, and raise my blade up near my shoulder again. Lillock sighs, flailing his arm about ever so slightly. "Your thrusts are so boring. Hit me with more power! Be rough! I can take it from you."<br/><br/> I ignore the ridiculous taunts that could easily be misunderstood without context, pushing my blade forward again. He parries again, irritation taking over his overexaggerated features. "I'll show you how to attack like that properly!"<br/><br/>[Lillock Prospect has activated Skill Heavy Thrust+.]<br/><br/> As Lillock drew his arm back, I saw my chance. I copy his form, drawing my elbow back. His irritation grows, and as Mana enters both of our blades, he takes three quick steps forward, his feet looking as if they were flying, and I take a single heavy step.<br/><br/> TING!<br/><br/> Lillock's blade whipped around wildly, but the tip never moved, as it was locked against the end of mine. He couldn't hide his shock as he saw what I had done, and the icing on the cake came immediately after.<br/><br/> Ding!<br/><br/>[User has learned Skill Heavy Thrust.]<br/><br/> "Huh." I hadn't actually expected to get a Skill from it, but I would take it. I took another step forward, sliding my blade up and pushing to the left of the man, sharply turnt lines curving suddenly towards his chin.<br/><br/>[Lillock Prospect has activated Skill Step.]<br/><br/> My blade cut into nothing as it swung, and Lillock stepped lightly back another step. I immediately used this to my advantage, however. <br/><br/>[Critical Eye+ Skill activated.]<br/>[Please select an area.]<br/>['Torso' was selected.]<br/><br/> An X appears in Lillock's left side. This is mostly problematic due to the fact he was left handed, but…<br/><br/> I didn't have time to think as he closed the distance again, raising his rapier up menacingly. <br/><br/>[Lillock Prospect has activated Skill Rapid Strike.]<br/><br/> Gusts of air began blowing with more and more intensity as several stabs came at me at once. If not for my movement buff from Erratic Movements and Underdog, I would be skewered, but as it was my strange movements could only mostly stop the onslaught, and several scratches appeared upon my armor. <br/><br/> If the normal sword style was thought of as sweeping, circular motions, mine was rigid, more squarish. This style wouldn't be nearly as viable the way I had been using it. If, of course, I didn't have my passive skill.<br/><br/> I took a few steps back, assessing my next move, but the man halted suddenly. Subconsciously, he reaches across his body and places his hand over his side. 'Shit. Can he tell somehow?'<br/><br/> "Is there something there? Why do you keep looking here?"<br/><br/> "Uh… yeah, an extra piece of fat. It's disgusting."<br/><br/> He growls, dashing forwards again. Fortunately, this means he takes his hand off his side. Unfortunately, I'm so far on the defensive I can't even begin to wonder how I might counter him.<br/><br/> "I'm… sorry… didn't mean… it… I can trim it off for you?" I force out in between blows. He increases his speed, and I continue to stay on the defensive. 'How do I best catch him off guard?'<br/><br/> He wasn't faster than me; I had put 4 points into my Agility, and with my buffs I was above him. 'So what is it?'<br/><br/> As I parry and deflect more and more attacks, cuts begin opening all over the edges of my body and front, especially my hand. My Health steadily continues to whittle down and all I can do is grit my teeth and endure. His blade is just too flexible.<br/><br/> Wait. Flexible.<br/><br/> I had said I would abuse the fact he was flexible to win. I had expected him to be nimble, but I was wrong. Being nimble came from a higher Agility, and even then, with his stats, he shouldn't be able to attack this fast. He was using his Dexterity to increase his flow and effortlessly connect his attacks, to create a blinding speed that I almost couldn't keep up with.<br/><br/> But… What was I supposed to do about it?<br/><br/> As I continued to defend, I checked the cooldown for Klum's Reincarnation again.<br/><br/>[Cooldown remaining: 34 seconds]<br/><br/> Well, shit was about to either hit the fan or end splendidly. <br/><br/> I push my speed to the limit, and I slowly start pushing back, regaining some control. Lillock's face grows red, but the blows from both sides are being exchanged so fast that words can't be exchanged. <br/><br/> In the heat of the moment, our blades split, and we wind up. I set my blade into the thrusting position once again, as he does for his.<br/><br/>[Lillock Prospect has activated Skill Heavy Thrust+.]<br/>[Skill Heavy Thrust has been activated.]<br/><br/> My body feels in peak form. I was already now keeping up with Lillock as I had continued to speed up, and I had full faith in gaining double Dexterity at this moment. I just had to—<br/><br/> Ding!<br/><br/>[Klum's Reincarnation Cooldown complete!]<br/>[Activating Klum's Reincarnation…]<br/>[DEX reduced to 1.]<br/><br/> "Motherfuc—ack!!"<br/><br/> As I instantly redirected the force I was pushing into my blade backwards, my left hand flew up and was stabbed through the palm by Lillock's attack. Due to the force of the Skill, I felt every bone in my hand nearly shatter, and cried out in pain. To top it all off, my left heel caught on the ground. My decreased coordination couldn't keep up with my increased speed, and I turned into the likes of a toy as I was flung backwards limply, tumbling until I finally rolled to a stop several feet away.<br/><br/> Blood rained from the tatters of my left hand as I made it up to my knees. As I unsteadily locked my unbloodied eye on the second extremely arrogant man I had met in this world, I watch him swipe at the ground, knocking my blood away from the sword in a swift cloud of dust. <br/><br/> "I'm sure you're thinking, 'he won't kill me, this is just a spar!'" he sneers, guessing what was on my mind. "I did say… you have yourself a duel, didn't I? Those go until death."<br/><br/> 'Fuck. Get up, me.'<br/><br/> My mind was determined, but my body wouldn't listen properly. I shakily slid my leg under me, but it just caused me to fall backwards, hitting the back of my head on the ground and causing a flash of colors to enter my vision, swimming about aimlessly.<br/><br/> "I never asked. What is your name, runt, before I kill you?"<br/><br/> "Luke," I choke out slowly.<br/><br/> "What an odd name. No matter. Feel graced that you were defeated by this rapier."<br/><br/> "You're a rapi—"<br/><br/> "Get UP, Luke!"<br/><br/>* * *<br/><br/> Eniyala was given a small VIP box to spectate in, as she knew one of the fighters. Surprisingly, the green-haired man from before was also there. They exchange names and pleasantries before the battle, and both watch the fight intently, although in opposite manner.<br/><br/> The bright woman stares with an almost bored expression upon her face, but her mind is desperately trying to keep up with the accelerating movements of her party member and his competition. She had seen plenty of Klum and how fast he grew, even the fight against the man who razed their village, but…<br/><br/> 'He can't really be expecting to always be able to win against stronger enemies, can he?'<br/><br/> Of course, if Eniyala's Analyze was at the same level as Klum's, she would be able to see the effects of Underdog, but as she didn't, she simply thought the young man was arrogant. Which, he was quickly becoming as he continued to get stronger, so she wasn't completely wrong.<br/><br/> Meanwhile, Lynsel had his hands tightly clamped together, leaned forward in his seat with his eyes locked on the scene. He wasn't really able to see what was going on, but he was hoping for Klum's victory. Eniyala wasn't sure why he was so invested, but she decided not to ask.<br/><br/> One of Klum's eyes was covered in trails of blood, locking it closed. His other had a purple glow emanating from it, yet Eniyala could tell from here that it was retaining its normal shape. <br/><br/> She didn't know what it was, but when his eye changed color, one of the few Skills she had never heard of was activated. <br/><br/> Klum's Reincarnation, Erratic Movements, Underdog+, or Critical Eye+.<br/><br/> She had experienced it first hand several times now, but whenever he used whatever Skill it was, his blade would randomly do an insane amount of damage, usually even cutting something off. He had even cut one of the Bulls straight through the spine and perfectly halved it. 'But why isn't he using it?'<br/><br/> There was a brief moment where both of them pause, and it happened.<br/><br/> Klum's eye seemed to spin slowly, growing four stubs in its iris. Eniyala's fist subconsciously clenched, and she fought back a smile. 'Finally. It's over."<br/><br/> But…<br/><br/> The fighting resumed, and Klum was taking more damage as time passed. 'Is he waiting for something?' The girl pondered as she attempted to understand. The fighting eventually came to a crux, as both the fighters wound up. Then—<br/><br/> A small flash emanated from the engraving in Klum's right arm, so quick that most of the stadium missed it. Eniyala noted it, but the events that followed pulled an involuntary gasp from her lungs.<br/><br/> Klum's other hand was skewered through as he suddenly retracted his attack, and his form quickly melts as the bones within it broke. At the same time, he trips and falls back, slamming his head against the hard floor of the arena. He was clearly dazed, and his left hand hangs limply, attempting to fall from his wrist as he clumsily props it up. His competitor began to speak, and the announcer conjures a voice amplifying spell right behind him. A sigil appears behind the man's head as he continues, "…you're thinking, 'he won't kill me, this is just a spar! I did say… you have yourself a duel, didn't I? Those go until death."<br/><br/> Eniyala frowned. That was only half true. Klum could also forfeit, but it was clear the man had no intention of letting him know that. It wasn't like she could tell him; she was no good at yelling, and the cheers of the crowd would drown her out.<br/><br/> "I never asked. What is your name, before I kill you?" He continues, looking down at Klum who was shakily attempting to get to his feet.<br/><br/> "Luke," he spits out. Eniyala only knew the name for one reason: when he was dreaming, Klum would call out a few things in his sleep. One of them was a name, "Christy," while the other was him repeatedly saying "It's me, Luke." It was obvious to her what that meant.<br/><br/> Luke was Klum's previous self.<br/><br/> Transmigrating worlds so suddenly was an incredible shock, and while normal Reincarnates would have years to process as they were reborn as infants, where their mind would eventually adjust to their new life and their mindset would reset to match their age.<br/><br/> But Klum's mind was only two weeks old.<br/><br/> With the head trauma he had, she understood how confused he had become, and a touch of worry began to grow in Eniyala's heart. <br/><br/> "What an odd name. No matter. Feel graced that you were defeated by this rapier."<br/><br/> Maybe she should try saying something. She opened her mouth, drawing in a breath.<br/><br/> "You're a rapi—"<br/><br/> "Get UP, Luke!"<br/><br/> Eniyala stared in shock at the light voice of the man that had just screamed his heart out next to her. Yet, she felt incredibly invigorated a moment later, as if all the energy in her had doubled. "Why…"<br/><br/> Movement from the arena disrupted her, and the whole crowd quieted down. Even Lillock had frozen in shock.<br/><br/> Klum's back had arched, as he slowly lifted up to his feet. His head trailed behind, and the scene made everyone wonder if he had died and been reanimated. The earlier worry was struck from Eniyala's body as his head snapped forward suddenly, and a bright purple crosshair in his eye locked onto Lillock.<br/><br/> "Second wind, bitch."</p>